Post: 'MetaGame 101' Perks
11-05-2010, 11:06 AM #1
Former Staff
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); I thought this was a pretty good read, so credits to BlackOps24/7 and ive posted it here for others to havea little read.

As promised by You must login or register to view this content., I'm going to spend this entire article covering what we know so far about the perks and the pro versions in Black Ops. I'll also put together some general perk combinations and give the descriptions for their use in case you were having trouble deciding on what perks to buy and use when the game is released. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the article and we'll get right into it!

Perk Slot 1 (Tier 1)

Lightweight - Move Faster (PRO: + CLASSIFIED)
Changing from its position as a Tier 2 perk in Modern Warfare 2, Lightweight has the same basic effect, yet has been reported that the character does not move quite as fast as we're used to in MW2.

Uses: First line of action / Speed compensation. There aren't too many specific uses for this perk (at least with its base ability). If you have it equipped, you either need to get somewhere - fast - or you need to compensate for your slow weapon mobility. The most advantageous weapons for this perk are SMGs, LMGs, and Shotguns. For a player who feels they are too slow reaching an objective, a fleeing enemy, or when attempting to get to cover, this perk may be most useful.

Disadvantages: This perk is competing against numerously more useful perks for a spot in your load out. You'll find yourself running out of ammo, more susceptible to explosions, and tracked on UAV just so you can use this perk. Is it worth it?

Final Word: Avoid using a Sniper Rifle (SR) or Assault Rifle (AR) when using this perk as there are no apparent benefits for those types of classes. This functionality, however, might change with the reveal of its PRO benefits. If you're considering this perk for any class, make sure you will perform the specific duties it suggests - being at the front line of any encounter.

Scavenger - Pick up ammo from fallen enemies. Replenish lethal grenades (PRO: + CLASSIFIED)
Maintaining its primary role from MW2, we see that it also loses its ability to replenish non-lethal grenades (formerly "special grenades"), meaning less tactical advantages when applying pressure to the enemy. The pro perk has yet to be revealed.

Uses: Support / Assault / All-Around. While most useful for long range and support classes utilizing ARs and LMG, one might find it advantageous for close range encounters should they prove to stay alive long enough to reap the benefits. If a person has a strict affinity for their weapon and their attachments, they might consider this very useful. This perk is best used when a player stays away from the front line of action but moves with the team after the conflict is over, allowing a player to replenish his supply after a battle and setting up the next line of attack.

Disadvantages: Non-lethal grenade replenishment has been lost for those who found it to be extremely helpful (especially in tight situations). In favor of more ammo, you're sacrificing your ability to stay invisible from radar, meaning the advantages for closer range combat seem less useful, especially with your susceptibility to explosives at closer range.

Final Word: If you're going to use Scavenger, you need to be very certain that you want/need to use YOUR gun over a random weapon on the ground. The dangers of using this perk over Ghost in CQB means the advantages are specifically tailored to those who want to keep distance from the combat until it's necessary to advance. This functionality might change with the reveal of its PRO benefits making it useful for other class types as well, but that remains to be seen.

Ghost - Undetectable by the Spy Plane and the Blackbird (PRO: + CLASSIFIED)
Seeing massive change from its predecessors, Ghost (formerly UAV Jammer, Camouflage, and Cold-Blooded) has been moved to Tier 1 and has less functionality in its base format than its MW2 cousin. The pro perk has yet to be revealed.

Uses: Support / Assault / CQB / All-Around. One of the more universally beneficial perks in the game, Ghost allows a player to work without interruptions in most cases; the only way of being detected by being heard by the enemy or seen without map aid. This perk has an effective place in almost any class.

Disadvantages: Without the ability to pick up ammo from bodies, you will find yourself scrounging for weapons on the battlefield as you will often outlive your ammo supply. You also lose the advantage of explosive damage reduction which may be an issue depending on your play style. It's important to constantly be aware of your environment with this perk active as players tend to forget the limitations of this perk and assume their safety more often than not, leading them into trouble.

Final Word: An overall great perk for just about anyone, you sacrifice very little for the gains you achieve from this perk. Also, without the knowledge of the PRO ability, we may see an even bigger gain from this; if not, the base ability is enough to keep this perk as one of the most commonly seen in the game.

Flak Jacket - Reduces explosive Damage (PRO: + CLASSIFIED)
Seeing a return from World At War, Flak Jacket has moved from Tier 2. This is the only damage (of any kind) reduction ability in the game and alludes to the substantial use of explosive devices when the game is released. The amount of damage absorbed by this perk is still unknown, just as the PRO perk.

Uses: Support / First line of action / Shutdown. While the more obvious functions of this perk are to provide support during intense firefights and becoming a tank during explosive spam in objective modes, it also serves as a great first offense when the most explosives are used in order to restrict flanking routes. Players who feel they die more from explosives than actual gunfights might find this perk to be most useful. This is most useful with SMGs, LMGs, ARs, and Shotguns giving it a generally good use with most weapons.

Disadvantages: While being able to survive most close range explosions, you are not impervious to them - meaning you will die if enough pressure is put on you from a barrage of explosives. You also lose your ability to stay off radar and pick up ammo for your favored gun; two very important abilities for most people. As with Ghost, it is important to constantly be aware of your environment with this perk as players tend to forget the limitations it has and assume their safety more often than not, leading them into trouble. SR users have little use for this perk and it would be wise to avoid using it unless there is a particular function that's necessary for your strategy.

