Post: Zombies Interesting Facts + Quotes!
03-31-2011, 08:34 AM #1
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Please post if you would like to see Five + Ascension Added. (Didn't have time at the moment)

Please keep in mind that this is not my work! I am not the author of the Quotes or Facts. Thanks to the hard work of all the contributors at the CoSad Awesome Wiki

Sources (so far):

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[multipage=Kino Der Toten: Character Quotes]
Tank Dempsey

"No power, no glory."
— At the beginning.

"Are you freakin' kidding me? No power!"
— At the beginning.

"Well well well. Look's like there ain't no power."
— At the beginning.

"Gotta have to get the power on, it's like déjà vu all over again."
— At the beginning.

"Yep, just as I suspected. We need to get the power on."
— At the beginning.

"No power. How original."
— Beginning a match

"The Waffle! Killing zombies made easy in one single step. Batteries included."
— Receiving the Wunderwaffe DG-2 from the Mystery Box

(Said in a very fast, commercial-kinda voice.)

"Element 115. Concentrated to a single beam of pure the hell do I know that?"
— Receiving the Wunderwaffe DG-2 from the Mystery Box. Note reference to the brainwashing effect caused by Element 115 on Takeo, Nikolai and Dempsey,

"The DG-2... one slick piece of machinery."
— Receiving the Wunderwaffe DG-2 from the Mystery Box

"Wonder Waffle...yeah. Thing 'o beauty."
— Receiving the Wunderwaffe DG-2 from the Mystery Box

"Hey zombies! You like Waffles?"
— Receiving the Wunderwaffe DG-2 from the Mystery Box

"Welcome to the party meatsacks!"
— Receiving the Wunderwaffe DG-2 from the Mystery Box

"They got ZERO chance against me and the Wonder Waffle!"
— Receiving the Wunderwaffe DG-2 from the Mystery Box

"You see that? HOLY SHIT BALLS!"
— Killing zombie/s with the Wunderwaffe DG-2

"Time to fry freakmaggots!"
— Receiving the Wunderwaffe DG-2 from the Mystery Box

"BZZZ! ZAP! Woohoo!"
— Killing zombie/s with the Wunderwaffe DG-2

Killing a Zombie

"Back off meatmouth!"
— Upon getting a kill.

"Look at that mess I made...Oorah."
— After killing lots of zombies in a row.

"Gotta give ya credit zombie, you got no quit in ya!"
— Upon getting a kill.

"Stay dead cheesehead!"
— Upon getting a kill.

"Eat my blade, maggot-sack!"
— After a knife kill.

"Taste this, bone-junkie!"
— After a knife kill.

— After a knife kill.

"Die, DIE!"
— After a knife kill.

"Blow them to high hell!"
— After an explosive kill.

— After an explosive kill.

"Hey, freak-bag! You need to learn a way to die!"
— After an explosive kill.

"I've gave him credit, he's not about to quit!"
— After an explosive kill.

"I guess they need to get blowed up again!"
— After an explosive kill.

"Stupid undead flesh monkeys! You're dead already!"
— After an explosive kill.

"There's just something so beautiful about blowing shit up!"
— After an explosive kill.

"Blood-sucking gutter-slugs you're goin' out Dempsy's style!"
— After an explosive kill.

— After an explosive kill.

— Upon getting a headshot.

"If I keep this up I'm gonna run out of zombies!"
— Upon getting a headshot.

"Argh! **** me that smells!"
— After killing a Gas Zombie.

"Richtofen lay off the sourkraut man!"
— After killing a Gas Zombie

"How do ya like that, creepy crawler!"
— After killing a Gas Zombie.

"He just... he just blew all over the place! *laughs* Wow!"
— Upon getting a kill with Thundergun/Zeus Cannon.

"Lets send those freakbags back to 1946!"
— Upon getting a kill with Thundergun/Zeus Cannon.

"Okay, woah! That was bad-ass!"
— Upon getting a kill with Thundergun/Zeus Cannon.

"Killing zombies in one simple step! Batteries no included."
— When getting multiple kills with the Thundergun/Zeus Cannon.

"Slaying zombies since 1945!"
— Upon multiple kills.

"Die you undead flesh-whores!"
— Upon multiple kills.

"Hey zombies, you're dying over here!"
— Upon multiple kills.

"Enough dead for a Goth party!"
— Upon multiple kills.

"You keep coming, I'll keep killing!"
— Upon multiple kills.

"Okay, let's see, a thousand zombies, and one Dempsey; yeah that seems fair."
— Upon multiple kills.

Being hit by a Zombie

"Eat it ya nasty squag!"
— Upon killing a zombie that attacked him.

"Die you undead flesh-addict!"
— Upon killing a zombie that attacked him.

"K to the I to the A Zombitch!"
— Upon killing a zombie that attacked him, reference to status K.I.A (Killed in Action)


"Ah great... this again!"
— At the beginning of a Hellhound round.

"Bring on the dogs!"
— At the beginning of a Hellhound round.

"I ain't gonna be any puppy's chew toy!"
— At the beginning of a Hellhound round.

"Time to put you down puppy-dog!"
— At the beginning of a Hellhound round.

"Fetch my grenade, devil voice!"
— At the beginning of a Hellhound round.

"**** you, Fido!"
— Upon killing a Hellhound.

"Down boy!"
— Upon killing a Hellhound.

"That's the last leg you'll ever hump!"
— Upon killing a Hellhound.

Downed or revived

"****ers caught me napping!"
— When downed.

"Man down, MAN DOWN!"
— When downed.

"Argh... this is embarrassing!"
— When downed.

"I hope you choke, meat-sack!"
— When downed.

"Lucky bone-sucking maggot-whores... they're reeealy gonna pay now!"
— After being revived.

"Whatever... even a blind squirrel is right twice a day."
— After being revived.

"So they got a little lucky... WHAT?!"
— After being revived.

""Don't worry, just tripped.""
— After being revived.


"Feeling light... need the juice."
— When low ammo.

"Need some juice soon!"
— When low ammo.

"Need some more ammo..."
— When low ammo.

"Knee deep in zombie shit with no ammo, glorious!"
— When out of ammo.

"Hey player! We need ammo or we're going down!"
— When out of ammo

"Hey player! Drop the chips and get me some ammo!"
— When out of ammo.

"I need to find some lead or I'm gonna get bored here!"
— When out of ammo

"Damn! I'm out of juice!"
— When out of ammo.

"Gonna have to round up some rounds!"
— When low on ammo or out of ammo

"I need more ammunition! Ahh!! Ahh!!"
— When low on ammo or out of ammo

Buying weapons off the wall

"The only thing better than a M16 is... well, two M16s!"
— After buying a M16 off the wall.

"Ah, the M16. 5.56 millimeter magazine-fed gas-operated sweetness... just like me."
— After buying a M16 off the wall.

"Wonder if they'll even know what hit them."
— After buying a M14 off the wall.

"Little gun, lots of holes!"
— Buying a SMG off the wall

"I'm gonna spill their guts all over the place, haha!"
— After buying an Olympia off the wall.

"Nothing like a SMG!"
— After buying an AK-74u off the wall.

"Hey zombie! Wanna try out my new gun?"
— Buying an SMG off the wall


"Whoo! More shit to kill with!"
— Upon getting a Max Ammo power-up.

— Upon getting a Max Ammo power-up.

"Ammunition on the house!"
— Upon getting a Max Ammo power-up.

"Wait, we ARE keeping score?"
— Upon getting a Double Points power-up.

"Shoot 'em up!"
— Upon getting a Double Points power-up.

"Hahaha! Sorry meat-bag, you're stuck outside!"
— Upon getting a Carpenter power-up.

— Upon getting a Nuke.

— Upon getting a Nuke.

"Eat that ya undead flesh monkeys!"
— Upon getting a Nuke.

"Man up Zombies, it's time to die."
— Upon getting Insta-Kill.


"Tastes like... fermented herring dipped in cat piss... ugh."
— Upon drinking Quick Revive.

"Ahhh, that hit the spot"
— Upon drinking Speed-cola.

"Reach for me, Jugger-Girl... oo-rah."
— Upon drinking Jugger-nog.

"Ugh, why is this stuff so damn chewy?"
— Upon drinking Double Tap Root Beer.


"I wonder if Richtofen has gears like that in his head."
— While waiting for Pack-a-Punch Machine.

"Man... I wish we could replace Richtofen with a hot chick, I'm getting lonely here."
— While waiting for Pack-a-Punch Machine.

"Pack a punch, just like me."
— While waiting for Pack-a-Punch Machine.

"C'mon Pack-a-Punch, you better hurry up!"
— While waiting for Pack-a-Punch Machine.

"Hell yeah, Dempsy gets an upgrade!"
— After receiving a Pack-a-Punched weapon.

"Bring it on, freak-sacks!"
— After receiving a Pack-a-Punched weapon.

Mystery Box

"Time to die, bone-jaw!"
— After getting a Commando from Mystery Box.

"Little gun, lot's of holes."
— After getting a Spectre from Mystery Box.

"No more nice guy bone-jaw, I'm gonna kick your ass."
— After getting a SPAS-12 from Mystery Box.

"Time to make some noise!"
— After getting a HS-10 from Mystery Box.

"Well, I see the future hasn't changed anything! ****ing box!"
— After getting a Python from Mystery Box.

"That's just craptastic!"
— After getting a CZ75 from Mystery Box.

"Monkey! So glad to see you again, buddy!"
— After getting a Monkey Bomb from Mystery Box.

"Aww, what a cute little bundle of C4!"
— After getting a Monkey Bomb from Mystery Box.

"Looks like the future hasn't changed anything. Stupid bear."
— After getting a Teddy Bear from Mystery Box.

"Can't roll a bet if I can't place the dice!"
— When trying to use the Mystery Box without enough points.


"And you thought I couldn't find this place."
— Upon entering the bathroom at first floor.

"No time for sugar baby, I'm here to check the meter!"
— Upon entering the dressing room.

"Hey, I'm outside!"
— Upon gaining access to the alley.

"I always did want a spot on the big screen."
— After the power is turned on.

"Looks like part of a meteor."
— After found the first piece of the meteor.

"Here's another one!"
— After found the second piece of the meteor

"That has to be the last one."
— After found the last piece of the meteor.

"I found the hidden song, awesome."
— Upon activating the "115" song easter egg.

"I found the hidden song!"
— Upon activating the "115" song easter egg.

"A tale of two Dempseys, starts slow but has a happy ending."
— After examining his portrait.

"Whoa, looks like Nikolai has put on a few pounds. What's he been eatin'?"
— After examining Nikolai's portrait.

"Aww, our little bundle of badass."
— After examining Takeo's portrait.

"He's portrait bigger than anyone else is. Must be trying to compensate for something."
— Upon examining Richtofen's portrait.

"Hey look! It's nobody!"
— After examining the blacked-out portrait.

Nikolai Belinski

"Maybe someone should go turn on the power now."
— At the beginning.

