Post: [Update] On Playlist Update For COD4
08-19-2008, 08:58 AM #1
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Update On Playlist Update For COD4

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In the last post about this topic we learned that adding playlists into a game is not an easy process. It’s been a while since we have had an update on this but wait no longer as fourzertwo updates us yet again on the status of the playlist update.

Right now Infinity Ward is in the testing process and determining wether the gametypes can be added into the game without having a patch. Their plan is to add around 8 gametypes into the playlist. The ones that can be added without any major tweaks to the game will be updated to the game seperately to the ones that need code work implemented into them.

So far there is only one gametype that is confirmed to not need a patch, but that is only how far they have gotten so far. They plan to have four release without a patch and 4 with a patch. They have mentioned some new gametypes as well, check them out after the break.

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From fourzerotwo’s blog:

Hardcore Ricochet Playlist - Currently Testing

We’re currently testing this playlist now to see if a patch will be required for it or not. We should know soon. This is the No Teamkilling playlist. Any damage a teamkiller attempts to do to their team mates is reflected onto themselves only. Therefore, if they attempt to shoot an RPG into the ground at the beginning of the match; the only person who will die, is the Teamkiller. This eliminates the fear of being shot in the back by some asshole, but still encourages players to play tactically and not throw random nades, because if you accidentally hit a teammate, you’re only going to end up killing yourself and they’ll go unharmed. No Teamkilling, No Random Nades. This playlist will include the variant for Hardcore Teamdeathmatch, Hardcore Search and Destroy, and Hardcore HQ.

Sudden Death Sabotage - Currently Testing

Sabotage with no respawns. Fast-paced and intense Sabotage. No more hiding with the bomb until time runs out for sudden death. Increased XP per kills to encourage Team Deathmatch mentality. Defend your objective, while attempting to secure the bomb and plant on theirs. Once you’re dead, you’re dead. No second chances. We’re currently testing to see if this can be implemented without a patch.

Second Chance Search and Destroy - Currently Testing

Search and Destroy with 1 respawn each. This completely revamps your Search and Destroy tactics. No longer will lucky frag or well-placed claymore end your chance of victory. Each player has 1 respawn, creating longer more thoughout attack / defend strategies. Eliminate enemy players, and cut off their reinforcements while you defuse.

Team Elimination (Last Man Standing) - Patch Required

3 round Team Deathmatch w/ no respawns. Switch sides each round. Problem: Round Switch Glitch

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Here are the already known playlists that he talked about in previous posts:

Hardcore Headquarters - No Patch Required

Testing is completed for Hardcore HQ. This playlist has standard HQ rules w/ Hardcore Settings. Limited HUD, Increased Bullet Damage, and Friendly Fire Enabled.

Bare-Bones Team Deathmatch - Patch Required

Team Deathmatch with no perks and no air support. Problem: Slot 1 Perks Glitch

Hardcore Free for All - Patch Required

Free For All with Hardcore Settings. Problem: UAV glitch

Multi-Bomb Search and Destroy - Patch Required

Search and Destroy but all attackers spawn with a bomb. Problem: Planting Glitch

Keep in mind, none of this is officially confirmed as it hasn’t gone through the testing stages by Infinity Ward and Microsoft/Sony.

The following 17 users say thank you to Billy_Boy_07 for this useful post:

[TREE] Lser, +tA.element, Dandyman2, dOlLoFf, Ezexx, JABZ13, Jammyboy91, katracho941, Leo99756, Public Account, NanuGama, Oneinfamous, Shockk, uRnotREDe4dREY
08-19-2008, 10:12 AM #2
The Only Krazy
08-19-2008, 10:27 AM #3
Nice find.
08-19-2008, 01:41 PM #4
thanx but i knew all about this... the only thing i didnt know was about the info on team killers thank god 4 that cant stand them stupid bitxhes
08-19-2008, 02:02 PM #5
Thanks Billy always a good poster.
08-19-2008, 03:52 PM #6
Lets hope it occurs
08-19-2008, 04:08 PM #7
awesome thanks for the find
08-19-2008, 09:28 PM #8
I’m too L33T
thank you for this Billy
08-20-2008, 12:10 AM #9
thanks Billy, i cant wait till these come out
08-20-2008, 12:27 AM #10
thats a good find man

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