Post: I wish they'd get rid of K/D ratio.
10-25-2014, 12:15 PM #1
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Having a visable K/D ratio spoils many aspects of this game. Every mode is objective based but people wont even bother with that because they're so worried about their K/D ratio. For example:

- I came across a video on Youtube about a legit way to get a high K/D. Basically the guy went in to Infected, got as many kills as possible, once infected he hid in a corner. I'm assume if he's the first one Infected he just backs out everytime.

- I was playing Drop Zone on Ghosts the other day and despite winning almost every game over the course of 1-2 hours there's a guy in the other team who constantly acts like he's winning because he's getting a lot of kills and few deaths. The killstreaks on Ghosts are poor so I'm holding down the zone for points more than anything. Many people seem to care more about K/D than they do about winning.

- I was listening to an old Painkiller podcast the other day that had Sandy Ravage on it. He commented that K/D should be hidden as people would then focus more on the objective. He's 100% correct IMO. I also think if people were more focused on the objective they'd have more fun with the game.

I know we wont have this in Advanced Warfare but it's just something I'd like to see happen one day.
10-25-2014, 02:33 PM #2
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Originally posted by CovertBilly View Post
Having a visable K/D ratio spoils many aspects of this game. Every mode is objective based but people wont even bother with that because they're so worried about their K/D ratio. For example:

- I came across a video on Youtube about a legit way to get a high K/D. Basically the guy went in to Infected, got as many kills as possible, once infected he hid in a corner. I'm assume if he's the first one Infected he just backs out everytime.

- I was playing Drop Zone on Ghosts the other day and despite winning almost every game over the course of 1-2 hours there's a guy in the other team who constantly acts like he's winning because he's getting a lot of kills and few deaths. The killstreaks on Ghosts are poor so I'm holding down the zone for points more than anything. Many people seem to care more about K/D than they do about winning.

- I was listening to an old Painkiller podcast the other day that had Sandy Ravage on it. He commented that K/D should be hidden as people would then focus more on the objective. He's 100% correct IMO. I also think if people were more focused on the objective they'd have more fun with the game.

I know we wont have this in Advanced Warfare but it's just something I'd like to see happen one day.

I play for k/d and the win but I favour the win over k/d
10-25-2014, 02:37 PM #3
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Originally posted by CovertBilly View Post
Having a visable K/D ratio spoils many aspects of this game. Every mode is objective based but people wont even bother with that because they're so worried about their K/D ratio. For example:

- I came across a video on Youtube about a legit way to get a high K/D. Basically the guy went in to Infected, got as many kills as possible, once infected he hid in a corner. I'm assume if he's the first one Infected he just backs out everytime.

- I was playing Drop Zone on Ghosts the other day and despite winning almost every game over the course of 1-2 hours there's a guy in the other team who constantly acts like he's winning because he's getting a lot of kills and few deaths. The killstreaks on Ghosts are poor so I'm holding down the zone for points more than anything. Many people seem to care more about K/D than they do about winning.

- I was listening to an old Painkiller podcast the other day that had Sandy Ravage on it. He commented that K/D should be hidden as people would then focus more on the objective. He's 100% correct IMO. I also think if people were more focused on the objective they'd have more fun with the game.

I know we wont have this in Advanced Warfare but it's just something I'd like to see happen one day.

Mainly without K/D the game wouldnt be as competitive as it is now. But the camping aspect of K/D has been boosted ever since BO1 where everyone can see your stats publically without being your friend thats why there is more camping recently compared to older CoD's.
10-25-2014, 02:55 PM #4
Originally posted by EYE
Only ruins the game if you have a shit kd...

The point of the game is to kill each other.. kd proves how good you really are..

maybe have a ratio for captures? (objective like ratio)

As I said before, anyone can have a high K/D by simply playing Infected on a regular basis. I don't invest anything in K/D anyway because I'm an objective based player. When playing a mode like Drop Zone I can finish top of the board and win the game even if I only get 5 kills. When I go in to a lobby I look at the all-time leaderboards and that tells me who has played this game mode the most, and who's been scoring big. For me, that's the best indication of who's either good or bad. Although having said that, it's just stats and I'll be waiting for the game to start before seeing who's who.

You say that having a poor K/D ratio "ruins" the game but I don't understand that. I don't think the amount of fun I have with COD is dependant on my K/D ratio. But then again I don't care about K/D ratio at all. If someone gets too obsessed with those stats and begins dashboarding their games (which I know happens) then I can see why that would ruin the experience and fun for them.

If K/D means a lot to you that's fine. That's why I say keep it hidden but not to remove it. If it's hidden then you can still see it and challenge yourself to keep it high if that's what you enjoy doing. I've only been playing Ghosts for a week by the way because I just bought my next gen console. My K/D right now is 1 which means I'm breaking even for the most part so I'm fine with that. I'll be trading the game in a week from now for Advanced Warfare so like I said, those stats are something I couldn't care less about.
10-25-2014, 03:13 PM #5
Originally posted by iHominid View Post
Mainly without K/D the game wouldnt be as competitive as it is now. But the camping aspect of K/D has been boosted ever since BO1 where everyone can see your stats publically without being your friend thats why there is more camping recently compared to older CoD's.

I appreciate that people want to be competitive. I just think people can become overly obsessed with K/D and that it can result in more camping and dashboarding within the game. I'm certain that when we all get Advanced Warfare a week from now there's going to be a lot of camping because everyone will want to get off on a high K/D. Call me crazy but I think if we all forgot about K/D and just focused on the objectives we'd have more fun.

I honestly blame MW2 for the camping. When that game first released everyone was out on a solo mission to get a Nuke and there was no objective play whatsoever. Many of us who went straight from COD4 to MW2 had a shock initially. The more recent CODs have given more to objective based players (points for capping flags, etc) but I still don't think it's enough.

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