Final Word: Flak Jacket has some great advantages as well as great disadvantages; it's important to weigh out your strategy versus the usefulness when deciding on using it. Perhaps the capable underdog of Tier 1, metagame might develop a strong need for Flak Jacket meaning a potentially strong endgame use. Rushers may prefer it over other options due to the survivability one has with it; and support will love the ability to venture into dangerous territory while providing greater cover fire. Objective gametypes (particularly re-spawn-based ones) will be most benefited by this perk. While the PRO perk is still unknown, it is speculated that it will reduce fire-based damage, helping against the flamethrower attachment and the napalm strike killstreak.

Hardline - Killstreaks require 1 less kill (PRO: Re-roll the random item in a care package)
Switching places from its MW2 counterpart, Hardline is now a Tier 1 killstreak that holds the same base ability as before; the new feature being the ability to "roll again" for a new random item in your care package drop at the PRO level.

Uses: Killstreak Support / Killstreak Speed. Alright, let's face it, the only reason to use this perk is if you are the designated high killstreak user on the team. Your sole objective using this perk is to stay alive as long as possible (most likely playing distance) in order to supply your team with all the high end killstreaks. Considering the PRO ability of this perk, you will almost always have to use Care Package in order to get the most from it - not that this is a bad thing when it comes to this perk. SRs, ARs, and LMGs are the most suitable weapons for this perk as you will need to keep your distance to assure that you won't be a primary target when facing enemies.

Disadvantages: Losing the ability of Ghost, Scavenger, and Flak Jacket is just about as disadvantageous as you can get (even more so than Lightweight) as you only have one objective when using this perk; if you can't complete this objective you should not be using this perk. period. SMGs and Shotguns will put you at a disadvantage, sticking you in the front line where it is much easier to die in the heat of the action, making your job harder in the end.

Final Word: It's not a bad perk, but it requires the right person to use correctly. This perk will most likely be seen in team-based encounters where they require support and killstreak cover fire for objective game types or when your team is struggling in a TDM. If you're going to use it, work out a situation and strategy with your team to maximize the potential of the perk and be sure you can pull off what you intend to. Remember - killstreaks can not be used to obtain other killstreaks, meaning you'll have to be sufficient at reaching a 10 killstreak with your weapon alone.

Tier 1 Overview
If we look at this tier overall, it sets the tone and really defines what type of class you're going to be setting up. If we know what Tier 1 perk you choose, it will become very easy to discover your play style and hone in on what Tier 2 and Tier 3 perks you might be choosing to match. Luckily, these perks drastically change your appearance in-game and letting you see your teammates' and your enemy's play style focus at all times. With the first set down, now it's time to move on to Tier 2!

Perk Slot 2 (Tier 2)

Hardened - Bullets penetrate better (PRO: Bullets do extra damage to aircraft and turrets. Reduced flinch when you are shot)
After being converted to a weapon attachment in MW2, Deep Impact has returned as a Tier 2 perk under a different name. The basic ability is the same as it's always been - more bullet penetration for your gun. The interesting new PRO ability, however, might have a grand effect on the metagame; for better or for worse.

Uses: Support / Shutdown / Assault / CQB. While handy for just about any class, this perk works best when used from mid to long range on a LMG, AR, or SR for these weapons' already advanced bullet penetration (ensuring no damage loss through an object and extreme distance through said object); however, due to the PRO ability, it is extremely handy on a SMG during the duels you may have at close range.

Disadvantages: By using more bullets than normal to "feel around" for the kill, you might often leave yourself short on ammo in your magazine afterward without the advantages of Sleight of Hand to help during stressful times. You can also count out your increased hip-fire accuracy, meaning another disadvantage for a CQB player who would benefit most from Steady Aim. If you are a player who wants to use strategic attachments on your weapon, you lose the chance to equip two of these by sacrificing Warlord's benefit.

Final Word: While there's some flexibility to use Hardened with CQB classes, this is mostly allocated towards classes who are playing distance and need to secure the kill at any cost - without having to put themselves in a bad position by chasing the opponent. Your main objective with a class featuring this perk is to never let the enemy escape... ever. Whatever weapon you need to use to get this done, do it.

Scout - Hold breath longer (PRO: + CLASSIFIED)
Seeing a return from its position as Iron Lungs in Tier 3 from CoD4 and WaW, and Steady Aim Pro in MW2, Scout is potentially the most exclusive perk in the game - being a strict "Sniper Rifle benefit only". Until the PRO version is revealed, the functionality of this perk is severely limited.

Uses: Sniper Support. Scout has the unfortunate ability to do one thing only - help a somewhat useless function of a sniper. There isn't anything that I can put here to dress it up to make it a worthwhile choice for players, and for that I'm sorry.

Disadvantages: Even though it has been put in the game to entice snipers to use this perk, they lose the functionality of the more useful perks in the class such as Steady Aim for short range encounters with the rifle still in hand, Hardened's ability to provide better support at range by losing less damage through objects, or for those in favor of a suppressor with the variable zoom attachment - the Warlord perk. These disadvantages highly outweigh the usefulness of Scout's base ability.