"No power! Just like home!"
— At the beginning.

"I think we need to do something about the power."
— At the beginning.

"Who didn't pay the electric bill?"
— At the beginning.

"We should go find the fuse box."
— At the beginning.

Quotes cut from Kino Der Toten

"Oh great! It's the Wonderfulwaffle!"
— Receiving the Wunderwaffe DG-2 from the Mystery Box

"This has more power than Moscow Electric Company!"
— Receiving the Wunderwaffe DG-2 from the Mystery Box

"This ALMOST as strong as the best Russian vodka."
— Receiving the Wunderwaffe DG-2 from the Mystery Box

Killing a Zombie

"You cannot even beat a drunk Soviet!"
— Upon getting a kill.

"The Red Army cannot be overun!"
— Upon getting a kill.

"Out of my way piz-da!"
— Upon getting a kill. "piz-da" means "pussy" in Russian.

— Upon getting a kill.

"Die, Satan's minions!"
— Upon getting a kill.

"Die by the hand of Nikolai! Hey, that rhymes..."
— After a knife kill.

"Die now, son of bitch!"
— After a knife kill.

"You got slime on my new shirt! Now I have to dry clean!"
— Killing a Gas Zombie at close range

"Now that's what I call a goulash!"
— Killing multiple zombies with an explosive weapon

"You fall like coddled bourgeois!"
— Multiple kills

"STAY AWAY FROM MY VODKA! What? It's a classic!"
— After an explosive kill.

— After a knife kill

"This ****ing gun is amazing!"
— Getting multiple kills with the Ray Gun

"Now they're here, now they're not. Such is life in the...ah, **** you."
— After an explosive kill.

"Explosives make things so much easier!"
— After an explosive kill or Ray Gun kill.

"BOOM! You are dead!"
— After an explosive kill.

"Have a round on me! Get it? A "round"? Eh.. never mind, **** you."
— Upon getting a headshot.

"Don't slip in the slime!"
— Upon killing a Gas Zombie.

"What is that smell? Maybe I sharted..."
— Upon killing a gas zombie

"You got slime on my uniform!"
— Upon killing a Gas Zombie.

"That smells disgusting... like my fourth wife. She pretty though... pretty and smelly, weird combo."
— Upon killing a Gas Zombie.

"Like the Fist of Stalin... up your ass!"
— Upon getting a kill with Thundergun/Zeus Cannon.

"Feel the might of the Red Army!"
— Upon getting a kill with Thundergun/Zeus Cannon.

"Do svidaniya, bitches!"
— Upon multiple kills. Do sdivania means "Good Bye" in Russian

"Never mess with a Russian when drinks are on the line!"
— Upon multiple kills.

"Nikolai cannot die! Hey, that rhymes!"
— After a knife kill.

"Die, demon hell-pigs!"
— Upon multiple kills.

"I just killed a billion zombies... why is no one helping?"
— Upon multiple kills.

"Hey, you left your arm behind!"
— After destroying a zombie's limb.

"From Russia with great affection!"
— After killing a zombie, a reference to the movie From Russia with Love.

Being hit by a Zombie

"I like it rough, but not that rough."
— When getting attacked by a zombie.

"OW! My shins!"
— When getting attacked by a crawler.

"Hey, what's that? Oh, crawler!"
— When getting attacked by a crawler.

"You know how to say "owned" in Russian? OWNT!"
— Upon killing a zombie that attacked him.

"No it's my vodka! MINE! MY OWN!"
— Upon killing a zombie that attacked him.

"No touchie! ...I have issues."
— Upon killing a zombie that attacked him.

"You are dead now! But you were dead before! Ahh **** you!"
— Upon killing a zombie that attacked him.

"You see what happens when you touch Nikolai?!"
— Upon killing a zombie that attacked him.


"Come play "Fetch the Grenade", demon-spawn!"
— At the beginning of a Hellhound round.

"They're trying to fetch our souls again!"
— At the beginning of a Hellhound round.

"You don't want my soul, it probably tastes like vodka. Mmm... vodka."
— At the beginning of a Hellhound round.

"Out of my way, suka!"
— Upon killing a Hellhound ("suka" means "bitch" in Russian).

"Die, demon-spawn!"
— Upon killing a Hellhound.

"No soul for you!"
— Upon killing a Hellhound.

"Ugh...I think I got fur in my mouth"
— Killing a Hellhound

Down or revived

"I have made mess in trousers..."
— When downed.

"Well, maybe I have time for drink."
— When downed.

"Do not leave me to the maggots!"
— When downed.

"Oh, I feel stupid..."
— When downed.

"Come back! Nikolai can still fight!"
— When downed.

"Wha-what? I was only taking a nap!"
— After being revived.

"You see what happened to me, there were thousands!"
— After being revived.

"All right, all right, I'll get up all ready, sheesh..... like mother."
— After being revived.

"What? Break-time's over now?"
— After being revived.

"How do you say... "thank you" in Idiot?"
— After being revived.


"Running low on ammunition!"
— When low on ammo.

"Running low on ammo! I'm drunk..."
— When low ammo.

"It's that clicking again! Oh, ammo!"
— When out of ammo.

"I'm out of ammo! Maybe I should just drink instead... piss on someone..."
— When out of ammo.

"When did I run out of ammo?"
— When out of ammo.

"Why is no one caring about my lack of ammo?"
— When out of ammo.

"Greedy capitalists dogs! Give me ammo!"
— When out of ammo

"Why am I always needing more ammo?"
— When out of ammo.

"If I don't find ammo, I'll have to kill them with my breath!"
— When out of ammo.

Buying off weapons off the wall

"Holding this up makes my arms so tired!"
— After buying a M14 off the wall.

"Hey, snipers may wear diapers, but we get all the ladies."
— Upon buying an M14 off the wall.

"Great! I can camp now! I hate moving around so much..."
— Upon buying an M14

"Alright, who else want to try and take me?"
— After buying any SMG off the wall.

"Come baby...we do the 59, eh? He he..."
— After buying any SMG from the wall.

"This is "nice and light"..."
— After buying any SMG off the wall.

"This will make demon-holes nicely!"
— After buying any SMG from the wall.

"A shotgun, now I just need a shot glass! He he!"
— After buying an Olympia off the wall.

"Please, I have no job!"
— When attempt to buy a weapon without requisite points.

""Such strength, such craftsmanship. Must be made in other land."
— -When buying the Bowie Knife


""Just what the doctor ordered!""
— Upon receiving a "Max-Ammo" power-up.

"Why am I so heavy now?"
— Upon getting a Max Ammo power-up.

"This is proper socialist reform!"
— Upon getting a Max Ammo power-up.

"It is happy hour!"
— Upon getting a Double Points power-up.

"Vodka for everybody!"
— Upon getting a Double Points power-up.

"Capitalists...if you can't beat know..."
— Upon getting a Fire-Sale power-up

— Upon getting the Nuke power-up

"What's happening? That music sucks."
— Upon getting a Fire Sale power-up.

"Nikolai is coming for you!"
— Upon getting an Insta-Kill power-up.

"A salute to the nuclear bomb!"
— Upon getting the Nuke power-up

"I drink to the nuclear bomb!"
— Upon getting a Nuke.

"Thank you!... disembodied little girl voice!"
— Upon getting the Carpenter power-up.

"Great, I don't have to do anything!"
— Upon getting the Carpenter power-up.

"This will keep them out for a while..."
— Upon getting the Carpenter power-up.


"I think Dempsey is right. It is a bit fishy."
— Upon drinking Quick Revive.

"Reach for vodka tooooniiiiggghhht..."
— Upon drinking Jugger-nog.

"Why can I see so clearly now?"
— Upon drinking Speed Cola.

"My tap is doubled, but not my vodka."
— When Double Tap Root Beer is bought.


"This is like standing in grocery line!"
— While waiting for Pack-a-Punch Machine.

"Don't worry guys! Nikolai is coming for you!"
— After receiving a Pack-a-Punched weapon.

"Oh, I like, it's pretty!"
— After receiving a Pack-a-Punched weapon.

"Power and accuracy! The gun is pretty too."
— Upon receiving a Pack-A-Punched weapon.

"Hurryhurryhurryhurryhurryhurry.......come on!!"
— Putting a gun in the Pack-A-Punch machine

Mystery Box

"I've got ninety-nine problems, but a gun ain't one, da!"
— After getting an Assault Rifle Galil from Mystery Box. A reference to "99 Problems,"a song by Jay-Z.

"I love this effing gun! Get it? FN? Just like... ****!"
— After getting a FN FAL from Mystery Box.

"Snipers may wear diapers, but they get all the ladies!"
— After getting a sniper rifle from Mystery Box (also said after buying an M14).

"Hello beautiful, I'll 'cock' you gently."
— After getting a gun from Mystery Box.

"I never met an MG I didn't like"
— Upon getting an SMG from the Mystery Box

"Why? Why do you treat me like this?"
— After getting a Python from Mystery Box.

"Ah, two pistols are better than one! And one pistol is better than... what?"
— After getting a Dual-Wielded CZ75 from Mystery Box.

"I will be able to take them out gangsta' style now!"
— After getting a Dual Wielded CZ75 from Mystery Box.

"This makes Nikolai very happy, like first date! ...I bring home flowers!"
— After getting a China Lake from Mystery Box.

"I drank so much, I moved to the future!"
— After getting a Ray Gun from Mystery Box.

"Such power... Such pride! It must be Russian made!"
— Upon receiving the Thundergun

"Hello Ray. Would you like to taste my vodka?"
— After getting a Ray Gun from Mystery Box.

"This looks like it comes from space, no?"
— After getting a Ray Gun from Mystery Box

"First it takes my money, then it disappears... just like my fourth wife!"
— After getting a Teddy Bear from the Mystery Box.

"This little girl and her games. It's a sign of bad parenting."
— After getting a Teddy Bear from the Mystery Box.

"Oh well, maybe I'll just sit here and nap."
— When trying to use Mystery Box without requisite points.

"**** you, monkey!"
— After receiving a Monkey Bomb.

"I hate those ****ing Monkeys."
— When getting the Monkey Bomb from Mystery Box

"This must be vodka power."
— Nikolai after obtain Thundergun from box.

"What?! That stripper must have stolen my money!"
— Trying to use the Mystery Box without enough points


"The film must have been shit, this place is full of stiffs!"
— Upon turning on the power.

"Why do they insist on picking on me?"
— While being being chased by a swarm of zombies

"I will piss in style here!"
— Upon entering the bathroom in first floor.

"Another dark alley, I know this well."
— Upon gaining access to the alley.

"Hey Dempsey, I think you left your blush here!"
— Upon gaining access to the dressing room.

"Oh I found a rock, great."
— After finding the first piece of the meteor.

"I found another rock... but no vodka!"
— After finding the second piece of the meteor.

"Here's the last one... what do I win?"
— After finding the last piece of the meteor.

"Hey guys, I found something neat!"
— After '115' starts playing.

