Post: Hosting Black Ops XP Lobby (FREE)
07-04-2013, 07:30 PM #1
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Dear Next Gen users, for the next hour I will be hosting FREE XP lobbies.

To get in, just add "Artiic_Flow" as a friend and you have to follow this set of rules if you want the prestige to stick:

  1. Join my lobby
  2. Check whether or not you are host (to do this you need to, as soon as the game begins, check the leaderboards and check if you have a five bar connection if you do you need to leave & re-join instantly)
  3. Kill yourself 4 times (despite after 3 times you get level 50)
  4. Wait until the host leaves (me) then you can wait until you get host and leave
  5. Then sign out of PSN (using the network settings, do not quit the game)
  6. Log back in and prestige
  7. Rejoin lobby
  8. Thank me (using this thread)

Please post your username below when you have added me.

Thank you,
07-04-2013, 07:48 PM #2
Tempest Hitman
Can’t trickshot me!
added under TempestHitman

EDIT I vouch legit Winky Winky

EDIT #2 After a promised 15th prestige, I was deleted for unknown reasons. I did follow all steps above, and I readded him. Update if readded
Last edited by Tempest Hitman ; 07-04-2013 at 09:13 PM.
07-04-2013, 07:59 PM #3
Added, thanks for vouch Smile

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