Final Word: Avoid it. Until we see what the PRO functionality is, this perk is just about useless. Any good sniper knows that to be effective, one must only hold their breath when necessary - right before the kill. Many targets will appear and disappear behind objects faster than Scout's extended breath holding will be worthwhile. The hopeful future of this perk will rely on its PRO ability, which is speculated as being faster weapon swap. Unfortunately, that myth ability won't be enough to entice players to choose it over a more worthy perk.

Steady Aim - Increased hip-fire Accuracy (PRO: + CLASSIFIED)
Another Tier 3 perk gone rogue, Steady Aim has been moved to the Tier 2 slot, allowing for some interesting perk combinations to complement it. The base ability of this perk has not changed at all, but the yet to be revealed PRO ability will be new, considering its prior PRO form was increased held breath for Sniper Rifles.

Uses: CQB / Assault. While most players will swear by its usefulness for other means, the true benefits to this perk are seen in CQB classes where there is seldom time to ADS with the weapon, or where ADS isn't nearly as effective as a spread of bullets around a fairly close target. As SMGs have seen a hip-fire buff in Black Ops, this could be the perfect complement to the class. For an AR whose hip-fire is not up to snuff even at close range in Black Ops, this might be the best way to give yourself an advantage in CQB when you find yourself in the front lines with an AR.

Disadvantages: Considering this perk is used primarily for CQB, you lose the significant abilities of Sleight of Hand, making sure you always have the right amount of ammo in your gun when you just can't seem to find the time to reload elsewhere. Hardened PRO might be a loss for you if you often find yourself in duels where shots are exchanged; and as always, Warlord is a loss for those with a personal preference towards multiple attachments.

Final Word: Great CQB and close-mid range perk that we can only assume will get better with the PRO ability. When you use Steady Aim, you'll be spending a lot of time in the front lines probably racking up multiple kills to meet an untimely doom from lack of ammo in your weapon. In many cases, this is great for room clearing and advancing your team's position. If this is what you look for in your play style, then this perk is definitely for you.

Sleight of Hand - Faster reloads (PRO: Aim down your sights faster - does not work on Sniper class weapons)
Being a favored perk in just about every iteration of CoD thus far, Sleight of Hand makes a return as a Tier 2 (down from Tier 1) perk that fits in nicely with the other perks in the category and probably making your choice that much harder. The PRO ability has not changed from MW2 except for the removal of faster ADS for SRs.

Uses: CQB / Assault / Support / All-Around. The most likely reason for its favored position in each CoD game is for its universal resourcefulness. From long range to short range and with any weapon, this perk can save your life by giving you enough time to reload and act accordingly in a tight position. The most common uses are for CQB SMG classes and for the Support LMG classes who need the speed to compensate for their slow reload. AR classes may not feel too much advantage due to the range they will be playing at more often than not, giving them ample time to reload without concern. Shotgun classes may experience the most benefit from this perk due to the frequency in which they must reload their weapon.

Disadvantages: For CQB hungry players, the sacrifice of Steady Aim can really hurt their strengths in rushing situations, especially when there are too many enemies spread out. For the distance players, losing the advantages of Hardened can mean lack of a kill and an untimely death of a teammate. Even more is the loss of Hardened PRO with the ability to keep yourself from experiencing that damage view kick (recoil while being shot). Of course, as mentioned above from the other perks, those who have a preference for attachments will lose the abilities of Warlord. Snipers might want to avoid this perk as they lose the PRO ability which would normally be a make or break deal for them.

Final Word: For many people, it will be a tough choice of Sleight of Hand over another perk, and the person questioning this should be thinking about how often they are killed while reloading, or put themselves in a situation where they die because lack of bullets in their magazine. If you are a Shotgun user, this may be the best perk for you to use as you don't have to worry about the benefits of Steady Aim's base perk - it could save your life quite often.

Warlord - Equip two attachments to your primary weapon (PRO: + CLASSIFIED)
Originally seen in MW2 under the name "Bling", Warlord is now a Tier 2 perk with the same base ability. While there are no extremely tactical advantages to this perk, it exists for those with a preference for modifying their gun as much as possible and offers base level perk replacements. While the PRO ability is still unknown, the name change and lack of modifications for secondary weapons suggests that we will not see "equip two attachments for your secondary weapon" return from MW2.

Uses: Assault / Support / CQB. The most common classes you'll find this on are AR and LMG builds due to the amount of useful modifications for these weapons. However, with the addition of the Grip attachment for SMGs, it might become more common place, acting as Steady Aim (base level) while offering a second attachment such as a Red Dot or Extended Magazines which replaces the need for Sleight of Hand (base level) in most cases. SR classes might find benefit in the suppressor and variable zoom combination, especially considering their lack of a strong Tier 2 perk that fits their needs.

Disadvantages: Where the perk's strengths lie in the ability to mimic base level abilities of multiple perks, there is no true replacement for these copied abilities and the PRO versions that could be a strong advantage in many cases. Also, nothing in the lineup can mimic the great base and PRO effects of Hardened. Shotgun classes will also find little to no use for this perk with their lack of customization.

Final Word: This perk is really a hit or miss depending on your class and the role you're trying to fit into. It'll take a lot of thinking on the player's part to decide what's best for them and what they'll benefit most from. As the PRO ability is still unknown, we could see a huge advantage coming should it be the highly sought-after Overkill (allows 2 primary weapons, replacing the secondary) - that alone will highly change the metagame. Until then, however, we'll judge this perk on its base ability alone.

