Post: Alternative methods of making coins
10-06-2014, 12:18 AM #1
Bounty hunter
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Hey guys, I got to thinking. And instead of doing the more obvious approach (modding coins from an offset) what if we came up with alternative coin making methods? No I don't want to see people say sniping etc. rather, I'd like to see new ways of making what we're all going after here, coins. I would like to make this post for anyone who would like to share their ideas on what they feel is a great coin making method. I'm also making this post for those of you that would like to come up with ideas as to how we can mod coins from a different perspective such as (modding how many coins a solo challenge gives you) or (changing your cards quicksell value) just to name a few. So please, let's all come together in this section because there is a major lack of community in this section and you all know we're after the same basic plan which is to get coins, so it'd be beneficial to all of us if we just helped each other a little bit. Thanks.
10-06-2014, 06:45 AM #2
Big Daddy
There's always alternative methods, but most people just give up on it after seeing it's synced with a server, or can't seem to change the value using an offset etc. Now a days, people just want to be given stuff, so not a lot of people will actually look for those ways and share with the world.

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10-06-2014, 09:42 PM #3
Bounty hunter
Originally posted by Franky
There's always alternative methods, but most people just give up on it after seeing it's synced with a server, or can't seem to change the value using an offset etc. Now a days, people just want to be given stuff, so not a lot of people will actually look for those ways and share with the world.

That's not what I'm saying though. I'm not necessarily saying that I want it to be given to me, I'm referring more to coming together as a community. It wouldn't be so much of a crime to have the 5 or so people in the MUT community that actually do search for offsets to all collaborate and find an actual way of modding these coins. And I'll also say this, since that one time I talked to you through pm about the offsets, I've made leaps and bounds of progress as far as the searching aspect goes. I went from not knowing what the hell I was doing, to actually understanding things; Which is pretty cool to say the least.
10-06-2014, 11:07 PM #4
Big Daddy
Originally posted by ice View Post
That's not what I'm saying though. I'm not necessarily saying that I want it to be given to me, I'm referring more to coming together as a community. It wouldn't be so much of a crime to have the 5 or so people in the MUT community that actually do search for offsets to all collaborate and find an actual way of modding these coins. And I'll also say this, since that one time I talked to you through pm about the offsets, I've made leaps and bounds of progress as far as the searching aspect goes. I went from not knowing what the hell I was doing, to actually understanding things; Which is pretty cool to say the least.

Well here, let me tell you this. You can't do anything in MUT because one change will lead to the game ending as soon as that change is made. Now, I'm not saying it's not modable or whatever. The online is synced with a server check, so before you do anything or be able to do anything, you have to find and disable that check, so you can freely edit as much as you want without getting kicked out the game. It's very similar to NBA 2K14. The rest is up to you guys to figure out.
10-07-2014, 04:07 AM #5
Bounty hunter
Originally posted by Franky
Well here, let me tell you this. You can't do anything in MUT because one change will lead to the game ending as soon as that change is made. Now, I'm not saying it's not modable or whatever. The online is synced with a server check, so before you do anything or be able to do anything, you have to find and disable that check, so you can freely edit as much as you want without getting kicked out the game. It's very similar to NBA 2K14. The rest is up to you guys to figure out.

Okay, I'll familiarize myself with checks then I suppose; Thank you for the info on that man.

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