Post: 'Battlefront 3' Remake headed to steam
06-06-2016, 05:54 PM #1
Smells Like Teen Spirit
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Long ago, in a galaxy far far away........

A third installment to the original Star Wars Battlefront series was in development but was never really completed and release due to "game industry" reason. Well A group of modders were able to get together and said "fuck it, if they won't make it then we will dammit!" and with that they got started on making a Star Wars Battlefront 3 remake called Galaxy in Turmoil based off concept art and leaked footage of the canceled third game. Today it was announce that the people behind the Remake struck a deal with Steam and will be releasing it on steam when it's completed for free, which really isn't that surprising seeing how how if they were to charge then Disney would come down on them harder then the Death Star on Alderaan.

A look At the teaser for the game:

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