Tier 2 Overview

Unlike the Tier 1 selection, we have a lot of hit-or-miss abilities that are very circumstantial. A player might have a hard time deciding on an ability in this tier, but might have an easier time after deciding on what Tier 1 perk they plan on using - each of the perks in Tier 2 really complement the first very well. We might have to rely on the PRO abilities for the 3 unknowns before a confidant decision can be made, so let's hope for some really unique and useful advantages to come from these. Now on to Tier 3!

Perk Slot 3 (Tier 3)

Marathon - Longer Sprint (PRO: + CLASSIFIED)
Making an extreme polar shift from Tier 1, Marathon is returning to its more humble beginning - Extreme Conditioning. Widely used in MW2 due to the advantages of traversing large maps in a shorter period, the perk may be used quite often for those players prone to rushing wildly into the action. The PRO ability is still unknown at this time, but considering Treyarch's secrecy regarding the perk, it may be a different effect than "climb obstacles faster".

Uses: First line of action / Speed Compensation. As with Lightweight, Marathon is best used when rushing for an objective or when attempting to reach a particular area to lock down at the beginning of a match. Due to the mobility of SMGs and Shotguns, these classes will be most benefited by Marathon's effect, however slower classes may find use when attempting to keep up with the pace of a team that rushes.

Disadvantages: As a perk in a tier with Ninja and Hacker - two very useful perks for a multitude of classes - Marathon may only serve as a temporary or starting perk for many games in which (after death) players will switch to a more solid class. LMGs and SR classes may not find the benefits useful enough to consider sacrificing one of the more handy perks, and AR classes have the freedom to play around with classes supporting Second Chance and Tactical mask due to the weapon being an all-around decent choice for combat. Players are also at a disadvantage when using Marathon as they are more likely to attempt sprinting in unwise situations, causing death in many cases.

Final Word: This perk is one of the more situational perks in the tier, meaning a player should know when and how to use it if they plan on choosing this over another perk. In most situations, a player may find that using this perk for a starting class in a match will be handy, then changing to something more appropriate as the game progresses. As the PRO ability is unknown, functionality for this perk may change - so keep that in mind.

Ninja - Silent movement (PRO: + CLASSIFIED)
Not changing too much from its days as Dead Silence, Ninja's base ability has returned to what it was originally coveted for - the silence. This perk sits among top the most universally handy selection and will most likely return to that glory in Black Ops. While the PRO functionality is still unknown, it has been speculated that you will be able to move through enemy Motion Sensors and Camera Spikes undetected.

Uses: CQB / Assault / Support / All-Around. Living up to its reputation, Ninja in its base form is extremely useful in almost any situation. Half of the game is reliant on sound awareness, meaning if you take that away from the enemy, they will be forced to use other means in locating the enemy - more than likely playing a lot less careless and active in order to maintain caution around unknown areas. CQB SMG and Shotgun may benefit the most from the perk as they will often be spending the most time near enemies and require the extra aid of confusion from lack of sound. AR, LMG and SR will find use in the perk if they are often left behind due to playing distance and require a stealthy retreat from their new found position in enemy territory. In objective based games, Ninja is especially deadly (Search & Destroy seeing the most action from this perk).

Disadvantages: The disadvantages from using this perk stem from the user's poor judgment as this perk requires a certain play style in order to maximize efficiency. Sacrificing the use of Hacker or Tactical Mask means the player using this perk must play more cautiously than normal in order to ensure security from a hectic or bad situation.

Final Word: One of the best selections for perks a new player or cautious player can make is to choose Ninja. If they are unsure of what perk would work best for them, this often provides the smartest all-around results that benefit a team, especially in objective based situations. The functionality for this perk can only get better with the reveal of the PRO ability and may weigh Ninja to be the overall best perk in the tier; only time will tell.

Second Chance - Pull out your pistol before dying (PRO: +CLASSIFIED)
Returning to true form, Second Chance is being revived from its WaW days and seeing the bonus of a PRO ability. With the ability to be revived back in place, the strategy of this perk will once again be used in team strategy in deathmatch gametypes. The new falling animation for Second Chance is an interesting and most welcomed addition to the series, prolonging the player's ability to use his side arm until the falling animation has been completed - players may be shot and killed during this fall animation unlike previous versions in the series which gave the player a temporary immunity during the fall. While the PRO ability is still unknown, it has been speculated that you will have the ability to use equipment while downed, or you will be capable of being revived by teammates without Second Chance.

Uses: Assault / Support. Best used with a mid-range class, this perk allows you to secure a kill while remaining alive long enough to be revived by a teammate. Depending on your reason for equipping this perk, you may also find it useful for obtaining the last kill necessary for your killstreak before you're put to rest for good.

Disadvantages: Due to the new falling animation of the perk, this is not a good CQB perk as your chances of survival in close proximity of the enemy are slim to none and your chances for a kill may be even slimmer. For a random chance perk, you're also giving up the overall advantages of Ninja, the more support oriented role of Hacker, and the defense of Tactical Mask in favor of personal gain and a chance to survive which may put your teammates in danger as well.

Final Word: In the end, Second Chance in its base form is a fairly selfish perk that encourages a more wreck-less style of play due to the thought of being "safe" with its ability. It's best used for those attempting to secure longer killstreaks though it does have its use on a team of players who work together with Second Chance to reap the benefits of the ability. Until the PRO is confirmed, we can only speculate on its overall usefulness and judge how it should be used by its base alone.

