Post: Help with j/b
07-09-2014, 08:39 PM #1
At least I can fight
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); I currently have j/b 7.1.1 n been messing around with tweaks and such and somehow somewhere my calculator disappeared from my bottom grabber [ATTACH]32428[/ATTACH]
How can I fix this.

And I'm also having trouble finding boot logos, swipes, and alternate battery n service bars that work with ios7.1 any suggestions
07-10-2014, 10:12 AM #2
Originally posted by bmob10189 View Post
I currently have j/b 7.1.1 n been messing around with tweaks and such and somehow somewhere my calculator disappeared from my bottom grabber [ATTACH]32428[/ATTACH]
How can I fix this.

And I'm also having trouble finding boot logos, swipes, and alternate battery n service bars that work with ios7.1 any suggestions

I know there are tweeks where you can hide stuff like the calculator, have you hidden it by mistake?

Not everything has been updated for 7.1 yet, so I can only say just wait or try and find stuff that's already been updated.
07-10-2014, 04:53 PM #3
Are you high?
if i was you i'd reset my phone then restore my backup, downgrade it to probably 6.x.x something then jailbreak and wait until all tweaks are supported for ios 7
07-11-2014, 01:57 AM #4
At least I can fight
Originally posted by Alt View Post
I know there are tweeks where you can hide stuff like the calculator, have you hidden it by mistake?

Not everything has been updated for 7.1 yet, so I can only say just wait or try and find stuff that's already been updated.

I'll check through my settings to figure it out
07-11-2014, 02:06 AM #5
At least I can fight
Originally posted by Alt View Post
I know there are tweeks where you can hide stuff like the calculator, have you hidden it by mistake?

Not everything has been updated for 7.1 yet, so I can only say just wait or try and find stuff that's already been updated.

I checked thru my settings and havnt found any that are able to hide them. I must of had one and removed it or something.
07-11-2014, 11:41 AM #6
Originally posted by bmob10189 View Post
I checked thru my settings and havnt found any that are able to hide them. I must of had one and removed it or something.

Hmmm that's odd.

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