"Well, they do say the screen puts on ten pounds."
— After examining his portrait.

"Hey Dempsey! I think they got your bad side!"
— After examining Dempsey's portrait.

"I hate you, Takeo."
— After examining Takeo's portrait.

"Richtofen looks a little younger in this picture."
— After examining Richtofen's portrait.

"Hey! Someone took the picture!"
— After examining the blacked-out portrait.

"I'll rescue you, but only because you owe me from last time!"
— When Takeo is being chased by a swarm of Zombies

"Richtofen, your children are becoming annoying!"
— Upon being chased by a swarm of Zombies.

"Oh, look! Our Mighty Warrior surrounded again!"
— Upon seeing Takeo chased by a swarm of Zombies.

Takeo Masaki

"We need to bring light to this dark place."
— At the beginning.

"There seems to be no power!"
— At the beginning.

"There is no power now! Perhaps there never was."
— At the beginning.

"We should go find the power box."
— At the beginning.

Quotes cut from Kino Der Totent

"This will make for a fun time!"
— Receiving the Wunderwaffe DG-2 from the Mystery Box

"I will SHOCK them into submission!"
— Receiving the Wunderwaffe DG-2 from the Mystery Box

"I finally get the turn...with the Wunderwaffe."
— Receiving the Wunderwaffe DG-2 from the Mystery Box

"BEHOLD! The Electric Katana!"
— Receiving the Wunderwaffe DG-2 from the Mystery Box

"It is on now freakbags!"
— Receiving the Wunderwaffe DG-2 from the Mystery Box (quoting Dempsey)

Killing a Zombie

— Upon getting a kill. "Shi-Ne" means "die" in Japanese.

"My honor is bigger than yours!"
— Upon getting a kill.

"You die with no honor!"
— After a knife kill.

"Takeo one, Zombie zero!"
— Upon getting a headshot.

"Pew pew pew, ha ha ha."
— Upon getting a kill with Ray Gun.

"With the force of one thousand wombats YOU DIE!"
— Upon multiple kills.

"Ugh, that thing couldn't possibly have been human!"
— Upon killing a gas zombie.

"Smells like rotten sushi!"
— Upon killing a gas zombie.

Being hit by a Zombie

"You kill me? No! I kill you!"
— Upon killing a zombie that attacked him.

"Not on this day, tormented soul!"
— Upon killing a zombie that attacked him.

"You had an unhappy ending! Ha ha ha!"
— Upon killing a zombie that attacked him.

"You lack focus!"
— Upon killing a zombie that attacked him.


"I fear no dog!"
— At the beginning of a Hellhound round.

"Die, demon-spawn!"
— Upon killing a Hellhound.

Downed or revived

"This is not how I wish to die!"
— When downed

"This is without reason!"
— When downed

"I have fallen into darkness!"
— While downed

"Your karma has approved"
— After being revived


"Need more ammunition!"
— When low ammo

"A true warrior needs no weapon!"
— When out of ammo.

"I have no ammo. I have no honor."
— When out of ammo.

"I will crush them with my bare hands!"
— When out of ammo.

"I am still better off with the Arisaka."
— When out of ammo.

Buying off weapons off the wall

"I will fire honor at them mightily!"
— After buying a PM63 off the wall.

"I will show them the path!"
— After buying a MPL off the wall.

"I need more honor!"
— When trying to buy a weapon without requisite points.

"This weapon is lighter than a feather, but twice as deadly."
— After buying the AK74U off of the wall.

"One by one, I shall curse them from afar!"
— After buying the M14 off of the wall.


"Double the honor!"
— Upon getting a Double Points power-up.

"You will feel the power in my veins!"
— Upon getting an Insta-Kill power-up.

"Quick, kill as many as you can!"
— Upon getting a Carpenter power-up

"That will keep them out for a thousand years... eh, a few seconds."
— Upon getting a Carpenter power-up.

"Let the light of a thousand suns purify your souls!"
— Upon getting a Nuke.

"Destruction rains on the unholy!"
— Upon getting a Nuke.

"...Nice timing!"
— Upon getting a Nuke.


"Hmm, a drink that requires a... mature palette."
— Upon drinking Quick Revive.

"Speed Cola speed up your might!"
— Upon drinking Speed Cola.

"I am fast shooting Eastern cowboy!"
— Upon drinking Double Tap Root Beer.


"This will make a weapon that will honor my ancestors."
— After putting a weapon inside the Pack-a-Punch Machine.

"A weapon is an extension of ones ownself."
— After taking a newly upgraded weapon out of the Pack-a-Punch.

Mystery Box

"I cannot be defeated!...Probably..."
— After getting an AUG from Mystery Box.

"I will turn them into red mist!"
— After getting a G11 from Mystery Box.

"Light as a feather, and twice as deadly!"
— After getting a Spectre from Mystery Box.

"I will steal what honor they have left!"
— After getting a L96A1 from Mystery Box.

"This does not suit a warrior!"
— After getting a Python from Mystery Box.

"A worthless weapon, from an honorless box!"
— After getting a CZ75 from Mystery Box.

"This gun fires pure honor!"
— After getting a Ray Gun from Mystery Box.

"I have acquired the Thundergun!"
— After getting a Thundergun from Mystery Box.

"*chuckling* The Emperor would be amused!"
— After getting a Monkey Bomb from Mystery Box.

"I am not yet ready for the ways of the box."
— When attempting to use the Mystery Box without requisite points.


"Just breathe on them!"
— After Nikolai comments about getting swarmed.

"Oh!... Sounds like a big monster is attacking the building."
— After turning on the electricity. A reference to the film, "Godzilla".

"I found a piece of the meteor!"
— After found the first piece of the meteor.

"I found another piece of the meteor! Maybe they stole this from Japan!"
— Finding the second piece of the meteor. A reference to the meteor at Shi No Numa.

"I have found a grand secret!"
— Upon activating the "115" song easter egg.

"A picture of a great warrior!"
— After examining his portrait.

"Here is a picture of an ugly American! Eugh!"
— After examining Dempsey's portrait.

"The Russian is so drunk, I can smell his breath through this portrait!"
— After examining Nikolai's portrait.

"Perhaps what once was, is no more, but shall be again!"
— When examining the blacked out portrait.

"Honor to the doctor!"
— After examining Richtofen's portrait.

Edward Richtofen

"Oh joy! No power!"
— At the beginning.

"*impatiently* Ja, ja, the power needs to be turned on."
— At the beginning

"I cannot torture my minions without power... Dempsey, you go turn it on."
— At the beginning.

"Powerpowerpowerpower! It's always the first priority!"
— At the beginning.

"There is no power, how suspicious... or OBVIOUS!"
— At the beginning.

Quotes cut from Kino Der Toten

"I have been recognized by Treyar--the Illuminati!"
— Unknown, note the last words being cut off, a reference to Treyarch.


"OHHHH! The Wunderwaffe DG-2! (slighty cries) I missed you!"
— Receiving the Wunderwaffe DG-2 from the Mystery Box===


"This will be the SHOCK!....of a lifetime...(giggles)"
— Receiving the Wunderwaffe DG-2 from the Mystery Box===


"Oh, the element of POWER!!"
— Receiving the Wunderwaffe DG-2 from the Mystery Box===


"Joy is the slaughtering of the weak.. with the Wunderwaffe."
— Receiving the Wunderwaffe DG-2 from the Mystery Box===

Killing a Zombie

"Ah, the smell of delicate flesh, ja..."
— When Richtofen kills a large number of zombies

"Do you feel it? Oh I hope you did..."
— Upon getting a kill.

"Yes, COME TO ME, minions!"
— Upon getting a kill.

"I take your pain, I put my straw in it, *slurping noises* AND I DRINK IT UP!"
— Upon getting a kill.

"It hurts, doesn't it? GOOD!"
— Upon getting a kill.

"The life has been sucked out of that one"
— Upon getting a kill

"Aaaand... he is no longer with us"
— Upon getting an explosive kill

"Ah, smell so wunderbar!"
— After a knife kill. "wunderbar" means "wonderful" in German.

"No more Doctor Nice Guy!"
— After a knife kill.

— After a knife kill.

"Little organ parts for everyone!"
— Killing a zombie via explosive means

"Oh, it's the lovely blood!"
— Upon getting a headshot.

"How can I hear the screams when it has no mouth?"
— Upon getting a headshot.

"Oh, the showers of the damned!"
— After an explosive kill.

"*sings* Fountains of sorrow..."
— After an explosive kill.

"Yes, YES, explode!"
— After an explosive kill.

"*sings* All hail the Fuhrer..."
— Upon detonation of an explosive that killed a zombie.

"He went *splat*."
— Upon getting a kill with Olympia.

"Where did it go? I don't know!"
— Upon getting a kill with Ray Gun.

"Do you like my glowing green balls?"
— Getting a kill with the Ray Gun

"Poof! You are gone!"
— Getting a kill with the Ray Gun

"He's become random bits of joy!"
— Getting a kill with the Ray Gun

"The powers of nature at my fingertips!"
— Upon getting a kill with Thundergun/Zeus Cannon.

"They are hurting... we must help them!"
— Upon multiple kills.

"This is MY creation! And I will destroy it! AND clean it up!"
— Upon multiple kills.

"Ja, ja... DIE!!!"
— Upon multiple kills.

"Don't be afraid of death, be afraid of THE DOCTOR!!!"
— Upon multiple kills.

"Squishy Squishy little bug"
— Upon killing a gas zombie

"Now there is puss everywhere"
— Upon killing a gas zombie

"No, no! You're not supposed to fall apart like that!"
— After dismembering a zombie

"He can no longer fight, he is DISARMED! Ha ha!"
— After shooting off a zombie's hand or arm

"Look at it, crawling to me!"
— After destroying a zombie's leg.

"It has no legs, but still moves. Interesting."
— After destroying a zombie's leg.

"Dempsey, if you had a brain for everytime you had a'd be stupid"
— After achieving multiple headshots in a row.

"I can smell my own blood! FEAR ME!"
— After getting a close-ranged kill.

Being hit by a Zombie

"Get off my legs, minion!"
— When getting attacked by a crawler.

"Just DIE!"
— upon killing a zombie that attacked him.

"How DARE you touch the doctor?"
— Upon killing a zombie that attacked him.

— Upon killing a zombie that attacked him.

"No touching the doctor, unless he asks..."
— Upon killing a zombie that attacked him.


"Aww, the poor puppies!"
— At the beginning of a Hellhound round.

— At the beginning of a Hellhound round. (Nein is German for No).

"What have you done to the POOR PUPPIES?!"
— At the beginning of a Hellhound round.

"Mommy told me not to hurt animals any more!"
— At the beginning of a Hellhound round.

"My mother told me to stop hurting animals."
— Upon killing a Hellhound.

"Go back to Maxis, Samantha!"
— Upon killing a Hellhound.

"My poor little accidents... STAY AWAY!"
— At the start of a Hellhound round

Downed or revived

— When downed.