Hacker - Ability to detect equipment and explosives (PRO: Hack enemy electronic devices and turn them friendly - Claymore, Sentry Guns, SAM Turrets, Camera Spikes. Invisible to Motion Sensors.)
Taking the concept of Sit-Rep from MW2 to the more extreme, Hacker's basic and PRO abilities make the perk a worthy competitor for your Tier 3 slot. Being extremely handy in just about any game mode, Hacker will provide a formidable strategy for your play style now that every person has some type of equipment built into their load out.

Uses: Shutdown / Support / CQB. This perk is built to have complete control over the view of the map. While mainly used for mid-range classes or flanking classes who have enough time to plot a strategy for countering the equipment and killstreaks without dying, CQB might find use in this perk for the PRO ability's invisibility to Motion Sensors and the ability to see a trap they may be walking in on. ARs, LMGs, SMGs, and Shotguns are all viable with this perk and many play styles can benefit from the awareness it provides.

Disadvantages: SR classes may not find much use from this perk due to the range being ineffective for the PRO ability. Sacrificing Ninja or Tactical Mask can be detrimental to CQB classes and in some cases, Assault or Support classes, making this perk a preference and utility for the team more than personal gain. Players using this perk may also become too comfortable with detecting equipment as their main source of awareness and forget that counter-perks such as Ghost/Ninja can throw them off.

Final Word: Great for completing its purpose and malleable into many classes, Hacker is one of the better choices you can make for a Tier 3 perk, especially if you're familiar with the game mechanics, map flow, and have reasonable strategy skills which can push this perk to its maximum potential. Metagame might change to adapt this perk due to its ability to completely shut down enemy player strategies.

Tactical Mask - Reduces the effects of flash and concussion grenades (PRO: +CLASSIFIED)
After seeing limited success in WaW as a Tier 2 Gas Mask and Shades (two separate perks), it has returned to Black Ops as a Tier 3 two-in-one deal. With its new place on the Tier list and without competing for Stopping Power, this perk may actually see some use in multiplayer. While the PRO ability is unknown, it is speculated that the player can detect where flashed or stunned enemies are - an interesting effect if proved to be true.

Uses: CQB / Support / First line of action. Mostly for the players in the front lines who experience the grunt of the special grenade barrage, Tactical Mask is great for CQB players looking to risk their own stun / flash safety in order to secure a kill. SMGs and Shotguns are preferred for this job, though an AR may accomplish this as well.

Disadvantages: This perk may be a lot of risk versus reward for many people. The overall functionality being limited to the chance of being hit by a flash or concussion grenade in the right place at the right time. Judging by CoD's history, this may be somewhat useful but very situational. LMG or SR classes may prefer a more suitable perk that has a constant advantage for their style of play. Ninja or Marathon may be more commonly used to replace this perk due to their heavy CQB focus that has an "always available" benefit.

Final Word: Situational but extremely useful in said situations, Tactical Mask may be a tough choice for a staple perk, however, it may find a place in your classes as a backup, "just in case" that circumstance does occur. We still don't know the full potential of this perk due to the PRO ability being classified - let's hope that it sees a major buff to sway more people into choosing this over the other more rational options.

Tier 3 Overview
Like its Tier 2 brethren, Tier 3 has a lot of hit or miss abilities, but with a much clearer outlook on the true bread winners of the bunch. There's still a lot to be explored in terms of PRO abilities, so we may just see the underdog perks rise to stardom yet, however, let's not hold to hope. It should be quite easy to determine which perk from this set will be best for your class, and I'm sure that when you see someone's Tier 1 character skin in-game, it will be pretty easy to determine which Tier 3 perk they're using, making your job countering a lot easier in most cases.

Now it's time to have a little fun with everything we've learned and explore the class possibilities for each of these perks. I'll try and separate the classes into what's the most accessible on your first run through when the game releases, to what will require you to have prior metagame skill in CoD to use properly.

Note that these class builds were made prior to the release of all the Perk information available, meaning some things may change when these PRO perks are revealed. I'll be sure to edit this article should that be an issue.

...On to the classes!

Pre-made Classes
I took the liberty of making and explaining 10 classes that will cover beginner skill all the way through expert skill in the game. The descriptions will cover explanations for the loadout choices, what they're used for, and how they operate in deathmatch and objective games. Hopefully you'll get some basic ideas out of these, and I'll let the classes speak for themselves. I'll meet up with you at the end of this list!

Awareness Chart
In each class is a level of awareness that's required to perform decently with what is given. The breakdown is as follows:

Beginner - Player doesn't need to spend time thinking of strategy and can enjoy shooting people at their own pace.

Intermediate - Player requires a basic knowledge of map paths and where enemies are at. Little thought put into strategy beyond "react quickly and stay covered"

Advanced - Player requires a good grasp of map layout and common hot-spots or campsites. Strategy must be considered and is integral to the performance of the class

Expert - Player has an extremely good grasp of all aspects of map layout, hot-spots, campsites, pressure points, map flow, and has a high level of speed and accuracy.

Beginner Classes

The classes in this category are built for entry level game play for a player to adapt to the Black Ops mechanics. These classes will be pretty standard and have a pretty cut and dry approach to what role they're used for.

