Post: dvar list 1.12
05-18-2011, 09:09 PM #1
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small example:

    aim_scale_view_axis                                             Scale the influence of each input axis so that the major axis has more influence on the control
aim_lockon_region_height The height of the auto aim region in virtual screen coordinates(0-480)
aim_lockon_region_width The width of the auto aim region in virtual screen coordinates(0-640)
aim_lockon_strength The amount of aim assistance given by the target lock on
aim_lockon_deflection The amount of stick deflection for the lockon to activate
aim_lockon_debug Turn on debugging info for aim lock on
aim_lockon_enabled Aim lock on helps the player to stay on target
aim_automelee_range The range of the auto melee
aim_automelee_region_height The height of the auto melee region in virtual screen coordinates (0 - 480)
aim_automelee_region_width The width of the auto melee region in virtual screen coordinates (0 - 640)
aim_automelee_lerp The rate in degrees per second that the auto melee will converge to its target
aim_automelee_debug Turn on auto melee debugging
aim_automelee_enabled Turn on auto melee
aim_autoaim_region_height The height of the auto aim region in virtual screen coordinates (0 - 480)
aim_autoaim_region_width The width of the auto aim region in virtual screen coordinates (0 - 640)
aim_autoaim_lerp The rate in degrees per second that the auto aim will converge to its target
aim_autoaim_debug Turn on auto aim debugging
aim_autoaim_enabled Turn on auto aim
aim_slowdown_yaw_scale_ads The horizontal aim assist slowdown ratio when aiming down the sight
aim_slowdown_yaw_scale The horizontal aim assist slowdown ratio from the hip
aim_slowdown_pitch_scale_ads The vertical aim assist slowdown ratio when aiming down the sight
aim_slowdown_pitch_scale The vertical aim assist slowdown ratio from the hip
aim_slowdown_region_height The screen height of the aim assist slowdown region
aim_slowdown_region_width The screen width of the aim slowdown region
aim_slowdown_debug Turn on debugging info for aim slowdown
aim_slowdown_enabled Slowdown the turn rate when the cross hair passes over a target
aim_accel_turnrate_lerp The acceleration of the turnrates
aim_accel_turnrate_debug Turn on debugging info for the acceleration
aim_accel_turnrate_enabled Enable/disable acceleration of the turnrates
aim_turnrate_yaw_ads The horizontal turn rate for aim assist when aiming down the sight
aim_turnrate_yaw The horizontal turn rate for aim assist when firing from the hip
aim_turnrate_pitch_ads The turn rate up and down for aim assist when aiming down the sight
aim_turnrate_pitch The vertical turn rate for aim assist when firing from the hip
aim_input_graph_index Which input graph to use
aim_input_graph_debug Debug the view input graphs
aim_input_graph_enabled Use graph for adjusting view input
aim_autoAimRangeScale Scales the weapon's auto aim range
aim_aimAssistRangeScale Scales the weapon's aim assist range
aim_target_sentient_radius The radius used to calculate target bounds for a sentient(actor or player)
jump_spreadAdd The amount of spread scale to add as a side effect of jumping
jump_ladderPushVel The velocity of a jump off of a ladder
jump_slowdownEnable Slow player movement after jumping
jump_stepSize The maximum step up to the top of a jump arc
jump_height The maximum height of a player's jump
mantle_max_vertical_end_velocity The maximum allowed vertical velocity when finishing a mantle
mantle_view_yawcap The angle at which to restrict a sideways turn while mantling
mantle_check_angle The minimum angle from the player to a mantle surface to allow a mantle
mantle_check_radius The player radius to test against while mantling
mantle_check_range The minimum distance from a player to a mantle surface to allow a mantle
mantle_debug Show debug information for mantling
mantle_enable Enable player mantling
missileRemoteSteerYawRate Remote-controlled missile left/right steering speed.
missileRemoteSteerPitchRate Remote-controlled missile up/down steering speed.
missileRemoteSteerPitchRange Remote-controlled missile allowed up/down range. To keep players from steering missiles above the horizon.