— When downed.

"No, no. I am not ready for hell, I don't even have my good shoes."
— When downed.

"I'll get you something nice when this is over."
— After being revived.

"I am ALIVE!!!"
— After being revived

"Did the voices tell you to save me?"
— After being revived.

"Ja, danke!"
— After being revived ('danke' is 'thanks' in German).


"Low on ammo!"
— When low on ammo.

"How can I be running out of ammo?!"
— When low ammo

"Without bullets I will have to resort to... STABBING!"
— When out of ammo.

"I need to find some ammunition... *wailing*"
— When out of ammo.

"No ammo is no fun!"
— When out of ammo.

"I have no ammunition."
— When out of ammo.

"No rounds, no wounds, NO JOY!"
— When out of ammo.

Buying weapons off the wall

"Yes, now their kidneys will be all MINE! And none for you, Dempsey."
— After buying a M14 off the wall.

"What? The voices are louder!"
— Upon buying a MP5K off the wall.

"Oh, this is just so heavy!"
— Buying M14 off the wall

"A MP40! Wunderbar!"
— Upon buying a MP40 off the wall.

"Yes, my children, I am coming!"
— Upon buying an Olympia off the wall.

"Of course they still have the BEST WEAPON EVER MADE HERE!"
— Buying MP40 off the wall

"An autopsy is more easily performed with a shotgun."
— Upon buying a Stakeout off the wall.

"The Doctor is well-armed!"
— After buying a SMG off the wall

"What?! I am nothing but a peasant!"
— When attempting to buy a weapon without requisite points.


"A gift from Sam? But why?!"
— Upon getting a Max Ammo power-up.

"More time to play with my pretty ones!"
— Upon getting a Max Ammo power-up.

"Ammo to the max, ja?"
— Upon getting a Max Ammo power-up.

"Attention shoppers, we have a special... on death!"
— Upon getting a Fire Sale power-up.

— Upon getting a Double Points power-up.

"I am paid for pain!"
— Upon getting a Double Points power-up.

"This must be the work of the Masons."
— Upon getting a Carpenter power-up.

"I feel some power!"
— Upon getting a Insta-Kill power-up.

"They seem to have all gone boom!"
— Upon getting a nuke

"The flames... of the damned!"
— Upon getting a Nuke.

"I get double the points because of my efforts!"
— Upon getting a Double Points power-up.


"Yes! She sounds like a sweet little specimen."
— Upon drinking Jugger-nog.

"For the revival of the un-fittest!"
— Upon drinking Quick Revive.

"I can't be sure but I think the active ingredient rots your mind."
— Upon drinking Speed Cola.


— While waiting for Pack-a-Punch Machine.

"I'm going to kill SOOO many now."
— After receiving a Pack-a-Punched weapon.

"The Fatherland would be so proud! Such a shame..."
— After receiving a Pack-a-Punched weapon.

"This machine takes so long!"
— While waiting on the Pack-a-Punch Machine

Mystery Box

"I like the funny sound it makes!"
— After receiving the FN FAL, Ray Gun, or the Galil from the Mystery Box.

"They will submit to darkness... YES!"
— After getting a HK21 from Mystery Box.

"I can kill more than one at a time!"
— After getting a Dragunov from Mystery Box.

"Ugh, this is just so... heavy."
— After getting a L96A1 from Mystery Box.

"Ja, this make a big hole! I like it..."
— After getting a SPAS-12 from Mystery Box.

"They will be all over the walls! And the ceiling! And the floor!"
— After getting an explosive weapon from the Mystery Box.

"Could it be? The DG-3!"
— After getting a Thundergun from Mystery Box.

"Could this be the DG-3, the DG-3 that is just for me?"
— After getting a Thundergun from Mystery Box.

"So THIS is what Maxis was keeping from me!"
— After getting a Thundergun from Mystery Box.

"I will please you now... THE VOICES!"
— After getting a SPAS-12 or China Lake from the Mystery Box

"Samantha, I talked to you about this."
— After getting a Teddy Bear from Mystery Box.

"Maybe you move it... because you like me?"
— After the Mystery Box teleports

— Upon receiving a sub-machinegun from the Mystery Box

"Why do they love you so much, little monkey?"
— After recieving the Monkey Bomb from the Mystic Box


"Alas, the doctor is too poor to buy this..."
— When attempt to open a door without requisite points.

"Dempsey, I hate you. I hate your ugly voice."
— Randomly when Dempsey talks.

"I hate you Dempsey. I even hate your eyes."
— After witnessing Dempsey gets a kill.

"Look at the big American hero needing help from the doctor"
— After Dempsey comments about getting swarmed.

"Dempsey made a crawler, now everyone can do it"
— After Dempsey destroys a zombie's leg's

"Ah, the bathroom, not a very intersting place, unless you're German... LIKE ME!!!"
— Upon entering the bathroom at first floor.

"Doctor Maxis almost had his undead army if only he could have broken the trust barrier."
— Upon entering the dressing room.

"They are shaking down the roof, what a pity!"
— After the power is switched on.

"I found a piece of the meteor!"
— After found the first piece of the meteor.

"I found another rock! Maybe they stole this from Japan..."
— Finding the second piece of the meteor. Reference to the meteor in Shi No Numa

"I have found a magnificent tune!"
— Upon activating the "115" song easter-egg.

"Oh look, its me... but not quite as magnificent!"
— After examining his portrait.

"Hello Dempsey. Oh, wait, its just a portrait... AN UGLY ONE!"
— After examining Dempsey's portrait.

"It's eyes are following me!"
— After examining Nikolai's portrait.

"Oh, it's a picture of the Monkey Bomb!"
— After examining Takeo's portrait.

"This one did not photograph so well."
— After examining the blacked-out portrait.

[multipage=Kino Der Toten Interesting Facts]
Near one of the power generators on the stage, there is some writing. The only word that can be recognized is "Project" though there may be more to the message.

This is the third of the zombies maps to take place in during the day, not at night. The others are Zombie Verrückt & Shi No Numa.

In the Pack-a-Punch room there are pictures of a zombie and a hellhound. These can also be found in Der Riese and Five.

In the starting room, going up the left flight of stairs (next to the barricade) a poster labeled 'Pygmalion' is visible, with futuristic depictions of buildings. Pygmalion was actually a play by George Bernard Shaw that is generally categorised as a romantic comedy. The poster may have been actually that of Metropolis, a 1927 German film featuring a futuristic urban dystopia. This may have been either a mistake by Treyarch or a deliberate attempt at irony.

It seems that the Wunderwaffe DG-2 was originally supposed to be in the map, as there are unused sound files of the characters' reactions to getting the Wunderwaffe from the Mystery Box.

There is a glitch that is involved with grenades and monkey bombs. If you have a Ray Gun, CZ75 or M1911 equipped and throw a grenade, if you tap the grenade button at a certain time you will throw another grenade without cooking it or priming the Monkey Bomb and it still acts as if you tossed a grenade or Monkey bomb twice.

The Speed Cola machine in the foyer doesn't show how many bottles are left in the machine unlike in World at War. However, as in World at War, this has no effect on the available amount of the perk.

The song played at the end is an excerpt from the main riff of Abracadvre, the musical easter egg in the new map Ascension, as with all the Zombie maps, where the game over song is the easter egg song of the next level released in a map pack, or in case of 115, the next game.

If you shoot a gas zombie when it is crawling down a wall the zombie will fly in a random direction, die and explode. This leads to some point-related glitches, as you get 10 points by firing toward the zombie while he is crawling down the wall, but you only get the kill when he reaches the ground.

When playing as Takeo with all perks bought, killing multiple zombies very quickly will result in quotes to be said very quickly.

After every use, the Teleporter must cool down, then be re-linked to the mainframe. The cooldown session takes approximately 2 minutes.

The four playable characters look relatively the same from Call of Duty: World At War, with the exception of Takeo, who looks significantly older and has a moustache. The reason for this is undetermined, unless all four underwent accelerated aging when they went to the future, which is unlikely. Dempsey has also grown a beard, and is covered in more blood and dirt than the other three.

Also, it is unknown how long the four survivors spent in Der Riese and it is quite possible that Takeo and Dempsey grew their facial hair prior to entering the teleporter.

When playing solo, the Quick Revive machine will function as an auto-revive; when the player is downed by a zombie, the player will be put into Last Stand and receive Speed Cola (only until you get back up), in which the player wields Mustang and Sally (Pack-A-Punched Colt M1911s). During this time zombies will begin to walk away from the player, and after about five seconds, the player will get back up again. The machine can be used for a total of three times before disappearing. This is most likely a feature Treyarch has put in to make it easier for people who are playing Nazi Zombies solo. Note that this functions in all of the Zombie maps in Black Ops, including the classic maps.

Whenever the player turns on the power the teleporter will look like it needs to be cooled down (the light bulb being colored red), however, it is actually ready to be linked up.

At the Mystery Box spawns, there is a map showing the cinema. It also shows the location of the mystery box; the location(s) are marked by green lights. Keep in mind that the location can be seen only after the power has been turned on.

Also, as in previous zombie maps and Ascension, the mystery box can be located by an blue vertical glow to the sky. However, it is very hard to tell where the box is as the light can only be seen from the alley, and since the map takes place during daytime, the glow is almost invisible. Also, the mystery box spawns are very close to each other.

The Pack-A-Punch machine on this map can only be accessed by teleporting to it. After a certain time you will be teleported back. A clock above the Pack-a-Punch machine will count down the time.

After opening the upstairs room and going behind the wall, the player can see text that says "The element is here" indicating that Element 115 is there.

Zombies can now jump down from the roof of the building instead of having to break through windows.

This is the map that was originally going to be in Map Pack 4 for Call of Duty: World at War but was canceled because its date was too close to Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2.

A musical easter egg can be found by using the action button on three rocks of Element 115. One is in the lobby, where the player starts the game. Another one is in the dressing room, close to the MP5K. The last one is in the small room at the top of the stairs by the alley, on the shelf near the window to the alley. After activating all three rocks the song "115" by Elena Siegman starts to play, the theme of which is played when all players die on the map Der Riese.

When you get near one of the three meteor pieces, you will hear a distinct space like noise.

This is the first, and so far, only Nazi Zombie map available on the Wii.

There is always music playing on during the match. It is only possible to hear it when there are no Zombies nearby, due to the fact that it plays very quietly. The song is "Damned" by Kevin Sherwood.

When playing in solo, the player's character is randomly chosen so that people can play as anybody, unlike in World at War. However, when playing in split-screen, the first player is Tank Dempsey and the second is Nikolai.

Note that occasionally the game can glitch and the mystery box will not spawn anywhere on the map.

After the player spawns, the player can open the room to the left and look at the books scattered on the floor. One of them says "Edward Richtofen".

Each of the random rooms has a different video reel that can be picked up and put into the projector to play audio, just like the radios in previous maps.

