Post: Xbox Need 4th to finish Buried Easter Egg's
07-10-2013, 12:25 PM #1
Pokemon Trainer
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); I have a team of 6 people and we have all completed the Easter eggs on all Maps Except Buried.... 2 of our people have been MIA for a while and one of the four just cant seem to do the gun game. So looking for someone who knows how to and is willing to do Buried Easter eggs.

Must have a Mic, Not be obnoxious, and know how to play. If interested hit me up: AnimateWater632

We typically get on around 830-9pm ish Eastern Time.
07-11-2013, 01:47 AM #2
Gym leader
Originally posted by a22shady View Post
I have a team of 6 people and we have all completed the Easter eggs on all Maps Except Buried.... 2 of our people have been MIA for a while and one of the four just cant seem to do the gun game. So looking for someone who knows how to and is willing to do Buried Easter eggs.

Must have a Mic, Not be obnoxious, and know how to play. If interested hit me up: AnimateWater632

We typically get on around 830-9pm ish Eastern Time.

fuck man I dont have mic..imchiefkeefsosa is my gt if ya wanna try

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