bg_shieldHitEncodeHeight The decoding range, in height, of a client's viewmodel shield.
bg_shieldHitEncodeWidth The decoding range, in width, of a client's viewmodel shield.
bg_shieldHitEncodeHeightWorld The encoding range, in height, of a client's world shield. A hit in this range is encoded into one of 8 rows.
party_connectToOthers Si faux, nous allons simplement lancer notre propre lobby plutôt que de se connecter à un autre lobby, même si d'autres existent
party_vetoDelayTime délai en secondes pour un vote à exécuter avec succès la carte
La fraction de party_vetoPercentRequired les joueurs en attente qui ont besoin d'opposer son veto pour une carte à sauter
party_vetoPassed-ce que le veto passe?
party_vetoStatus progrès Veto (localisé)
Le bouton droit de veto party_vetoButtonVisible partie est visible dans l'interface utilisateur
Temps party_timer jusqu'au jeu commence en quelques secondes, pour afficher l'interface utilisateur
party_teamsVisible équipes sont visibles dans l'interface utilisateur
Temps party_pregameStartTimerLength en secondes avant de montrer et de départ la minuterie de démarrage de jeu
Temps party_gameStartTimerLength en secondes avant de démarrer un jeu une fois les membres du parti sont prêts assez
party_maxplayers Nombre maximum de joueurs dans une partie
party_minplayers nombre minimum de joueurs dans une partie
/ ** /
cg_hudSplitscreenOffsetsUseScale échelle Utilisez splitscreen des compensations élément
cg_hudLegacySplitscreenScale échelle de l'écran pour les éléments de HUD dans splitscreen
safeArea_adjusted_vertical réglable par l'utilisateur surface verticale sûr que d'une fraction de la hauteur de l'écran
safeArea_adjusted_horizontal réglable par l'utilisateur surface horizontale sûr que d'une fraction de la largeur de l'écran
safeArea_vertical zone verticale sûr que d'une fraction de la hauteur de l'écran
safeArea_horizontal surface horizontale sûr que d'une fraction de la largeur de l'écran
/ ** /
dynEnt_damageScale dommages barèmes appliqués à dynents destructible
dynEnt_explodingBulletMaxEnts Le nombre maximum de dynents qui peut être réveillé par une balle explosive
dynEnt_explodingBulletMinForce Force ci-dessous qui dynents gagné ' t même pas se réveiller quand touché par des balles explosives
dynEnt_explodingBulletSpinScale échelle du décalage aléatoire de centre de masse pour les forces explosion balle .
dynEnt_explodingBulletUpbias hausse de polarisation appliquée à la force directions d' explosion balle frappe
dynEnt_explodingBulletForce Force appliquée à partir explosion balle a touché
dynEnt_explodeMaxEnts Le nombre maximum de dynents qui peuvent être réveillés par une explosion
dynEnt_explodeMinForce Force ci-dessous qui dynents gagné 't même pas se réveiller
dynEnt_explodeSpinScale échelle du décalage aléatoire du centre de masse pour les forces d'explosion.
dynEnt_explodeUpbias hausse de polarisation appliquée à la force depuis hits explosion
dynEnt_explodeForce Force appliquée à une explosion a frappé
dynEnt_bulletForce Force appliquée à partir de balle a touché
/ ** /
glass_debug Affiche les informations de débogage pour le verre
glass_shattered_scale L'échelle de la matière du verre brisé
glass_physics_maxdist La distance maximale d'une pièce en verre à partir du lecteur à faire de la physique
glass_physics_chance La chance pour un fragment donné de verre à utiliser la physique
glass_trace_interval La longueur de temps, en millisecondes, entre les traces pièce en verre
glass_fringe_maxcoverage La portion maximale de la pièce originale de verre qui est autorisé à rester après le verre se brise
glass_fringe_maxsize La superficie maximale d'une pièce du côté du verre lorsque l'égrenage. plus grande que cette Pieces va être découpé en petits
glass_shard_maxsize La superficie maximale pour un morceau de verre, en battant l'égrenage. plus grande que cette Pieces va être découpé en petits
glass_max_shatter_fx_per_frame Le nombre maximum de briser les effets à jouer dans une trame Ceci est un guide et non pas une limite stricte.
glass_max_pieces_per_frame Le nombre maximum de pièces pour créer dans un cadre. Ceci est un guide et non pas une limite stricte.