Once the power is turned on, a rumbling can be heard and pieces of the roof crumble. Zombies can jump through these holes and Gas Zombies crawl along the walls through them.

There are two radios located on this map. One is located in the hanging chandelier in the theater and the other is located on a building (specifically, a Berlin wall guard tower) seen from the window in the alley closest to Double Tap. It can be seen using a sniper rifle.

In the theater room inside the first window on the left is a note that say IGNOMO JUBILUS which in Latin translates to a disgrace to, rejoicing. related video

The bar in the starting room contains several perk bottles, mainly Juggernog. These are unusable, however.

On the Wii Version there is a purchasable AUG under the Sentry Gun on the Stage.

If the player is in split-screen, if the players go to the Pack-A-Punch room, the clock on the wall above the PaP will read different for each player.

A glitch occurs on the door leading to the theater from the dressing room. Sometimes, if the player opens the door that leads to the theater, a random zombie will spawn and try to break through an "invisible" barrier. (Confirmed on Wii)

Another rare glitch is that a zombie will spawn in a random room after the player teleports from the Pack-A-Punch machine. (Confirmed on Wii)

If the player goes to the Dressing Room to the barrier being lit up with a greenish light, the player should be able to hear something thumping in one of those dressing crates.

If the player noclips out of the map, they will notice what appears to be a section of the Berlin Wall out front of the theater. Players can see a segment of the wall along with a guard tower. On the opposite side of the wall, players can see an East German television tower, the Fernsehturm. This suggests Kino der Toten takes place in West Berlin. It also possibly suggests that Kino der Toten is set in 1968, as said television tower is under construction (it was completed in 1969).

If a player no-clips out of the map and looks around like in Der Riese they will see a black box that has the teleporter images in it. Also if the player looks around, the player will see the random rooms they can be teleported to. (Ex. Samantha's Room, Verruckt, etc.)

There is writing on the wall that says "Beware of the Six", which is a possible reference to Nova 6.

In the Pack-A-Punch room, there is writing on a bulletin board that reads "Durchhalten, Männer, wir machen sie fertig" which translates to "Hold on, men, we finish them."

Sam's destroyed room has a small table with a teddy bear sitting at it. On the table, are orange, red, blue, and green bottles. These are the Double Tap, Juggernog, Quick Revive, and Speed Cola bottles, respectively.

Several pods are in the theater containing what appear to be monkeys.

In Der Riese at the box spawn in the "Animal Testing Laboratory" a picture of a Nazi Theater can be seen on the board on the wall.

There are posters of what appears to be ads for a film called "Die Bismark." The Bismark was an actual ship, a German battleship that was sunk in 1941.

If the player goes to the window (not the zombie barrier) next to the mystery box spawn in the courtyard and looks in it, they will see a room with a door that has a hole in it. If the player looks in the hole they may hear whispering, or they may hear a strange noise that will stay around for a while.

The Eye of Providence appears in two places on this map. First is under the staircase, on a canister where the frozen monkey is, and second is on a book inside a zombie barricade.

There is a very rare glitch on Kino der Toten. If a horde of zombies are after you, and you kill them, one zombie will be stuck, and not move; then it just dies. (Confirmed on Wii)

There is a very rare glitch where a player can skip a round by linking the teleporter at the very moment a round starts, automatically going to the next round after that (example, round 11 ends, 12 starts and you initiate the link, round 13 starts). Another way to do this glitch is to turn on the power as soon as the round starts.

If a player lies down in a corner, and has another player dive to prone on top of them, both players are automatically downed. When the players are downed, a child, presumably Samantha, is heard giggling. It was believed that if this glitch was performed then zombies would drop more power-ups when killed. This has been proven false. This also works on Five. (Confirmed on Xbox 360 and PS3)

Sometimes, when a player is downed on higher levels, they will randomly gets back up without being healed by a teammate, this will also happen when a player is being healed by a teammate, they will get back up after being healed only half way (Confirmed on PS3 and Xbox 360).

The random room that looks like a conference room has a model of a rocket like the one in Executive Order.

The rocket on the table in the conference room can also be launched by holding down to action button infront of it.

On this map, it is possible to find posters with the word Faust on them, a German character of legend and the main icon for Gounod's work Faust.

Some pictures of what appear to be early drawings of Kino Der Toten can be found on the Central Intelligence Agency Data system under the Dreamland Server username vbush.

Kino Der Toten is one of the only zombies map that doesn't strikingly resemble a map from multiplayer, or single-player. Although if one noclips outside of the map, then the Berlin Wall is visible, which was a map released later in the First Strike map pack.

When in the alley, one can shoot/knife in the direction of the sun. When this is done, the sun disappears for a short while.

If subtitles are enabled, the loadup screen's comic misspells Richtofen as "Richtofan" on the Xbox 360 version. However, on the PS3, it's spelled correctly.

[multipage=Five Quotes]

"We'll be judged more by what we do here than anywhere else."
— At the beginning.

"The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, so hit the power!"
— At the beginning.

"Call the department of energy, we need power!"
— At the beginning.

Killing a Zombie

"Negotiations: one peace at a time."
— Upon getting a kill

"Pain is temporary, pride is forever!"
— Upon getting a kill.

"They should put my face on the silver dollar."
— Upon getting a kill.

"Fail miserably, achieve greatly!"
— Upon getting a kill.

"Who's the President now, stale-skin?"
— Upon getting a kill.

"Stick it in here zombie, Uncle Zeddy!"
— Upon getting a kill.

"Let us not negotiate the undead with fear, but with bullets!"
— Upon getting a kill.

"I am all that is man!"
— Upon getting a kill.

"Just like the Solomon Isles!"
— Upon getting a kill; Kennedy served in the navy during World War II.

"That's a wicked digger."
— After a knife kill.

"Can you dig it?"
— After a knife kill. This line may be a reference to the cult classic film The Warriors, as the phrase is first used in the film.

"Taste the flavor, chopper!!!"
— After a knife kill.

"Oh, pisser!"
— After a knife kill.

"Take that, skinny!"
— After a knife kill.

"I made this look reeeaaal good!"
— Upon a headshot.

"Inaugurate this marble eyes!"
— Upon getting a headshot.

"I am all that stands between the dead and the White House!"
— Upon getting a headshot.

"Never fight out of fear, but never fear to fight!"
— Upon getting a headshot.

"Take that, you Warren Commission dick!"
— Upon getting a headshot.

"I said: Eat it, rot!"
— Upon getting a headshot.

"The cost of freedom is high, but I can still pay it!"
— Upon getting a headshot.

"*sings* Oh say can you see... BOOM!"
— After a explosive kill.

"You're making the mess on my floor, munchers."
— After an explosive kill.

"It's raining zombies like a bastard down here!"
— After an explosive kill.

"Bombs for the zombs!"
— After an explosive kill.

"*sings* By the dawn's early light... BABOOM!"
— After an explosive kill.

"You're better than that Jack, get it together!"
— Upon killing a crawler.

"Executive Order 112477: DIE!"
— Upon killing a crawler.

"Ah! The smell! I think I just threw up in my mouth a little."
— Upon killing a Gas Zombie.

"You have been nominated for death, Shambler!"
— Upon killing a Gas Zombie. A reference to the Shambler, a monster appears in Quake.

"Ah, who cut the cheese?!"
— Upon killing a Gas Zombie.

"I said freeze!"
— Upon getting a kill with Winter's Howl/Winter's Fury.

"I just gave him the cold shoulder!"
— Upon getting a kill with Winter's Howl/Winter's Fury.

"Why don't you just... chill out."
— Upon getting a kill with Winter's Howl/Winter's Fury.

"A zombie mis-educated is a zombie lost!"
— Upon multiple kills.

"I know there is a devil, for I see a storm coming, and his hand is in it!"
— Upon multiple kills.

"Good ol' fashioned Irish beatdown!"
— Upon multiple kills.

"You all gonna die, uh... AGAIN!"
— Upon multiple kills.

"You all pardoned!"
— Upon multiple kills.

"Argh... hands off the merchandise lurkers!"
— Upon multiple kills.

"*speaks in Boston accent* The beast of Boston... Argh!"
— Upon multiple kills.

"On this earth, God's work is in our hands. Hazzah!"
— Upon multiple kills.

"In the time of turmoil, knowledge is power!"
— Upon multiple kills.

"Who's the president? Who? Ha? Who?"
— Upon multiple kills.

"Chief! You dropped something!"
— After shooting a zombie's arm off.

"I'll put that limb next to my Pulitzer."
— After shooting a zombie's arm off.

"You don't lose an arm on my account!"
— After shooting a zombie's arm off.

"It is good that I can walk to work!"
— After blowing a zombie's leg off.

Being hit by a Zombie

"Do I look like a guy with a foot fetish?"
— When getting attacked by a crawling zombie.

"Get off my bunions!"
— When getting attacked by a crawling zombie.

"Calm your liver Mr. Wiggles."
— When getting attacked by crawling zombie.

"Forgive one's enemies, but Never! Ever! Forget their names!"
— Upon killing a zombie that attacked him.

"Ich bin ein Berliner!"
— Upon killing a zombie recently hit him; from Kennedy's speech in West Berlin, meaning "I am a citizen of Berlin".

"I see in America unafraid, the beauty and grace... but you beasts aren't helping!"
— Upon killing a zombie that attacked him.

"You want a taste of my size 10s' don't ya?!"
— when attacked by a crawling zombie.

AmmoEdit Ammo sectionEdit

"Need a mag like yesterday!"
— When low ammo. Reference to his service times in World War II.

"Gun-gauge is pointin' at E!"
— When low ammo.

"I need a re-op."
— When low ammo.

"No ammo, pass the buck!"
— When low ammo. Reference to Harry Truman's "The Buck Stops Here" sign on his Presidential Desk.

"Could use some ammo soon!"
— When low ammo.

"Ugh... no ammo!"
— When out of ammo.

"Your president needs slugs!"
— When out of ammo.

"Ammo! That's an order!"
— When out of ammo.

"Need some beans for the chowder here!"
— When out of ammo.

Buying weapons off the wall

"Now it's the time for action."
— After buying an M16 off the wall.

"I'm an idealist... with a sniper rifle."
— After buying an M14 off the wall. A reference to his assassin.

"Don't wanna get too close. Zed goop stains."
— After buying an M14 off the wall

"Full auto zombie slaying death from the palm of my hands."
— After buying an MP5K off the wall.

"A most perfect weapon."
— After buying an AK-74u off the wall.

"I like this, a lot."
— After buying a PM63 off the wall.

"I should keep one of these under my desk at the Oval office."
— After buying an MPL off the wall.

"Time to make some Zed chowder."
— After buying an Olympia off the wall

"When efforts and courage are not enough, *sighs* a shotgun helps."
— After buying a Stakeout off the wall.

"Time to get dirty!"
— After buying a Bowie Knife off the wall.

"But I want it!"
— When he tries to buy a weapon for which he doesn't have enough money.


