Post: Code for binds {W@W}{PS3}
01-03-2013, 07:37 AM #1
Pokemon Trainer
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Does anyone know what the codes are?
Not like god mode but to actually activate them?
01-03-2013, 01:14 PM #2
An example
    bind DPAD_UP "god"

That would make it so godmode is turned on and off by pressing up on the DPAD.
These are all the button binds:
    bind BUTTON_RTRIG         (Right Trigger)
bind BUTTON_LTRIG (Left Trigger)
bind BUTTON_RSHLDR (Right Bumper)
bind BUTTON_LSHLDR (Left Bumper)
bind BUTTON_RSTICK (Right Stick Press)
bind BUTTON_LSTICK (Left Stick Press)
bind BUTTON_A (A)
bind BUTTON_B (B)
bind BUTTON_X (X)
bind BUTTON_Y (Y)
bind DPAD_UP (DPAD Up)
bind DPAD_DOWN (DPAD Down)
bind DPAD_LEFT (DPAD Left)
bind DPAD_RIGHT (DPAD Right)
bind APAD_UP (Left Stick Up)
bind APAD_DOWN (Left Stick Down)
bind APAD_LEFT (Left Stick Left)
bind APAD_RIGHT (Left Stick Right)
bind BUTTON_BACK (Back)
bind BUTTON_START (Start)

They show up as XBOX buttons, but they'll work for PS3.

And you can reset your binds by using these:
    +scores                (Back button)
+attack (Right trigger)
+speed_throw (Left trigger)
+frag (Right bumper)
+smoker (Left bumper)
+melee (Right stick)
+breath_sprint (Left stick)
+gostand (A button)
+stance (B button)
+usereload (X button)
+weapnext (Y button)
+actionslot 1 (Dpad Up)
+actionslot 2 (Dpad Down)
+actionslot 3 (Dpad Left)
+actionslot 4 (Dpad Right)

(I forgot what the APAD's reset to...Maybe someone can post them)

An example:
    bind DPAD_UP "god"

Would turn into:
    bind DPAD_UP "+actionslot 1"

I'm not sure if this is what you meant. If not just say and I'll try to help. Smile
Last edited by SniperScope ; 01-03-2013 at 04:32 PM.

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01-03-2013, 04:03 PM #3
Space Ninja
Originally posted by SniperScope View Post
An example
    bind DPAD_UP "god"

That would make it so godmode is turned on and off by pressing up on the DPAD.
These are all the button binds:
    bind BUTTON_RTRIG         (Right Trigger)
bind BUTTON_LTRIG (Left Trigger)
bind BUTTON_RSHLDR (Right Bumper)
bind BUTTON_LSHLDR (Left Bumper)
bind BUTTON_RSTICK (Right Stick Press)
bind BUTTON_LSTICK (Left Stick Press)
bind BUTTON_A (A)
bind BUTTON_B (B)
bind BUTTON_X (X)
bind BUTTON_Y (Y)
bind DPAD_UP (DPAD Up)
bind DPAD_DOWN (DPAD Down)
bind DPAD_LEFT (DPAD Left)
bind DPAD_RIGHT (DPAD Right)
bind APAD_UP (Left Stick Up)
bind APAD_DOWN (Left Stick Down)
bind APAD_LEFT (Left Stick Left)
bind APAD_RIGHT (Left Stick Right)
bind BUTTON_BACK (Back)
bind BUTTON_START (Start)

They show up as XBOX buttons, but they'll work for PS3.

And you can reset your binds by using these:
    +scores                (Back button)
+attack (Right trigger)
+speed_throw (Left trigger)
+frag (Right bumper)
+smoker (Left bumper)
+melee (Right stick)
+breath_sprint (Left stick)
+gostand (A button)
+stance (B button)
+usereload (X button)
+weapnext (Y button)
+actionslot 1 (Dpad Up)
+actionslot 2 (Dpad Down)
+actionslot 3 (Dpad Left)
+actionslot 4 (Dpad Right)

(I forgot what the APAD's reset to...Maybe someone can post them etc.)

An example:
    bind DPAD_UP "god"

Would turn into:
    bind DPAD_UP "+actionslot 1"

I'm not sure if this is what you meant. If not just say and I'll try to help. Smile

lol you were very detailed on answering this question...
You deserve some +Rep
01-03-2013, 09:32 PM #4
Pokemon Trainer
Originally posted by SniperScope View Post
An example
    bind DPAD_UP "god"

That would make it so godmode is turned on and off by pressing up on the DPAD.
These are all the button binds:
    bind BUTTON_RTRIG         (Right Trigger)
bind BUTTON_LTRIG (Left Trigger)
bind BUTTON_RSHLDR (Right Bumper)
bind BUTTON_LSHLDR (Left Bumper)
bind BUTTON_RSTICK (Right Stick Press)
bind BUTTON_LSTICK (Left Stick Press)
bind BUTTON_A (A)
bind BUTTON_B (B)
bind BUTTON_X (X)
bind BUTTON_Y (Y)
bind DPAD_UP (DPAD Up)
bind DPAD_DOWN (DPAD Down)
bind DPAD_LEFT (DPAD Left)
bind DPAD_RIGHT (DPAD Right)
bind APAD_UP (Left Stick Up)
bind APAD_DOWN (Left Stick Down)
bind APAD_LEFT (Left Stick Left)
bind APAD_RIGHT (Left Stick Right)
bind BUTTON_BACK (Back)
bind BUTTON_START (Start)

They show up as XBOX buttons, but they'll work for PS3.

And you can reset your binds by using these:
    +scores                (Back button)
+attack (Right trigger)
+speed_throw (Left trigger)
+frag (Right bumper)
+smoker (Left bumper)
+melee (Right stick)
+breath_sprint (Left stick)
+gostand (A button)
+stance (B button)
+usereload (X button)
+weapnext (Y button)
+actionslot 1 (Dpad Up)
+actionslot 2 (Dpad Down)
+actionslot 3 (Dpad Left)
+actionslot 4 (Dpad Right)

(I forgot what the APAD's reset to...Maybe someone can post them)

An example:
    bind DPAD_UP "god"

Would turn into:
    bind DPAD_UP "+actionslot 1"

I'm not sure if this is what you meant. If not just say and I'll try to help. Smile

Well that helped a little bit but not like that for some reason if I just input those codes it doesn't work, and I forget the set where i found the codes but it something like this:
developer 1;developer script 1
01-04-2013, 05:46 AM #5
Error… Cat invasion!
make sure in the save file that you have gpad_buttonsConfig like this

set gpad_buttonsConfig ""

also don't use BUTTON_X for dvars or commands because even if you add "+reload" to it the command for reviving players,planting/defusing the bomb won't work. Also don't use BUTTON_LSTICK either because it won't allow you to sprint afterwards even if you put "+breath_sprint".

also you don't need developer 1;developer script 1 for god mode,noclip,give all, etc.. that's only for clantag (Rain,Cycl, etc...) and devgui cmds.
Last edited by AndresKid ; 01-04-2013 at 05:49 AM.

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