Post: hosting xp lobby
07-14-2013, 02:11 AM #1
I am error
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Kill yourself 4x to get Level 50, you'll get modded XP -1e+09
If you do more then 4 suicide, you will be reset to Level 1, so dont do more suicide!
If you need CoD $ Points, kill yourself 21x, if you are done, then press start and triangle to check your money and the actually Level, if you are on Level 50 and have positive money then quit.

How to stick the XP?
To first Im gonna tell you, you need a good NAT TYP and good Internet connection to get HOST.
Requirements is NAT TYP Open.(It is only on WLAN)
The 1st way is you need a Internet cabel; Put only the cable out from PS3 after you get Lvl 50 and Put it in again to stick the XP, then do Prestige and join again.

The second way is with WLAN, if you are the Host (after I leave the Lobby press Select button and you can see who is the next Host with the green full bar) so back out then you will see Host-Migration, after that sign out from PSN and sign in again, then you will get the XP to stick, then do Prestige.

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