Post: PC Building
05-18-2011, 05:35 PM #1
Do a barrel roll!
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Thank you for your help =)

I have 600$ even to build a gaming computer.
I have a couple game systems I can sell for some more money though.

This is my TV that I wanted to use as a monitor. It has HDMI and VGA though.

Will that work for gaming?
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I have a junky mouse and keyboard but I figured a good wireless combo would be cheap.

I was hoping for a computer to last me for a year or two running the highest-end games because I'm hoping to switch from console gaming..

This is what I wanted to use for sound since I have it.

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I am curious what I can do with the 600$ for what I am wanting out of a new computer.

I can probably go 700$ even if necessary.

I am okay with future upgrading, but right now I want something that'll run games coming in the near future. Battlefield 3, COD MW3, The new elder scrolls is a big concern and I understand it'll take a powerful computer.

I have this computer right now for parts, I know it's crappy but maybe the tower? or the LED Cathode thing?

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Thank You Again =)

The following user thanked UprootedSeeker for this useful post:

05-19-2011, 02:12 PM #2
Respect da BEST
well if your on a tight budget then getting a good looking case and lights should be very very low on the list i looked at the other computer and it not very good :S you would need new power supply, RAM, graphics card, motherboard, and CPU. Could probaly keep the case, idk did not google the case and idk what it is. you can get away with the HDD for now and things like the cd drive.

It can be done but BF3 look like ever intense game might want to keep saving just to make sure you have money to cover all your cost if you can get around $1000 you can build a great gaming rig that will last you long time, I just bulit one for my roommate and it will defiantly last a long time and you should always look into buying future proof parts if that makes sense like parts that can be upgraded in the future.

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