Post: Helpful SPRX Resources
07-24-2016, 12:39 AM #1
Pro Memer
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Looking through this section, I've found a lot of helpful resources for SPRX development, from those such as John, Smithy, Winter, and GoPro. I was thinking of making them stickies, but obviously I can't sticky them all, so I decided to make a master thread for these threads and just sticky this instead. This way, if they get buried into other pages or something, they can still be found here. A lot of these are pretty much essential features to C++ that Sony didn't incorporate into the SNC compiler at the time (why? I have no god damn idea). If you find a resource that I may have missed, feel free to reply to the thread and I'll include it. Anyways, here's the updated list of helpful threads;

The following 3 users say thank you to Specter for this useful post:

Algebra, Father Luckeyy, Krrish Lobbyman
08-25-2016, 01:43 AM #2
[move]mov eax, 69[/move]
Thank you

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