Post: Forum Rules
11-13-2013, 08:49 PM #1
Worth the Weight
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); NextGenUpdate Forum Rules

Welcome to NextGenUpdate.
Failure to comply with any rule can result in warnings, infractions and even bans!

1. Your Account

1.1 Selling NextGenUpdate Accounts
The selling of NextGenUpdate accounts is strictly prohibited. The sold account will be banned along with any new accounts the seller has made.
1.2 Multiple Accounts
Multiple accounts are not allowed. The secondary account will be banned, and the primary account will be issued an infraction.
1.3 Hacking Accounts
Phishing, hacking or signing in on another person's account strictly forbidden. Hacking members of this website you will receive a permanent ban.

2. Behaviour of members

2.1 Flaming
Flaming will not be tolerated. This includes petty name calling to full on abuse, threats of any kind and general rudeness. All people involved will be punished. If you feel someone is treating you unfairly, simply press the report button at the bottom of that person's post, and a Mod/Admin will deal with it. Do not become involved in an argument!
2.2 Discrimination
Discrimination or racism towards anyone will not be tolerated. This includes religious/personal beliefs, race, colour, gender, language, sexual orientation, etc. Violation of this rule will result in an infraction.
2.3 Advertising
Advertising is not permitted on NextGenUpdate. Making a post or messaging users with the sole intent of advertising a website will result in an infraction.

2.4 Asking for rep
Do not ask another user for positive reputation. "Rep" is to be earned. A violation of this rule can result in a warning and/or infraction.

2.5 Moderators
Moderators are expected to follow all forum rules. If you witness a moderator breaking a rule please send a Private Message to a Content Manager or an Administrator

3. Reputation

3.1 Negative reps
Abuse of the reputation system will result in an infraction and a RESET of your reputation.

4. Posting

4.1 Spamming
Spamming the forums is strictly forbidden. Violation of this rule will result in a warning and/or infraction
4.2. Referral sites
Posting referral links is against the rules. Violation of this rule can result in a warning and/or infraction

4.3 Adult Material
Posting any type of pornographic material is against the rules. Violation of the rule will result in an infraction.
4.4 Elite rules for pornography
Pornography is allowed only in the 18+ section along with the Elite shoutbox.
Following types of porn are banned from the Elite Forums and the Elite Shoutbox:

This includes the following:
- Scat/piss
- Snuff
- Rape
- Bestiality
- Incest
- Child porn etc.
Any violation of the above aforementioned types of porn will also result in a permanent ban from the site.

5 Bumping Threads

Bumping threads with irrelevant posts is against the rules. Only post in old "dead" threads if you have something extra to provide to the topic. Violation of this rule will result in a warning and/or infraction.
5.1 Ripping Content
Ripping content from other users, websites or copy write material is not allowed here. Submitting material to the GFX section that is not yours without proper citation will result in an infraction and a ban from that section.

5.2 Reporting a post
Simple to do, and avoids any confrontation between members. The report button can be found in the bottom left of a person's post, and is either a triangle, with red edges or a button with a * inside it. By clicking this, a report is sent to the moderators/administrators, where it is dealt with from there.
5.3 Leaking
Leaking Elite content to other sites will either be a removal of your Elite status or a permanent ban depending on the circumstances. Leaking from Elite to standard membership will result in a temporary ban but the infractions will not expire.

Warez is not allowed to be posted in the public forums, only section it can be found in is elite forum 18+ section.
Warez covers any material which is copyright protected. Any material found to be warez is to be moved.

6. Signatures/Avatars

All Signatures/Avatars must follow the Forum Rules. No more than 2 can be used whatever size you wish so long they don’t break the page/fit the size allocated.
Advertising websites is allowed (350x19px) in banner form only.

7. Section Specific
Some sections have their own set of rules which you must also follow. These can be found under this section if that section has any.

8. Shoutbox

Forum rules still apply!
Any sort of websites that may move/resize the windows of a web browser, or create many additional dialogues in an attempt to make it difficult to close, will result in an infraction.
PM a moderator if somebody has broken the rules along with a screenshot.
No torrents or direct download link

9.1 Spam

Anything that will either stretch the Shoutbox or imitate a prune will be classed as a spam.
Do not spam links to your thread, do not ask for something every 3 seconds and do not spam the smilies.
Breaking of any shoutbox rules results in a ban.

9.2 Elitebox
Pornography is allowed, a list of pornography not allowed can be found in the section 4.4.

By agreeing to these terms, you warrant that you will, at all times of site use and to the best of your ability, follow the site rules as seen here.
You agree that you will not submit content that is obscene, vulgar, hateful, threatening, or in violation of any laws.

The staff of NextGenUpdate reserves the right to modify any/all user-submitted content at any time and for any reason. Types of modification include, but are not limited to: removal, editing, moving, closing, and censoring. Reserve the right to remove any user's site access privileges at any time and for any reason. The site staff may ban, infract, and warn users at their discretion. Staff also have the right to change and alter things as we choose, without consulting members.
We will attempt to keep all objectionable messages off the site, it is impossible for us to review all content. All content is a manifestation of the author, and neither the owners of NextGenUpdate nor Jelsoft Enterprises Ltd. may be held responsible or accountable for any/all user-submitted content.
Last edited by Gryphus ; 03-13-2018 at 07:45 PM.

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