"Ah, just what the doctor ordered."
— Upon getting a Max Ammo power-up.

"Your country thanks you."
— Upon getting a Max Ammo power-up.

"Builds faster than a Communist building a wall!"
— Upon getting a Carpenter power-up. A reference to the Berlin Wall.

"The time to repair the barricade is when the sun is shining."
— Upon getting a Carpenter power-up.

"Double the pleasure, double the pain."
— Upon getting a Double Points power-up.

"I'm seeing in two's!"
— Upon getting a Double Points power-up.

"I comin' for you all!"
— Upon getting a Insta-Kill power-up.

"Once the man I used to be!"
— Upon getting a Insta-Kill power-up.

"M to the A to the D!"
— Upon getting a Nuke. Reference to Mutually Assured Destruction, a thermonuclear war scenario.

"And that is how you push the button!"
— Upon getting a Nuke.

"Understatement of the century."
— Upon getting a Nuke.


"Ugh! In the Navy for years, I've never tasted anything that fishy."
— Upon drinking Quick Revive.

"Ah, hail to the chief!"
Template:Reference to the film "Army of Darkness"

"Feeeeeelin' speedy!"
— Upon drinking Speed Cola.

"Let's pull the trigger on these scum-divers!"
— Upon drinking Double Tap Root Beer.

Downed or revived

"My country thanks you."
— Upon being revived.

"I never hoped for an easy life, just to be a stronger man."
— Upon being revived.

"Huh? I was just resting my eyes."
— Upon being revived.

"Back and better than ever!"
— Upon being revived.

"Back in the game kids."
— Upon being revived


"Ask not what your gun can do for you, but what you can do for your gun!"
— While waiting for Pack-a-Punch Machine.

"I need that now..."
— While waiting for Pack-a-Punch Machine.

"Things do not happen, they are made to happen."
— After receiving a Pack-a-Punched weapon.

"Finally, let's do this!"
— After receiving a Pack-a-Punched weapon.

"It's go-time!"
— After receiving a Pack-a-Punched weapon.

"Gimme gimme!"
— After receiving a Pack-a-Punched weapon.

Mystery Box

"Rack 'em up!"
— After getting a Galil from Mystery Box.

"I hold the key to peace in my hands."
— After getting an AUG from Mystery Box.

"As Teddy Roosevelt once said: walk lightly and carry a BFG!"
— After getting a Commando from Mystery Box. Reference to Theodore Roosevelt's "Big Stick" Diplomacy.

"Rapid-fire Hellfire."
— After getting a Spectre from Mystery Box.

"I shall not be afraid to use this."
— After getting a RPK from Mystery Box.

"Hail to the chief baby!"
— After getting a Dragunov from Mystery Box. A reference to Duke Nukem's famous line.

"Line 'em up and lay 'em down."
— After getting a L96A1 from Mystery Box.

"Munchers ride shotgun."
— After getting a SPAS-12 from Mystery Box.

"This is my sword, my Excalibur."
— After getting a HS-10 from Mystery Box.

"What kind of bad luck is this?"
— After receiving a Python from Mystery Box.

"Time for a zombie missile crisis."
— After getting a M72 LAW from Mystery Box.

"Now this is power."
— After getting a Crossbow from Mystery Box.

"The man may die, undead will rise. This Ray Gun lives on."
— After getting a Ray Gun from Mystery Box.

"Ugh, whoever invented this must be insane..."
— After getting a Monkey Bomb from Mystery Box. A reference to Edward Richthofen, the creator of the monkey bomb, who was insane.

— After getting a Teddy Bear from Mystery Box.

"I'm the president of the United States. Open!"
— When trying use Mystery Box without the needed points.


"This was not in the presidential job description!"
— After noticing a crowd of zombies.

"You can only get this close if I get your votes!"
— After noticing a crowd of zombies.

— After noticing a crowd of zombies.

"No pushing! No shoving! Patience is the virtue!"
— After noticing a crowd of zombies.

"C'mon, I'm good for it!"
— When trying to open a barrier without requisite points.

"Everyone, concentrate fire on McNamara!"
— If McNamara has the most points.

"Castro is surrounded, everyone point and laugh."
— When Castro is downed.

"How you won a revolution is beyond me!"
— When Castro is swarmed.


"There's power nearby, there has to be."
— At the beginning.

"Electricity is required to continue this war."
— At the beginning.

"We must find the switch if we want to last."
— At the beginning.

Killing a Zombie

"I'm happy to see you die."
— Upon getting a kill.

"Each zombie dead is another man living."
— Upon getting a kill.

"Lesson 2: Rationality will not save you, fellows."
— Upon getting a kill; A reference to the second lesson in The Fog of War.

"Living dead: maybe, but I'll still outlive ya!"
— Upon getting a kill.

"Hands off the Mac, Jack!"
— Upon getting a kill.

"U-S-A! U-S-A!"
— After a knife kill.

"The time is now!"
— After knife kill.

— After a knife kill.

"Death to death!"
— After a knife kill.

"Calculate that, chopper!"
— After a knife kill.

— After a knife kill.

"You are the sickness, I am the medicine."
— Upon getting a headshot.

"See first with your mind, and then with your eyes."
— Upon getting a headshot.

"Remember my favorite Broadway Show: I Dismember Mama!"
— Upon getting a headshot.

"Take it by that, zombie shit!"
— Upon getting a headshot.

"I will give you something to moan about!"
— Upon getting a headshot.

"Discard what is of no use, SUCH AS YOUR HEAD!"
— Upon getting a headshot.

— Upon getting a headshot.

"Huh! I made a goop, it's a goop!"
— Upon getting an explosive kill.

"BOOM! Fury!"
— Upon getting an explosive kill.

"Things that go boom usually die."
— Upon getting an explosive kill.

"I dubbed this up: shock and awe!"
— Upon getting an explosive kill.

"Your death creates a nauseating Fog of War!"
— After killing a Gas Zombie, obvious reference to McNamara's documentary, The Fog of War.

"I'm an stone-cold killer."
— Upon getting a kill with Winter's Howl/Winter's Fury.

"Die again, and again, and AGAIN and AGAIN and AGAIN!"
— Upon multiple kills.

"Back to hell demon-spawn!"
— Upon multiple kills.

"This is how one stimulates progress!"
— Upon multiple kills.

"Not yet we have a single defense policy: DEATH TO ZOMBIES!"
— Upon multiple kills.

"They didn't call me the whiz-kid for nothing."
— Upon multiple kills.

"Lesson number 8: Be prepared to re-examine your reasoning."
— Upon multiple kills.

"Really, I have only just begun!"
— Upon multiple kills.

"Be happy; you have another arm."
— When destroying a zombie's limb.

Being hit by a Zombie

"Watch the hair!"
— After being hit by zombie.

"Ugh... crawler!"
— When attacked by a crawling zombie.

"Nixon... you have just soiled your pants."
— When attacked by a crawling zombie.

"The probability of you touching me again is ZERO! Hah!"
— After killing a zombie that attacked him.

"You will pay for that, rot-face!"
— After killing a zombie that attacked him.

Downed or revived

"Lesson 10: Never say never!"
— When downed.

"The last stand of McNamara!"
— When downed. Reference to the perk Last Stand.

"Give me a revive! There's too many to handle alone!"
— When downed.

"I'm down!"
— When downed.

"No, it is not over yet."
— After being revived.

"I thank you for your support."
— After being revived.

"I am in your debt."
— After being revived.

"Thank you! I will not let you down!"
— After being revived.


"Almost out!"
— When low ammo.

"Guess I shouldn't have made those budget cuts."
— When low ammo.

"Get me the ammo dammit!"
— When low ammo.

"I'm blinking light here!"
— When low ammo.

"My accountant says I need to find some rounds."
— When out of ammo.

"Zero times two is still zero!"
— When out of ammo.

"No ammo? Time to get dirty..."
— When out of ammo.

Buying weapons off the wall

"Today I hunt death."
— After buying any weapon.

"Line 'em up so I can knock 'em down."
— After buying M14.

"This will do."
— After buying a MP5K off the wall.

"SMG! Recommended use, short bursts for maximum elicitation of death."
— After buying a PM63 off the wall.

"This weapon does not suit my disposition, but it suits the situation."
— After buying an AK-74u off the wall.

"Automatic carbine designed to fire pistol cartridges... genius!"
— After buying a MPL off the wall.

"Devastation is at hands!"
— After buying an Olympia off the wall.

"In order to do good, you may have to engage in evil."
— After buying a Stakeout off the wall.

"Damn, my math was wrong!"
— When attempting to buy a weapon without requisite money.


"An expediential solution."
— Upon getting a Max Ammo power-up.

"Finally full."
— Upon getting a Max Ammo power-up.

"I needed that!"
— Upon getting a Max Ammo power-up.

"This will hold them for few seconds."
— Upon getting a Carpenter power-up.

"Yes! Time to resupply!"
— Upon getting a Carpenter power-up.

"I calculate success."
— Upon getting a Double Points power-up.

"X times P equals to... more points than Rockefeller!"
— Upon getting a Double Points power-up.

"Here I come!"
— Upon getting a Insta-Kill power-up.

"It's knife time."
— Upon getting a Insta-Kill power-up.

"Your burning flesh warms my heart."
— Upon getting a Nuke.

"A cure for the living impaired."
— Upon getting a Nuke.

"The use of nuclear deterrence is approved."
— Upon getting a Nuke.


"This will enhance my defense capability two-fold."
— Upon buying Jugger-Nog.

"Ugh! Did anyone check the expiration date?"
— Upon buying Quick Revive.

"Whoo, faster reload well worth the money spent!"
— Upon buying Speed Cola.

"Double Tap! *speaks quickly* Increases the fire rate by thirty percent."
— Upon buying Double Tap Root Beer.

Pack-a-PunchEdit Pack-a-Punch sectionEdit

"This reminds me of Step 6: Get the data!"
— While waiting for Pack-A-Punch machine. This is one of the lessons shown in the documentary The Fog of War.

"It's better be worth it!"
— While waiting for Pack-a-Punch Machine.

"Weapon is powerful as the United States military!"
— After receiving a Pack-a-Punched weapon.

"No more Mr. Nice secretary!"
— After receiving a Pack-a-Punched weapon.

"Gotta send one of these to the USMC."
— After receiving a Pack-a-Punched weapon.

Mystery Box

"My appraisal to machine gun is one of approval."
— After getting a FAMAS from Mystery Box.

"This will cut down zombies without question."
— After getting a Commando from Mystery Box.

"This will do nicely."
— After getting a G11 from Mystery Box.

"My appraisal to this weapon is one of approval."
— After getting a Spectre from Mystery Box.

"Seven hundred rounds, two minutes of continuous fire? I approve."
— After getting a HK21 from Mystery Box.

"Precise weapon for a man of precision."
— After getting a Dragunov from Mystery Box.

"This weapon suits my disposition."
— After getting a L96A1 from Mystery Box.

