Post: Everything confirmed on cod ghosts so far!
07-07-2013, 05:56 AM #1
Maggie Simpson
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This Post Is About EVERYTHING Confirmed On COD Ghosts From The Gameplay We have Been Shown. I will Be updating this every time new info gets released about the Game. Gobble

First, Lets Start With the Weapons-

1.) CZ 805 Bren (Assault Rifle)
2.) AK (We don't know what type of AK yet)
3.) Vector (Sub Machine Gun/ PDW)
4.) M-TAR 21 (Assault Rifle)
5.) UMP-45 (Sub Machine Gun/ PDW)
6.) FN FAL (Assault Rifle/Semi Auto)
7.) M4A1 (Assault Rifle)
8.) AAC Honey Badger (Sub Machine Gun/ PDW)
9.) SCAR H OR Scar L (Assault Rifle)
10.) APS Underwater Rifle (Assault Rifle/Harpoon)
11.) Galil (Assault Rifle)... Needa
12.) M16A3 (Assault Rifle/3 Round Burst.)
13.) ARX-160 (Assault Rifle)
14.)ACR (Assault Rifle)
15.) M14 (Assault Rifle/ Semi-Auto.)
16.) Unknown Sniper Rifle possible L96.
17.) Unknown Shotgun Possible M1014.

Lethal's & Tactical's-

Throwing Knife (JahovasWitness Claims he saw it in game play at E3.)

Confirmed Attachments-

1.) Hybrid Sight.
2.) ACOG Sight.
3.) Silencer.
4.) Grenade Launcher...stare
5.) Grip/ Fore-grip
6.) Red Dot
7.) Holographic.

Possible Perks?- You must login or register to view this content.

The Campaign Background And Characters- You must login or register to view this content.

Maps (For Multiplayer) -

It is sayed all of the multiplayer maps will have some sort of dynamic affect to them.

Free Fall- Will occur in the halls of a crumbling skyscraper that is on the brink of destruction.


Strike Zone- Takes place in an old Baseball Stadium.

Kill streaks-

Killstreak Packages are the same just like they were in MW3! (Support,Specialist,Assault.)

You earn points for taking down enemy streaks, destroying objectives, capturing objectives, and kills!

For the Assault package, they've made more killstreaks on the ground... not all in the air anymore. UAV is now called Sat Com and is placed in the map.

For the Support package, they've made the streaks more support based, Like MW3's Support.

For Specialist, it’s the same as MW3, Unlock perks as you get more kills.


For multiplayer there will be character customization. It is also rumored that you can make your character a male or female.

Create A Soldier- "With this system you have the ability to customize your character, your loadout, your perks, and so much more. For your loadouts, you get 8 points to chose for perks only. Kill streaks and attachments don’t count towards the points. Primary weapons, secondary weapons, lethal, and tactical have their own point limits.

There’s also ‘Squad Points’ coming in Ghosts MP, which determines what you can unlock when. You chose what attachments, guns, perks, etc. you want to unlock. If you have enough Squad Points you can unlock whichever ones you want at anytime" -Mark Ruiban

Extras/ New Futures-

COD Ghosts will support a competitive multiplier.

The dog from campaign will be used kinda like an escort drone, follows you around and kills people.

CO-OP Campaign Mode

Lean in/ Lean out while by a wall.

While jumping over objects, you can continue to shoot your weapon.

Sliding... the same concept as a dolphin dive.

DLC will come first to Xbox/ Xbox 1. :argh::fyou:

Infinity Ward will be trying out some new things by introducing the concept of "dynamic loading screens". For example, one player might repel down from a helicopter while another player might have to break some glass and sneak into the map.


Search And Rescue- Take on SnD – when you’re killed you can get revived if you die.


Cranked- similar to TDM with a faster pace – when you get a kill you get fast movement but with a countdown timer. You’ll explode if you don’t finish before the clock.

Infected- Same as MW3.


Safe Guard-

The Developers of the game are-

Infinity Ward (Makers Of COD4, MW2, and MW3)- You must login or register to view this content.

Neversoft- You must login or register to view this content.

Raven Software- You must login or register to view this content.

Cod Ghosts Trailer-
Last edited by Maggie Simpson ; 08-15-2013 at 02:00 AM.

The following 27 users say thank you to Maggie Simpson for this useful post:

:HIGH:, Gambler, aqua_73_, Dada2051, Eric., Gobz, HackersForRent, jackaree, Jacob-And-Britt, Jordan G., Justin, Moment, Mugen904, Mui_G, MW2TopTenWORLD, Ned Flanders, SargeMines, SC0x, Shisui Uchiha, Smexeh, Soldier., SONY, UncleRichardJr, Leal, KFC, warman_94

The following user groaned Maggie Simpson for this awful post:

07-07-2013, 07:42 AM #2
Climbing up the ladder
Yay the Scar-H!!! I personally think no sights should be implemented, people need to get better other then rely on a sight to get them kills for example; the target finder on BO2, people sit and camp with it, no skill involved.
07-07-2013, 01:57 PM #3
Bounty hunter
Gaylil Red dot should be allowed but i love not to see fuking noobs toobers and target Finder Kuntz on the game Smile
07-07-2013, 05:13 PM #4
Maggie Simpson
You talkin to me?
Originally posted by Gaylil View Post
Yay the Scar-H!!! I personally think no sights should be implemented, people need to get better other then rely on a sight to get them kills for example; the target finder on BO2, people sit and camp with it, no skill involved.

I think Target finder was the Nubbiest thing on bo2, the nube tubes were OK because of the reduced damage, tho.
07-07-2013, 05:20 PM #5
Climbing up the ladder
I'm just saying people need to learn to use iron sights.
07-07-2013, 05:31 PM #6
Maggie Simpson
You talkin to me?
Originally posted by Gaylil View Post
I'm just saying people need to learn to use iron sights.

I agree haha
07-08-2013, 12:58 AM #7
Awesome man, UMP-45 still in the game! Thanks for the info :y: Can't wait to see what it has for MultiPlayer :p

The following 2 users say thank you to Polaris for this useful post:

deneo24, Maggie Simpson
07-08-2013, 11:47 AM #8
thanks for the info i really cant wait for the game Smile
07-08-2013, 12:35 PM #9
In Flames Much?
Just because a gun in a past game does not mean it's going to be good this time around :p
Thank you for posting this.

The following user thanked ResistTheSun for this useful post:

07-08-2013, 08:17 PM #10
Maggie Simpson
You talkin to me?
Originally posted by ResistTheSun View Post
Just because a gun in a past game does not mean it's going to be good this time around :p
Thank you for posting this.

Welcome buddy Smile

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