Post: [PS3] Zombie Patch release !!!
11-01-2010, 01:54 PM #1
I'm the W@W Menu Guy !
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Okay, I posted a patch earlier with Godmode & UFO mode, but this is a new & improved version of the other one Winky Winky

explanation for UFO is on screen (with nice ps3 buttons on screen Happy)
got rid of that annoying 'UNLOCALIZED' thing before every line of text you write :p

check it out & tell me what you guys think Smile
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thanx is appreciated Winky Winky

The following 16 users say thank you to Karoolus for this useful post:

8======D----, Icy, Carbon0x, Clanor, connwood, Console Beat, Dreamcather, juddylovespizza, l2ellVlliXz, mikeeh, Modder901, Mw2Freak13, NiCiUFF, PSN TeCa-ToWn, SuCk10PrEsTiGeS, Swampman
11-01-2010, 02:34 PM #2
Err, might be a stupid question but do all zombie hacks work on all the maps or different hack different map? If so, what map do you have to play to be able to use these?
11-01-2010, 02:35 PM #3
You Are ****ING AWESOME :P Thanks So Much FOR release Smile
11-01-2010, 03:12 PM #4
Do a barrel roll!
thaNx ,, 4 the release .., check out pm from me .
11-01-2010, 03:12 PM #5
I'm the W@W Menu Guy !
Originally posted by Skyl1n3 View Post
Err, might be a stupid question but do all zombie hacks work on all the maps or different hack different map? If so, what map do you have to play to be able to use these?

this is only for the first map..
although: the setClientDvars (speed, jump etc) will still work as long as you don't back out of the pregame lobby when you're changing map..
so in pregame, you can change map & speed will still work..

The following 2 users say thank you to Karoolus for this useful post:

Skyl1n3, Swampman
11-01-2010, 06:32 PM #6
< ^ > < ^ >
ur the most amazing person in the world. i <3 you
11-01-2010, 06:44 PM #7
Noob Slayer
Nice post dude,can u edit it and take out gode mode?
11-01-2010, 07:16 PM #8
I'm the W@W Menu Guy !
Originally posted by delta2007 View Post
Nice post dude,can u edit it and take out gode mode?

the patch is right there Not Happy or Sad'
decompress & take it out.. it's not hard, there's a few tutorials on how to edit patch, use that..
I learnt everything i know on this website Smile

The following 3 users say thank you to Karoolus for this useful post:

Console Beat, Dreamcather, Swampman
11-01-2010, 08:54 PM #9
Luvin' Da Cajun Life
Thank you man. I'll catch up with you later. To everyone that downloads this patch. He worked his ass off on it. Thank him its real easy. Talk to later bro. Se ya on psn.

The following user thanked Swampman for this useful post:

11-08-2010, 05:15 PM #10
Pokemon Trainer
Originally posted by Karoolus View Post
Okay, I posted a patch earlier with Godmode & UFO mode, but this is a new & improved version of the other one Winky Winky

explanation for UFO is on screen (with nice ps3 buttons on screen Happy)
got rid of that annoying 'UNLOCALIZED' thing before every line of text you write :p

check it out & tell me what you guys think Smile
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thanx is appreciated Winky Winky

what does the patch need to be called?

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