Post: ip hider question
08-05-2016, 01:16 AM #1
Do a barrel roll!
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); hey how do i check if my ip is really hidden and do you guys know any other tool that i can use to hide my ip on bo2 thanks*
08-13-2016, 04:19 AM #2
i guess have someone else pull yours...
08-16-2016, 04:30 PM #3
i think u can check threw Perplexed v4 i have Paradox ce which is not free and i can check ip but perplexed is free
08-22-2016, 04:23 AM #4
Former Staff
Originally posted by Jakex09 View Post
hey how do i check if my ip is really hidden and do you guys know any other tool that i can use to hide my ip on bo2 thanks*

get someone else to pull ur IP and see if its hidden

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