"Perfect for close encounters."
— After getting a SPAS-12 from Mystery Box.

"It's time to fill their bellies with lead!"
— After getting a HS-10 from Mystery Box.

"This is unacceptable!"
— After getting a Python from Mystery Box.

"This poorly made weapon needs a memorandum."
— After getting a CZ75 from Mystery Box.

"Two hands plus two guns equals to... four hundred dead Zeds!"
— After getting a Dual-Wielded CZ75 from Mystery Box.

"Lesson number 5: Proportionality should be a guideline in war."
— After getting a China Lake from Mystery Box.

"Explosives, approved."
— After getting a Crossbow from Mystery Box.

"Revenge is a dish best served cold."
— After getting a Winter's Howl from Mystery Box.

"Insufficient funds..."
— When attempting to use the Mystery Box without requisite money.


"Not enough money? Time to re-examine the budget!"
— When attempting to open a door without requisite points.

"I'm surrounded! Give me a hand!"
— When surrounded by zombies.


"Uh, can we go find the power switch?"
— At the beginning.

Killing a Zombie

"No hugs for you."
— After killing an approaching zombie.

"No, you cannot have a hug."
— After killing an approaching zombie.

"You can't stop Tricky Dick!"
— When being attacked by zombies. A reference to the nickname he received by Helen Gahagan Douglas, the Democratic-Republican running against him.

"Einey Meiney Mieney DIE!"
— When killing zombies.

"One potato two potato three potato BANG!"
— After killing a zombie.

"America! Hell yes."
— After killing a zombie.

"I've never been a quitter."
— After killing a zombie.

"Zed head's dead!"
— After killing a zombie. A reference to Pulp Fiction.

"Give me what I want!"
— After killing a zombie.

"I want your blood and I want your vote!"
— After killing a zombie.

"That's right, you better die."
— After killing a zombie.

"No Mr. Hippie, I expect you to die."
— After killing a zombie. Reference to infamous James Bond quote.

"Got your gobble gobble right here freak!"
— After killing a zombie.

"By taking this action, I hope I have hastened the start of healing."
— After killing a zombie.

"If only you had a vote..."
— After killing a zombie.

"Pick that up hippie!"
— After killing a zombie.

"As the hippies say, I come in peace man."
— After killing a zombie.

"WHAT?! WHAT?! Oh, I did that on purpose, okay?"
— Random

"Now that's what I call a bullet sponge."
— After killing a zombie with a Ray Gun.

"Yes! What can't this Ray Gun do?"
— After killing a zombie with a Ray Gun.

— After killing a zombie with a grenade.

"BOOM! Goes the explosive."
— After killing a zombie with a grenade. Reference to an internet meme in which a newscaster would drop all his lines.

"I did that on purpose. But, but I did."
— After killing a zombie with a grenade.

"Can't you maggots explode quietly?"
— After killing a zombie with a grenade.

"Ugh, boogie guts all over me."
— After killing a zombie that was close-by.

"That's as close as you get. compadre."
— After killing a zombie that was close-by.

"Take no risks, suffer no defeats! Take no risks, win no victories!"
— After killing multiple zombies.

"Killcam! Where's my killcam?!"
— After killing multiple zombies. A reference to the multiplayer first-person shooter game culture.

"I am that good."
— After killing multiple zombies.

"Yea, yea, I'm good. Tell me something I don't know."
— After killing multiple zombies.

"Shut up! Just shut up!"
— After killing multiple zombies.

"Oh look at the filthy carpets."
— After killing multiple zombies.

"Look what you made me do."
— After killing a zombie that just hit him.

"Back to the Ice Age!"
— After hitting a zombie with the Winter's Howl or Winter's Fury.

"I kicked him in his ice hole."
— After hitting a zombie with the Winter's Howl or Winter's Fury.

"C'mon! You're not dead yet? Really?"
— After hitting a zombie multiple times with a knife.

"Lets cuddle!"
— After killing a zombie with a knife.

— After killing a zombie with a knife.

— After killing zombie with a knife.

"I've had it up to "here" with you carpet baggers."
— After killing a crawler.

"I hate aiming so low, it hurts my back."
— After killing a gas zombie.

"Now that was with my eyes closed."
— Sometimes said when getting a head shot.

"Now come on, you're making a mess."
— Sometimes said when getting a head shot.

— Sometimes said when attacked by zombies/scoring a lot of kills. A reference to TV show Futurama.

Being hit by a Zombie

"No Touchy"
— After a zombie hits him.

"You dare touch a Quaker?"
— After a zombie hits him.

"Get off me you hippie!"
— After a zombie hits him.

"Son, I am sick of this shit!"
— After a crawler hits him.

"Back Off! These are Italian"
— When attacked by a crawling zombie

"Go get a job hippie!"
— After a crawler hits him.

"Hey, hey, hey! These shoes are Italian!"
— After a crawler hits him.

"Get off my legs!"
— After a crawler hits him.

"Who's got the mukluks? These things are making a mess!"
— After a crawler hits him.

"Richard Nixon is not part of a complete breakfast!"
— Sometimes said after evading a zombie attack.

"Gotta learn how to survive defeat, that's how you develop character"
— Sometimes said after evading a zombie attack.

"Never learn how to accept defeat. *That's* how you develop courage."
— After a near-death experience.

"Jack is the handsome one, get him!"
— Random.


"I will gladly pay you Tuesday for some extra rounds today."
— When running low on ammo. (Popeye reference)

"Gonna get real intimate if I can't find ammo."
— When running low on ammo.

"Pass the ammo please. I said PLEASE!"
— When running low on ammo.

"We'll all die soon if I don't find some rounds!"
— When running low on ammo.

"Damn you hippies, I'm out of ammo!"
— When out of ammo.

"Empty! I'm empty dagnabbit!"
— When out of ammo.

"Who needs ammo when you have looks like mine?"
— When out of ammo.

"Men, I'm out!"
— When out of ammo.

"What is this nonsense? Where are my rounds?!"
— When out of ammo.

Downed or revived

"I may be down, but I'm not out!"
— After getting downed.

"I'm not dead! Not yet!"
— After getting downed.

— After getting downed.

"Nixon's back!"
— Upon being revived.

"I'm not finished yet!"
— Upon being revived.

"Meat is an anagram for team you know."
— Upon being revived.

"A man is not finished when defeated, only when he quits."
— Upon being revived.

Buying weapons off the wall

"Give me a rifle so I can kill all the hippies I see!"
— After buying an M14 off the wall.

"I'm gonna love it, and hug it, and call it Checkers!"
— After buying an M14 off the wall. Checkers is the name of Richard Nixon's Cocker Spaniel.

"Let's turn those rotten empty heads inside out."
— After buying an M14 off the wall.

"Perfect! I can keep my distance from this mess."
— After buying an M14 off the wall.

"Ergh, I get to see the whites of their eyes."
— After buying an M14 off the wall. This is ironic, however, since the M14 is a long-range weapon and seeing the whites of your opponents eyes refers to getting close to them. Also, zombies do not appear to have white in their eyes, rather glowing yellow.

"Guts will be spilled!"
— After buying an Olympia off the wall.

"All right, let's get this over with."
— After buying an Olympia off the wall.

"All right, who wants a buckshot rye?"
— After buying a Stakeout off the wall.

"People who like this kind of thing will find this as a sort of thing they like."
— After buying an SMG off the wall.

"That's it? Only one?!"
— After buying an SMG off the wall.

"Here comes the 'Nix'!"
— After buying an SMG off the wall.

"Yes, I get it. I have to go fight now!"
— After buying an SMG off the wall.

"Well, this I can work with."
— After buying an MP5K off the wall.

"With this, I'm going to gut me some zombies and use their spines as hats! ...Actually, that's quite disgusting."
— After purchasing the bowie knife.


"I guess this means I have to help..."
— After drinking Quick Revive.

"Ooh, I feel good now."
— After drinking Jugger-Nog.

"I'm not a crook! I'm not a crook! I'm not a crook! I'm not a crook!"
— After drinking Speed Cola.

"Double tap? So I can do two phones?"
— After drinking Double Tap Root Beer.


"Who said that?"
— Upon getting a Double Points power-up.

"I don't need your stinking points, I need your votes."
— Upon getting a Double Points power-up.

"There's a catch, isn't there?"
— Upon getting a Double Points power-up.

"That's it? Max is all I get?"
— After getting a Max Ammo power-up.

"This means I have to keep fighting doesn't it?"
— After getting a Max Ammo power-up.

— After getting an Insta-Kill power-up.

"Nixon's revenge!"
— After getting an Insta-Kill power-up.

"Now we're talking."
— After getting an Insta-Kill power-up or Death Machine power-up.

"Blow it away!"
— After getting a Nuke power-up.

— After getting a Nuke power-up.

— After getting a Nuke power-up.

"Finally, getting some help around here."
— After getting a Carpenter power-up.

"Keep it down up there!"
— After getting a Carpenter power-up.

"What's with the racket?!"
— After getting a Carpenter power-up.

"OK, maybe we have a few seconds."
— After getting a Carpenter power-up.

"Oh, I'll take it."
— After getting a Fire Sale power-up.


"This is me waiting... This is me waiting on drugs... HURRY THE **** UP!"
— When waiting for Pack-A-Punch machine. Reference to 1980's Presidential Anti-Drug campaign.

"I don't have all day, you stupid machine!"
— While waiting for Pack-a-Punch machine.

"Tick-tock! Tick-tock! Tick-tock! I'm gonna kick you in the *cough*!"
— While waiting for Pack-A-Punch machine.

"Hurry up! Hurry up."
— While waiting for Pack-A-Punch machine.

"This better be good... it cost enough."
— While waiting for Pack-A-Punch machine.

"This is how you pack-a-punch."
— After getting a weapon from the Pack-A-Punch machine.

"Bring on the hippies! The commies! The commies and the hippies! Bah! Both of them!"
— After getting a weapon from the Pack-A-Punch machine.

"It took you long enough damn machine thingy."
— After getting a weapon from the Pack-A-Punch machine.

"I might actually smile...*might*."
— After getting a weapon from the Pack-A-Punch machine.

"That's're going to give me what I want."
— After getting a weapon from the Pack-A-Punch machine.

"Wait what?! I deserve a celebrity discount!"
— Not enough money to Pack-A-Punch a weapon.

Mystery Box

— Upon getting a Ray Gun

"Communist! Open the damn box!"
— Not enough money to buy the Mystery Box.

"I'm being treated like a crook!"
— After getting a CZ75 or a Python from the Mystery Box.

"This I can work with"
— After getting a Spectre from the Mystery Box.

"This gift better keep on giving!"
— After getting a Galil from the Mystery Box.

"Somebody likes me!...I think."
— After getting a China Lake from the Mystery Box.

"Uh, good enough, I suppose."
— After getting a Commando from the Mystery Box.

"Uh, stay frosty!"
— After getting the Winter's Howl from the Mystery Box.

