How to make any Picture Crew Emblem (Rockstar Crews)
How To Do It: Video Tutorial:
Text Tutorial: 1. Find Picture That You Would Like To Use 2. Open Picture In Photoshop (Or any Photo Editor That Can Resize Pictures) 3. Save as a .PNG file (Must be .PNG or it will not work) 4. Go to You must login or register to view this content. 5. Create and Account on Vector Magic 6. Click Upload Image to Trace 7. Change Quality of the Render (User Preference) 8. Once You Are Happy With You Picture Hit Download 9. Select Yes Use 1 Token 10. Download as .SVG (Must be .SVG or it will not work) 11. Open Up .SVG in Text Editor (Notepad++. TextWrangler, etc. Download Links Below) 12. Copy Everything that has "<Path fill=" 13. Have Emblem Creator Open 14. Select Transparent Backround 15. Right Click on Backround Hit "Inspect Element" 16. Go Up A Couple of Lines, Find String that Says "<svg height ="512"....." 17. Right Click on that String, select "Edit as HTML" 18. Copy and Paste All the "<Path fill"'s in between </rect>(YOUR CODE HERE)</svg> 19. Exit Out of Inspect Element And Your Emblem Should Be There 20. Select Save And Publish Emblem To Your Crew
How to Make Backround Transparent Once Your Image is in the Emblem Editor:
1. Right Click The White in the Backround of the Emblem 2. Select "Inspect Element" 3. Go Up A Couple of Lines, Find String that Says "<svg height ="512"....." 4. Right Click on that String, select "Edit as HTML" 5.Look in the "<Path fill"'s in between </rect>(YOUR CODE HERE)</svg> and look for "<path fill="#ffffff"" 6. Right Click and Select "Delete Node" 7. Exit Out Of Inspect Element 8. Transparent Backround
Requirements: Web Browser that can Inspect Element:
Google Chrome (Preferably): You must login or register to view this content.
Firefox : You must login or register to view this content.
Photo Editors (For Resizing): Gimp: You must login or register to view this content.
Text Editors: For Windows Users:
Notepad++ You must login or register to view this content.
For Mac Users:
TextWrangler You must login or register to view this content.
Sublime Text 2 You must login or register to view this content.
If you have any questions leave them down below. I am happy to answer any that you have.