(Lightweight) (Steady Aim) (Marathon)
Type: The Run & Gunner
Weapon: SMG
Attachment: Extended Mags / Suppressor
Tactical: Willy Pete
Equipment: C4
Killstreak Range: 3 - 7
Awareness: Intermediate

This class is your standard run in, guns blazing. You won't be spending too much time ADS with this class as you'll be too close for it to be effective. The SMG's power and accuracy when firing from the hip combined with extended mags means you'll have enough rounds to clear an entire room (or two) before having to stop your rampage. If you decide to go the suppressor route, you'll be sure to have the advantage and most players won't know you're in their spawn killing teammates before it's too late. The Lightweight and Marathon combo will allow you to be the first in the field - just make sure you don't run in from the center where everyone is looking! Your equipment and grenade choices are up to you for whatever you think is best for the job, however try sticking with a Willy Pete (smoke) for your special as it will allow you to provide a distraction or cover in order to maximize your killing potential. In objective modes, this class is best used for securing the position/objective while letting the rest of your team keep the position locked down from a distance. Get in and get out as quick as possible. Don't plan on getting too many kills before dying with this class so try to keep your killstreaks low to medium.

(Scavenger) (Sleight of Hand) (Ninja)
Type: The Heavy Assault
Weapon: AR
Attachment: Sight / Grenade Launcher
Killstreak Range: 5 - 11
Awareness: Beginner

Your basic assault class, you have the freedom to play close-mid to mid-long range and anywhere in between. This class is one of the standards for beginners that just keeps going and going with your scavenger and sleight of hand you'll always have room for more. After letting the CQB players establish their ground, your job is to take out anyone after your team or attempting to disrupt your objective/position. Try to stay moving as the enemy CQB may attempt to flank you at any time and ruin your killstreak potential. Stick with attachments such as a sight or the grenade launcher which will allow you to adjust to aiming farther away or take out those pesky players whom you just can't seem to kill from your position. Being unfamiliar with the game mechanics, you might find yourself adjusting to a single weapon and expending a lot of ammo which is why Scavenger is there to help. The Sleight of Hand should come in handy for you, allowing the freedom to reload whenever necessary as you may be a habitual reloader or not reload enough, leaving you prone to attacks at inopportune times. Ninja should be good for those players who find themselves working into enemy territory without thinking of the players listening for any footsteps around them, taking you out of the extreme disadvantage you were at before. Grenade and equipment choice is up to you. However, you may find it useful to stick with items that give you better awareness such as Motion Sensor and Decoy Grenade to help prevent any unfortunate encounters with enemies that got the jump on you.

(Ghost) (Hardened) (Second Chance)
Type: The Gillie in the Mist
Weapon: SR
Attachment: Variable Zoom
Equipment: Claymore / Motion Sensor / Camera Spike
Killstreak Range: 3 - 8
Awareness: Beginner

As the standard Sniper class, your job is to make sure you are not seen and that you hit hard. If you're just beginning your sniping career here, you'll find that Ghost is your best bet for staying off enemy radar. Finding a suitable sniping spot is hard enough but you also have to worry about flankers or CQB players ruining your momentum. Hardened will ensure that if you can't hit the target in a visible area of the body, you can shoot their torso that's crouching behind the wall for the kill without problems. Second Chance is for the possibility of the enemy surprising you with an up close and personal attack, giving you a chance to finish him off before dying or being revived by a teammate in the area. At this level, other Tier 3 perks aren't that useful for you, so it's best to stay with something that might give you the extra kill. For your equipment, it's important that your back is guarded, so a Claymore will usually do the trick. However, if you feel comfortable sitting out of zoom to have a constant awareness of your mini-map, place a motion sensor by you as the only way it can be countered is by Hacker Pro - not a typical perk for a rushing class. Your killstreak range should be fairly low and support based as you might not be in the most opportune spot for kills and you have a constant threat of the enemy sneaking up on you at all times. Support killstreaks such as Spy Planes or SAM turrets will help you keep the team out of trouble while you do your dirty work. In objective based modes, your job may be easier as the focus is drawn off of you and onto the action but don't get careless out there!

(Flak Jacket) (Warlord) (Tactical Mask)
Type: The Tank
Weapon: LMG
Attachments: Grip & Extended Mag / RDS
Killstreak Range: 4 - 9
Awareness: Beginner

Suited for players who want the kills but end up in bad situations, Flak Jacket and Tactical Mask will help keep you alive while you hold that trigger on the LMG with Grip. If you have problems with using the Iron Sights, switch out the Extended Mag for a RDS or Reflex Sight allowing you to keep an eye on the action at all times; but make sure you keep that grip! Players with this much firepower will be able to take a little more risk but don't plan on getting too many kills this way. Stick with lower-mid range killstreaks as you might find yourself on a good 6 or 7 killstreak before you go down. Make sure you don't get too caught up in rushing even though you have a higher defense against special grenades and explosives - you don't want to abuse the luxury too much. In objective game types, this class will be near the front of the offense pushing up to the objective while taking all of the grenade throws, rocket launches, and special grenades that come its way. If you find yourself playing mid range in battle and you want to stay in the action, this class may be for you. Equipment is your choice, but you may find fun in C4 tosses or a closer re-spawn with Tactical Insertion.