"Just when I was beginning to like you... "
— After getting the Teddy Bear from the Mystery Box.

"Solutions are not the answer...Wait a minute, did I miss anything?"
— After getting a Spas-12 from the Mystery Box.

"What kind of box is this?"
— After Teddy bear.


"Argh...Taxing me like a democrat!"
— Not enough money to buy a weapon or barrier.

"The bloodiest wars in history were fought with buttercups, and hippies!"
— Random

"Smack 'Em with your beard, and Burn 'em with your stogie, Fidel!"
— Possibly Random.


"Will someone please find the power?!"
— At the beginning.

"Batteries were clearly not included!"
— At the beginning.

"Ah! Only a capitalist pig nation would deprive their people of power!"
— At the beginning.

Killing a Zombie

"Oh yeah!"
— Upon getting a kill.

"Hahaha! I am closer to heaven than never before!"
— Upon getting a kill.

"No man should live past the time where his body begins to deteriorate!"
— Upon getting a kill.

"I will use your stale skin to wrap my cigars!"
— Upon getting a kill.

"If only I have time, I would piss on your tomb!"
— Upon getting a kill.

"Time to die, zombie putas!"
— Upon getting a kill; "puta" means "whore" in Spanish.

"Viva la Revolucion!"
— After a knife kill. It means "Long live the Revolution" in Spanish.

"For Cuba!"
— After a knife kill

"Taste my fury!"
— After a knife kill.

— After a knife kill.

— After a knife kill.

"They fall as easily as Batista, ha-ha!"
— After an explosive kill.

"No escape for those who live like parasites!"
— After an explosive kill.

"Let their cursed blood rain!"
— After an explosive kill.

"Half the zombie you use to be, no?"
— After an explosive kill.

— After an explosive kill.

"Have a decency to die!"
— After an explosive kill.

"Ha ha ha! You look like my mother's ropa vieja!"
— After an explosive kill. "ropa vieja" means "old cloth" in Spanish, it is a famous cuisine in Latin-America country.

"Just like an lazy American, never finish their job!"
— Upon getting a headshot.

"Hello sir, I have a surprise for you!"
— Upon getting a headshot.

"I am the riiival of the West!"
— Upon getting a headshot.

"Eat dirt, dirty capitalista!"
— Upon killing a crawler.

"At least stand before I kill you!"
— Upon killing a Gas Zombie.

"Your stink reminds me the 23rd attempt on my life!"
— Upon killing a Gas Zombie.

"Oh.. Argh... Not enough cigars to cover that taste!"
— Upon killing a Gas Zombie.

"Vete pa'l carajo!"
— Upon multiple kills. "vete pa'l carajo" means "go to hell" in Spanish.

"I am a one man battalion and an invincible combatant!"
— Upon multiple kills.

"even if it takes months, every one of these hell spawns will burn!"
— Upon multiple kills.

"Aha, a lesson for you diablos!"
— Upon getting multiple kills. ("diablo" means "demon" in Spanish.)

"La revolucion!"
— Upon multiple kills.

"I think you lost something, puto le muerte!"
— After destroying a zombie's limb.

"Juan! You lost something."
— After destroying a zombie's limb.

Being hit by a Zombie

"Keep your putrid fingers off my uniform... filthy flesh eaters!"
— Upon getting hit by zombies.

"Touch me again and I will kill you again!"
— Upon getting hit by a zombie.

"This time the revolution is for real!"
— After killing a zombie that recently hit him.

"I dare you to repeat that offer maricón!"
— After killing a zombie that attacked him. "maricón" means "faggot" in Spanish.

"Only I can punish crimes of such magnitude!"
— After killing a zombie that recently injured him.

"Get off of my legs!"
— When hit by a crawler zombie.

Down or revived

"Come to me! The revolution dies without Fidel Castro!"
— When downed.

"I will fight as a brace until my last breath!"
— When downed.

"Revive me! My work here is not yet complete!"
— When downed.

"Like the revolution I will never die!"
— Upon being revived.

"Gracias hermano."
— Upon being revived. "gracias hermano" means "thank you brother" in Spanish.


"What is this? I'm low on ammo!"
— When low on ammo.

"I'm low on ammo!"
— When low on ammo.

"Capitalists keep ammunition from my hands!"
— When low on ammo.

"Great Lenin's ghost I'm low on ammo!"
— When low on ammo.

"Lots of ammunition to keep the revolution alive!"
— When low on ammo.

"I demand ammo!"
— When low on ammo.

"Bullets, bullets! My republic for some bullets!"
— When out of ammo. This is a reference to William Shakespeare's play "Richard III".

"There can be no revolution without ammunition!"
— When out of ammo.

"No ammo? Time for a cigar break then!"
— When out of ammo.

"I'm out! Knife work it is then!"
— When out of ammo.

"No more ammo? Fine, I will crush them with my fist!"
— When out of ammo.

Buying weapons off the wall

"I'll prefer to stand a fight but this will suffice!"
— After buying a M14 off the wall.

"My time is now!"
— After buying a M16 off the wall.

"Their lessons will be hard, but well deserved."
— After buying a MP5K off the wall.

"This is a honor."
— After buying an AK-74u off the wall.

"Time for some C.Q.C."
— After buying a PM63 off the wall. C.Q.C. stands for close quarter combat.

"I love it!"
— After buying a MPL off the wall.

"I will spill their putrid guts and dance in their feet!"
— After buying an Olympia off the wall.

"Just like the one I keep under my bed!"
— After buying a Stakeout off the wall.

"You dare overprice this?!"
— When try to buy a weapon without needed points.


"The revolution will never die now!"
— Upon getting a Max Ammo power-up.

"Si si si!"
— Upon getting a Max Ammo power-up. "si" means "yes" in Spanish.

"Double Points? Only a capitalist pig would want more than what he is given."
— Upon getting a Double Points power-up.

"I only accept this rise for the sake of the people."
— Upon getting a Double Points power-up.

"If only I have double the cigars, too!"
— Upon getting a Double Points power-up.

"I have time to resupply."
— Upon getting a Carpenter power-up.

"That is the time to resupply!"
— Upon getting a Carpenter power-up.

"Have a moment before they return!"
— Upon getting a Carpenter power-up.

"Damn you Khrushchev for denying me this!"
— Upon getting a Nuke.

"Yuri for devastation!"
— Upon getting a Nuke.

"Burn away the spawns of fuerza negra then!"
— Upon getting a Nuke. "fuerza negra" means "demon" in Spanish.


"I am a better comrade for this!"
— Upon drinking Quick Revive.

"Hysterical? Neuractic? I am all that ain't more than juggernaut!"
— Upon drinking Jugger-nog.

"I haven't moved this fast in years!"
— Upon drinking Speed Cola.

"I think I can use this for nuclear business."
— Upon drinking Double Tap Root Beer.

Mystery Box

"Let the revolution begin!"
— After getting an AUG from Mystery Box.

"My battle against the unholy is one!"
— After getting a G11 from Mystery Box.

"I will split their skulls and use them for bowl!"
— After getting a Dragunov from Mystery Box.

"The weapon for a calculating man."
— After getting a L96A1 from Mystery Box.

"I will not waste my single day for something so just!"
— After getting a SPAS-12 from Mystery Box.

"Perfect! Those infected-rotters look hungry for them!"
— After getting a HS-10 from Mystery Box.

"As easy what I needed!"
— After getting a CZ75 from Mystery Box.

"I would wish that I have three arms!"
— After getting a Dual-Wielded CZ75 from Mystery Box.

"This is an outrage!"
— After getting a Python from Mystery Box.

"Who needs Khrushchev missiles when I have this?"
— After getting a M72 LAW from Mystery Box.

"I will raise this hole to oblivion!"
— After getting a China Lake from Mystery Box.

"Not for a billion capitalists dollars would I give up this work of art!"
— After getting a Ray Gun from Mystery Box.

"If only I had this at the Bay of Pigs..."
— After getting a Ray Gun from Mystery Box.

"The child who owns this box is raised by capitalist dogs!"
— When trying to open Mystery Box without requisite points.


"I will wait as many days as necessary!"
— When waiting for Pack-a-Punch.

"*Whistles a tune*"
— {{{2}}}

"Ah, like a perfect cigar! Smooth and silky!"
— After receiving a Pack-a-Punched weapon.

"Perfecto! Perhaps my cigars should get Pack-a-Punched."
— After receiving a Pack-a-Punched weapon. Perfecto means perfect in Spanish

"It's play-time!"
— After receiving a Pack-a-Punched weapon.


"You remind me of my comrade Che."
— To McNamara/very rare

"If I were in Cuba this wouldn't happen!"
— When without enough points to buy something.

"Ladrón capitalista!"
— When without enough points to buy something. "ladrón capitalista" means "capitalist thief" in Spanish.
[multipage=Five Interesting Facts]
Coming soon... Sorry! Check back later
[multipage=Ascension Interesting Facts]
Coming soon... Sorry! Check back later
Last edited by Storm ; 05-22-2011 at 10:12 AM.

The following 4 users say thank you to Storm for this useful post:

bamba2, cresterk, HOST Lee, rtkrebs277
03-31-2011, 01:42 PM #2
[b]They say sorry Mr. West is..[/b]
Best one ever is by Nikolai on World at War!
"Don't get all Bolshevik about it!"

haha Happy
03-31-2011, 07:29 PM #3
Ah Zombies The Only Good Thing About Black Ops, Or As Nikolai Would Say "Out of my way piz-da!" =D
03-31-2011, 08:44 PM #4
Originally posted by ClutchLikeMelo View Post
Best one ever is by Nikolai on World at War!
"Don't get all Bolshevik about it!"

haha Happy

Sorta remember that one Happy
Originally posted by HOST
Ah Zombies The Only Good Thing About Black Ops, Or As Nikolai Would Say "Out of my way piz-da!" =D

Hahaaa Lee...

So you guys wanna see Ascension+Five added?

The following 2 users say thank you to Storm for this useful post:

Mr.MoldyOrange, rtkrebs277
03-31-2011, 08:54 PM #5
yes ofcourse we want to see that added Happy !
03-31-2011, 08:55 PM #6
I’m too L33T
I only play zombies for the hidden stuff... And the crazy gay Japanese Guy :carling:
03-31-2011, 10:13 PM #7
Nobody is like me
Great thread can't wait too see your Ascension section Smile
04-01-2011, 08:39 AM #8
Originally posted by storm View Post
Sorta remember that one Happy

Hahaaa Lee...

So you guys wanna see Ascension+Five added?

There Was Only One Thing Wrong With This Thread The Wonderwuffle Aint In Kino Der Toten.
04-01-2011, 11:43 AM #9
Originally posted by HOST

There Was Only One Thing Wrong With This Thread The Wonderwuffle Aint In Kino Der Toten.

Yeah. Its in the quotes because it was originally mean to be in Kino, but it was cut before the release of Black Ops
04-01-2011, 04:08 PM #10
The Brain Named Its Self
Nice Post Fool :p

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