Post: Tim Cook Confirms New Mac Pros Coming in 2013...
06-13-2012, 05:46 AM #1
Pixie Lott
Keep it MeLLo
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Yes its a copy & paste..

Turns out Apple isn’t abandoning pro users, they’re just testing how much pro users value the virtue of patience.

Time Cook in a response to an email from a concerned Apple customer simply named “Franz” states in plain english that Apple is “working on something really great for later next year.”

The late Steve Jobs was known for personally responding to emails, but his responses rarely exceeded a single sentence, and never did he flatly divulge information about upcoming products. Tim Cook on the other hand kindly laid out the option available to the concerned customer, let him know how important he and customers like him were to Apple and dropped a decent little tip that is sure to keep the Internets buzzing for a few days..

Originally posted by another user

Thanks for your email. Our Pro customers like you are really important to us. Although we didn't have a chance to talk about a new Mac Pro at today's event, don't worry as we're working on something really great for later next year. We also updated the current model today.

We've been continuing to update Final Cut Pro X with revolutionary pro features like industry leading multi-cam support and we just updated Aperture with incredible new image adjustment features.

We also announced a MacBook Pro with a Retina Display that is a great solution for many pros.


MacWorld confirmed with Apple the e-mail is real, and it was indeed sent by Tim Cook. Now the waiting game begins. What does Apple have up their sleeve for the Pro market, and why the painfully long wait?

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06-13-2012, 05:54 AM #2
Crawl to your cross
The mac pros are really nice, shame about how expensive and overpriced even the low spec ones are...If only I were a multi-millionaire :think:
06-14-2012, 02:48 AM #3
They really are overpriced. :\
06-18-2012, 01:17 AM #4
A new mac book next year?
What a surprise, who didn't see that coming..
07-06-2012, 05:40 PM #5
Originally posted by Samberg View Post
They really are overpriced. :\
ikr if it was about $500 cheaper for a decent one id buy one but screw 1700 for a laptop :dumb:

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