Post: - xp after playing Nazi Zombies (World at War)
06-02-2011, 06:09 PM #1
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Okay, so I was playing on Nazi Zombies on Xbox Live about half an hour ago and about 2 minutes into the game it suddenly ended, after that my xp went down to about - 267483965 and now I can't play on any of the Xbox Live multiplayer maps or Nazi Zombies because I'm not even level 1 anymore!
I think there was a mod playing the Nazi Zombies game with me, I'm not sure if that is relevent but yeah.. Can anyone help me get my xp back to normal?
06-15-2011, 06:51 AM #2
Originally posted by HesitatedArtist View Post
Okay, so I was playing on Nazi Zombies on Xbox Live about half an hour ago and about 2 minutes into the game it suddenly ended, after that my xp went down to about - 267483965 and now I can't play on any of the Xbox Live multiplayer maps or Nazi Zombies because I'm not even level 1 anymore!
I think there was a mod playing the Nazi Zombies game with me, I'm not sure if that is relevent but yeah.. Can anyone help me get my xp back to normal?

Try to find you a lobby to get into man. That's your only option.
08-03-2011, 02:59 AM #3
dude that sucks!!!

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