Post: new cod4 hack?
09-21-2008, 09:57 AM #1
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); i was playing cod4 today and some guy was aiming like he had an aimbot, it was weird it looked like it worked similar to the pc one, either way he ended up with 2000 points because of double exp and i quit because i hate hackers.. is there any hacks out there or am i just seeing things?

*im not asking for hacks im asking if any one has experienced anything similar*
09-21-2008, 10:16 AM #2
PS3 Guru
they all are patched and he probs a pro man not all people on cod4 are n00bs
09-21-2008, 12:23 PM #3
Will You Show Me How To Hack Because I Cant Do It My Ps3 Gametag Iz St3w_13 Add Me Please
09-21-2008, 12:25 PM #4
Climbing up the ladder
Originally posted by fraz422 View Post
they all are patched and he probs a pro man not all people on cod4 are n00bs

only modding the saved game has been patched, and yh ive experienced this too, i was in a snd at pipeline and i was running across the top of the bank to go to B, and some guy headshotted 4 guys in a row and in the killcam it showed the aim going straight for my head.

The only way we know of is packet iinjection but it is very unrealible and is very hard to do.
09-21-2008, 12:56 PM #5
NGU Oringnal
Originally posted by gops10 View Post
only modding the saved game has been patched, and yh ive experienced this too, i was in a snd at pipeline and i was running across the top of the bank to go to B, and some guy headshotted 4 guys in a row and in the killcam it showed the aim going straight for my head.

The only way we know of is packet iinjection but it is very unrealible and is very hard to do.

That would be crazy

Yeah The Only Way Is To Use Packet Injection
09-22-2008, 08:17 AM #6
explain how a grenade can be thrown across the other side of the field and it just so happens the thing follows you. This has happened several times, and yes I am a noob.
09-22-2008, 06:25 PM #7
PS3 Guru
lol random greandes ether done with n00b tubes or random grenadors i usually try to get some kills that way :L
09-22-2008, 09:43 PM #8
ah man come on its no hack. its me man i am an aimbot hell yea shooting people in the head left and right. Smile.. na jk but hey im still good :P
09-22-2008, 10:05 PM #9
GUMI fanboy
He probaly use packet injection or packet sniffing, Great job for him to find that out.
09-23-2008, 01:16 AM #10
[move]fuk up m8[/move]
i HATE people who use aimbot

freakin unfair!! gay aimbot

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