Post: A Question :D
12-28-2010, 09:19 AM #1
Who’s Jim Erased?
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Hello Everyone!

I have a question to ask. When i play online with the ultimate team glitch, the glitch that makes all ur players 99 or what ever you want them, then sometimes i meet some people who join me, with Real Madrid. And there team has 92-91-92 LoL? And its a ranked match.... I got the spanish live season and Real Madrid are 80-82-83... And when people join they dont have the ultimate team, just me... So how does it comes that his Real Madrid are that sick?
12-28-2010, 11:46 AM #2
Gym leader
Originally posted by LegendLahori View Post
Hello Everyone!

I have a question to ask. When i play online with the ultimate team glitch, the glitch that makes all ur players 99 or what ever you want them, then sometimes i meet some people who join me, with Real Madrid. And there team has 92-91-92 LoL? And its a ranked match.... I got the spanish live season and Real Madrid are 80-82-83... And when people join they dont have the ultimate team, just me... So how does it comes that his Real Madrid are that sick?

Maybe they edited their team and it works that way round? I'm not too sure but if you want we could test and see if both teams can use edited players
12-28-2010, 01:35 PM #3
Who’s Jim Erased?
Originally posted by markinatorz View Post
Maybe they edited their team and it works that way round? I'm not too sure but if you want we could test and see if both teams can use edited players

Yeah Sure Happy Add Me LegendLahori Happy
12-28-2010, 01:47 PM #4
I Sell Fifa Coins.
Dream Team Glitch?
12-28-2010, 05:59 PM #5
facesmash fu
Originally posted by iWarrior View Post
Dream Team Glitch?

its one of the other threads on the first page i think it means for a normal online game u can edit players to improve there rating

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