Post: Untethered iOS 9 Jailbreak (with Verbose, Custom Boot Logo, and Code Injection)
09-10-2015, 03:00 PM #1
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"Poking into iOS 9 is fun. A little annoyed at some new things. But very surprised at how similar it is to iOS 8 internally.

Worth noting, iOS 9+ arm64 iDevices now enforce a checksum on __TEXT/DATA.const regions of the kernel through the use of TrustZone. Modifying said sections will cause the device to panic (either at kernel or EL3 will force a reboot if the kernel refused to gracefully panic). Essentially, it's KPP (Kernel Patch Protection). You can race it though if you want to play with things. Just be quick! ;P

Also, there should technically now be two additional partitions (baseband_data [s1s3] and logs [s1s4]) but didn't really bother with those as they weren't critical."

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09-10-2015, 03:21 PM #2
Hail to the King, Baby!
Glad that it wasn't released, it's kinda funny how a jailbreak has already been managed and Apple think they can stop us. Just wait for the official release.. Won't take too long for a jailbreak release.
09-10-2015, 04:19 PM #3
Originally posted by Dog88Christian View Post
Glad that it wasn't released, it's kinda funny how a jailbreak has already been managed and Apple think they can stop us. Just wait for the official release.. Won't take too long for a jailbreak release.

Secretly Apple won't stop jailbreaking. Ever noticed how all the new things came from jailbreaking before hand?

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09-10-2015, 05:16 PM #4
Hail to the King, Baby!
Originally posted by Alt View Post
Secretly Apple won't stop jailbreaking. Ever noticed how all the new things came from jailbreaking before hand?

True, but maybe they'll keep some open doors but not to make it look done purposely.
09-11-2015, 08:14 PM #5
Knowledge is power Tiphat
Yea that is honestly why I might not jailbreak anymore. Because all of the things I used to do with the jailbreak is now in the iOS itself now. Besides the downloading apps and that sorts of stuff etc, but you know what I mean.

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