(Scavenger) (Warlord) (Tactical Mask)
Type: The Mad Bomber
Weapon: AR
Secondary: Launcher
Attachment: Grenade Launcher / Flamethrower & RDS / Extended Mags
Lethal: Frag / Semtex
Tactical: Concussion
Equipment: Claymore / C4
Killstreaks: 6, 7, 9
Awareness: Intermediate

Meant for a total annihilation with explosives, this class relies on the damage radius of whatever you can put in the opponent's way. More for playing the role of assault and support, the class will ensure you inflict massive damage with very little effort. You'll want to slightly distance yourself from the main action as you need the space to survive against your launcher secondary and have the grenade launcher actually explode, but you never want to sit in an area for too long - always think of replacing your artillery by collecting those scavenger bags after you kill someone. In objective game modes, you'll do well by keeping the enemy off of the objective and afraid to make an aggressive move while your explosives dominate the area; let your faster and more mobile teammates worry about the objective at hand. Scavenger is necessary to keep you supplied with lethal grenades and your spare ammo. Warlord gives you all the firepower you need (and if the PRO ability is as speculated, will give you an extra lethal and tactical grenade). Choosing between Ninja, Hacker, Second Chance, and Tactical Mask is difficult, but giving you the option to spam those tactical grenades close to you without the risk of getting seriously hit yourself is a major benefit, especially in a tight spot (metagame pressure). Your killstreaks are set up for a Mortar Team, Valkyrie Rockets, and a Chopper Gunner. You may not have the chance to get many more kills than that, especially with your limited supplies, but these killstreaks should provide a decent reward and be extremely handy for both deathmatch and objective game modes.

Advanced Classes

For those who are more comfortable with the game and can handle their way around the gun, you should be prepared to make more tactical choices to help with honing your skills and your role in the game. Here's some classes that may interest you!

(Hardline) (Hardened) (Ninja)
Type: The Killstreak Junkie
Weapon: SMG / AR
Attachment: Suppressor
Equipment: Motion Sensor
Killstreaks: 5, 7, 11
Awareness: Advanced

So you know your way around a gun; we get it. This is the class for the person who wants their killstreaks fast and can pull the kills to get it. With Hardline, you only need to pull in 10 kills to get your greatest reward, but you still need to be careful. The Motion Sensor should help keep people off your back while you work, and depending on how close you want to be to the action, choose the SMG for closer range and AR for mid-long range hunting. Ninja and a suppressor should keep people guessing where you'll be while Hardened ensures every bullet counts - even through walls. Stick with a Care Package to get the most out of Hardline Pro and use the Attack Helicopter to keep laying down the pressure. Gunship being your final killstreak earns you the reward you deserve, so you can leave your body behind without worry of dying during your kill collection. In objective based modes, find yourself a medium traffic area and start picking everyone off that comes your way. Let the rest of the team get the objectives, you'll give them support after you've put 2 Helicopters in the air and have a random killstreak from a package.

(Ghost) (Steady Aim) (Ninja)
Type: The Spectre
Weapon: SMG
Attachment: Suppressor
Tactical: Decoy
Equipment: Jammer / Motion Sensor
Killstreak Range: 4 - 9
Awareness: Advanced

If you're running this class, chances are the enemy won't ever know you're coming. Your primary mission is to infiltrate the enemy's spawn and either use Jammer or Motion Sensor - then it's time to let the fun begin! Since you'll be spending most of your time at close range, you'll want to make sure you have Steady Aim ready at all times, ADS will be almost worthless here aside from a situational encounters. Since you'll be in the enemy spawn, it's best to stick with lower-range killstreaks that will provide immediate benefit to you without leaving your character's body unattended. Counter Spy Plane is a good choice as it will allow you to confuse the enemy for much longer than normal, and without a short range of a Jammer. In objective games, this class is best suited for drawing attention off the objective and onto the troublesome spectre in their area, basically the decoy that allows the team to work their magic on the actual objective while the enemy worries about you. Be careful about how you enter into enemy territory and take the road less traveled as it will allow you to infiltrate and set up in a more advantageous area to start your massacre.

(Ghost) (Hardened) (Hacker)
Type: The Spy
Weapon: SMG / Shotgun
Equipment: Camera Spike
Killstreak Range: 5 - 11
Awareness: Expert

For those who are well versed in the game, this class will offer you the best of almost all worlds. For sacrificing Ninja, you gain invisibility to motion sensors and the ability to detect every piece of enemy equipment around you. With this in mind, you'll be a masterful close-range hunter who relies on awareness to rack up some kills and probably some nice double, triple, and multi-kills. The Camera Spike is a great tool for placing whichever area you feel the enemy is trying to escape from or an area you think they'll try to find you from. Use this to your advantage and stay on top of their positions, never giving them a chance to breathe without you knowing. The SMG and Shotgun are your preferred choices for this type of close range combat, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. Hardened PRO should also offer a great benefit if you find yourself in head to head firefights, and Hardened regularly will grab you some kills of escaping or hiding enemies that might pose an immediate threat. Since this class relies on how well you stay aware of your surroundings, choose an attachment, lethal, and special grenade best suited for you and the style you play. When it comes to objective game types, you'll be playing similarly to the Spectre, but your job is to stay alive and make sure that Camera Spike is available to help you call out positions for your team. Using the camera and your awareness should get you enough kills for the higher rewards, but never leave your body unattended and never drop a Care Package on an enemy position.

