Post: ControlConsoleAPI 2.80 REV4 (CCAPI)
11-11-2013, 05:34 PM #1
FM|T Enstone
Bounty hunter
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Current version : 2.80 REV4

Hello everyone,

CCAPI is a software that establishes a connection between your ps3 and your computer. You can control your ps3 from your pc. Some CCAPI functions:
Debug non-fself & fself in real time
Real time memory edit on CEX/DEX
Wire(less) connection
Module loading
Modify idps and psid
Edit console Leds
Ring console buzzer
Get ps3 temperature

Compatible firmwares:

CFW 4.21, 4.30, 4.40, 4.41, 4.46, 4.50, 4.53, 4.55, 4.60, 4.65, 4.70, 4.75 CEX or DEX + 4.66, 4.76 CEX or DEX
Cobra/Non-Cobra, 4.78 CEX or DEX, 4.80 CEX or DEX, 4.81 CEX or DEX, 4.82 CEX or DEX, 4.83 CEX

VSH module loading:

- create a directory in your /dev_usb000/ called plugins
and put all your sprx plugins into, it should be
All of the sprx that are present in this folder, will be loaded at ps3 boot.
Important: If some games refuse to work, just don't use plugins (delete plugins folder from /dev_usb000)

How to install CCAPI?

Just download and run the ccapi pkg on your ps3.
It will tell you to reboot, and it's done. You only need to do this once.

How to uninstall CCAPI?

Just run again the pkg.

Console Manager:

Add consoles (name/ip) usable in all ccapi tools
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  • 2.80
    (rev4) Added 4.83 CEX support
    (rev3) Added 4.82 DEX support
    (rev2) Reduced memory use
    Added ps3 TOOL support (with DEX/CEX kernel only)
    Added console finder into consolemanager
    Added vsh menu
    Added 4.82 CEX support
  • 2.70
    (rev6) Added 4.81 DEX support
    (rev5) Added 4.81 CEX support
    (rev4) Added 4.80 DEX support
    (rev4) Added 4.80 CEX support
    (rev3) Added 4.78 DEX support
    (rev2) Added 4.78 CEX support
    (rev2) Added 4.76 DEX support
    Added other platform support
    Optimized network bitrate
  • 2.60
    (rev7) Added 4.76 CEX support
    (rev6) Added 4.75 DEX support
    (rev5) Added 4.75 CEX support
    (rev4) Added 4.70 DEX support
    (rev3) Added 4.70 CEX support
    (rev2) Added 4.66 CEX support
    Added 4.60/4.65 support
    Added Cobra support
    Added SetBootPsid/SetBootIdps/SetPsid
  • 2.50
    Added 4.53/4.55 support
    Added a console list
  • 2.00
    Reduced memory use
    DLL (C++ / C#) released to build programs for ccapi
  • 1.00
    Original version

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Last edited by James reborn ; 11-25-2018 at 09:10 PM. Reason: Added most recent update.

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08-09-2015, 04:58 AM #1325
The Stev
Little One
Originally posted by MW2Qu1cksc0pez View Post
How do i do that?

Not sure about pc but on your phone just press my comment and then quote :p
08-09-2015, 05:05 AM #1326
Originally posted by MW2Qu1cksc0pez View Post
How do i do that?

look close to the reply button you will see another icon white arrow circled in black itll say quote
08-09-2015, 07:06 AM #1327
Did it work?
08-09-2015, 09:13 AM #1328
The Stev
Little One
Originally posted by MW2Qu1cksc0pez View Post
Did it work?

Nope haha :p
08-11-2015, 12:43 AM #1329
Gym leader
Tool not working for me. Somehow it won't connect to the PS3 unless I turn off Windows Firewall. Outbound connections are blocked for other RTM tools except for this one. How can I solve this and connect to PS3 without disabling Windows Firewall?
08-12-2015, 09:34 PM #1330

Is there a way to change the fan speed in real time using this?
08-14-2015, 04:22 PM #1331
I have a question, im always use psnpatch to go online but when I install ccapi psnpatch plug-in doesn't work even the message from psnpatch doesn't appear... Isn't possible use both apps???
08-15-2015, 04:41 AM #1332
hi im new to all this but i put the .pkg on a usb and put it in my ps3 but i dont know where to install it on the ps3 from there ? any help ? much appreciated cheers.
08-18-2015, 01:21 AM #1333
Mr Smithy x
Former Staff
Originally posted by FM
Current version : 2.60 (Rev 5)

Hello everyone,

CCAPI is a software that establishes a connection between your ps3 and your computer. You can control your ps3 from your pc. Some CCAPI functions:
Debug non-fself & fself in real time
Real time memory edit on CEX/DEX
Wire(less) connection
Module loading
Modify idps and psid
Edit console Leds
Ring console buzzer
Get ps3 temperature

Compatible firmwares:

CFW 4.21,4.30,4.40,4.41,4.46,4.50,4.53,4.55,4.60,4.65,4.70 CEX or DEX + 4.66,4.75 CEX

VSH module loading:

- create a directory in your /dev_usb000/ called plugins
and put all your sprx plugins into, it should be
All of the sprx that are present in this folder, will be loaded at ps3 boot.
Important: If some games refuse to work, just don't use plugins (delete plugins folder from /dev_usb000)

How to install CCAPI?

Just download and run the ccapi pkg on your ps3.
It will tell you to reboot, and it's done. You only need to do this once.

How to uninstall CCAPI?

Just run again the pkg.

Console Manager:

Add consoles (name/ip) usable in all ccapi tools
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  • 2.60
    (rev5) Added 4.75 CEX support
    (rev4) Added 4.70 DEX support
    (rev3) Added 4.70 CEX support
    (rev2) Added 4.66 CEX support
    Added 4.60/4.65 support
    Added Cobra support
    Added SetBootPsid/SetBootIdps/SetPsid
  • 2.50
    Added 4.53/4.55 support
    Added a console list
  • 2.00
    Reduced memory use
    DLL (C++ / C#) released to build programs for ccapi
  • 1.00
    Original version

Download link

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Should make a jar version so that people can mod cross platform just saying

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