(Flak Jacket) (Hardened) (Hacker)
Type: The Buzzkill
Weapon: SMG / AR / LMG
Equipment: Claymore
Killstreaks: 4, 5, 6
Awareness: Expert

Here's your complete shutdown class. There were actually two options for Tier 3 (Hacker or Tactical Mask), but Hacker allows you to completely ruin your enemy's plans which is the goal for this class which is why we went with it. This class operates under the impression that the player is a strategist who can thwart the enemy's movements before they know they're going to make them. Running with Flak Jacket to shut down any attempts at being sabotaged by explosives, Hardened to ensure enemies and equipment are destroyed while removing the recoil from being shot, and Hacker to correctly read the flow of the map and make their equipment useless, you're going to piss the enemy off and you're going to like it. Playing at close-mid range all game will be necessary to stay on top of where the enemy might be moving next, and it's your job to cut them off. The Claymore will give you some time to stall them or counter a flanker who thinks they got the one up on you, giving you time to rework your strategy if needed. With your killstreaks set at SAM Turret, Napalm Strike, and Sentry Gun, nothing gets by you in the air, or on the ground. The Sentry can be placed anywhere a high traffic area is to pressure an enemy to make bad choices while the Napalm Strike will lay down a wall of fire that the enemy will die from if they think they can pass it. Most useful in objective based game modes or TDM, you counter just about everything and are the true team player.

(Ghost) (Hardened) (Marathon)
Type: The Traveler
Weapon: SR
Attachment: Variable Zoom / Suppressor
Tactical: Decoy
Equipment: Tactical Insertion
Killstreak Range: 3 - 7
Awareness: Expert

With what may seem like a strange combination for a sniper to use, this Sniper follows the code of relocating after every kill. Any smart sniper knows that after each kill, the enemy will know where they are based on the killcam. This class is made for staying mid-long to long range, getting the kill(s) and moving to the next area. Ghost will lower your chances of being discovered while keeping you off of radar in case enemies work their way towards your position. Hardened ensures that even if the enemy tries to run for cover, your bullet will always find them. The choice of Ninja or Marathon is a tough one, but if you're relocating and are constantly on the move, Marathon will get you where you need to go much more efficiently. Depending on the rifle you choose to use, the variable zoom or suppressor will make a good choice (semi-auto rifles using suppressor). As you'll be on the move, you may require a distraction to get your kill (or get away if necessary) which is why Decoy is the tactical choice for you. As there's nothing exceptionally useful about any equipment for this class, Tactical Insertion when used properly can give you a major advantage on the field. Place it on one of your routes so you can respawn to get a deserved payback kill or to a safe and secluded location that allows you to re-strategize. Active sniping is a lot of fun but your chances for good killstreaks is against you - stick with low to medium range killstreaks to ensure you get them with every life. In objective modes, you're put in a tough situation as you might not be the best class for the job, but if you can clean up any stragglers that attempt to flank your team you'll be in good condition. Using this type of weapon actively in the field is tough, so it's important that you're fully versed in good metagame strategies to ensure your survival and effectiveness with this class.

With these 10 classes, that should wrap up this week. Note that these may not be your preferred choices, but I'm covering the basics for those players who are unsure what would be best for them in the game, what they're good for and what their weaknesses are. If you like one of these classes above and feel like another piece to the load out would work better, go ahead and play around with it; as long as you have a starting point you're comfortable with, then I've done my job! I tried my best to choose only what is the substantially better item for the job and left anything non-important to the class available for you to make a personal decision on.

These classes were all created with metagame in mind and for the perks' base abilities. I tried to make the best educated choices for the perks judging from what we've seen and speculated about their PRO abilities. Once these abilities are officially revealed by Treyarch I will go back and make the edits to this article. Thanks for reading this novel of an article and I'll see you next week!

The following 5 users say thank you to xLew-- for this useful post:

Aced, decrulez96, Porter_Justice, RaichuHD, SoLDieRDaP
11-05-2010, 11:11 AM #2
Pixie Lott
Keep it MeLLo
Cba to read all that so im just gunna say Cool
11-05-2010, 11:13 AM #3
Molestation Enthusiast
I read some. I like the thought they've put into the classes. I'll experiment with my own choices and then probably try the classes they've made as it looks like they've put a lot of thought into them. Who knows, they might be the best combinations.
11-05-2010, 11:17 AM #4
Former Staff
i posted them to give some kinda inspiration and info in creating classes Smile
11-05-2010, 12:21 PM #5
Vault dweller
Nice effort, but pro's have been long confirmed, so renders this a little dated and probably not very usefull. Still +rep.
11-05-2010, 12:25 PM #6
Former Staff
it wasnt to show what the pro perks are "/
11-05-2010, 03:35 PM #7
Vault dweller
Originally posted by xLew
it wasnt to show what the pro perks are "/

i know, its an insight though in how to build a class, and pro perks will make a big difference in building said class

The following user thanked grim-reaper for this useful post:

11-05-2010, 03:46 PM #8
just can not be asked to read it all after a school day, good post though.
Last edited by Mr.Kane ; 11-05-2010 at 03:46 PM. Reason: Spelling mistake
11-05-2010, 04:10 PM #9
PS3 hacking is dead
there are videos showing all the pro perks
11-05-2010, 05:17 PM #10
Former Staff
cheers for the nominated post Smile

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