Friction glass_hinge_friction utilisé par le déplacement de pièces de verre quand il est joint comme une charnière à un cadre
Chance glass_fx_chance à jouer un effet sur un petit morceau de verre quand il touche le sol
Gravity glass_fall_gravity pour les pièces qui tombent de verre
Définit glass_fall_delay combien de temps un morceau lourd pris en charge par un seul bord attend avant de tomber, sur la base glass_fall_ratio
glass_fall_ratio Ratio de la superficie pièce à l'appui de longueur d'arête carré. En dessous de la minute, la pièce ne tombe jamais.
Définit glass_edge_angle la gamme des détournements angle utilisé par des morceaux de verre nouvelle aide d'une latte
Définit glass_angular_vel la gamme des vitesses angulaires utilisées par de nouvelles pièces de verre
Définit glass_linear_vel la gamme de vitesses linéaires utilisés par de nouvelles pièces de verre
Toggle glass_break si oui ou non le verre se brise quand le tir
fx_drawClouds Bascule le dessin des nuages ??de particules
Tournez fx_mark_profile sur FX profilage pour les marques (spécifier client local, avec « 1 »étant la première.)
Tournez fx_profile sur le profilage FX (spécifier client local, avec « 1 »étant la première.)
Afficher uniquement les effets fx_profileFilter avec cela comme une sous-chaîne dans FX Voir le profil
fx_profileSkip Passer les n premières lignes du profil de FX (voir les hors bas de l'écran)
fx_profileSort critères de tri pour les FX Choisissez profilage
fx_visMinTraceDist visibilité minimum de traces de taille
fx_count effets Debug compte
fx_debugBolt Debug effets boulon
les effets du gel fx_freeze
Bascule fx_marks_ents si balle frappe laisser des marques sur les entités
Bascule fx_marks_smodels si balle frappe laisser des marques sur des modèles statiques
Bascule fx_marks si balle frappe laisser des marques
fx_cull_elem_draw elems effet Culls pour le dessin
fx_cull_elem_spawn elems effet Culls pour le frai
fx_draw Bascule dessin des effets après le traitement
Bascule fx_enable tous les effets du traitement
/ ** /
glass_radiusDamageMultiplier Le montant à l'échelle des dommages au verre de grenades et d'autres explosions
glass_meleeDamage Le montant des dommages des attaques de mêlée faire pour verre
glass_damageToDestroy Le montant des dégâts un morceau de verre doivent prendre pour être complètement détruit
glass_damageToWeaken Le montant des dégâts un morceau de verre doit prendre à air endommagé
/ ** /
g_kickHostIfIdle Kick l'hôte s'il ' s ralenti
g_giveAll Donnez toutes les armes
player_stunWhiteFlash Si activé , lecteur écrans s 'clignote blancs quand ils sont étourdis.
shieldBlastDamageProtection_180 protection Combien un bouclier contre a une explosion. 0,0 n'en est pas, 1,0 est pleine. Pour explosions dans un arc de 180 degrés de l'écran.
shieldBlastDamageProtection_120 protection Combien un bouclier contre a une explosion. 0,0 n'en est pas, 1,0 est pleine. Pour explosions dans un arc de 120 degrés de l'écran.
shieldBlastDamageProtection_60 protection Combien un bouclier contre a une explosion. 0,0 n'en est pas, 1,0 est pleine. Pour explosions dans un arc de 60 degrés de l'écran.
shieldBlastDamageProtection_30 protection Combien un bouclier contre a une explosion. 0,0 n'en est pas, 1,0 est pleine. Pour explosions dans un arc de 30 degrés de l'écran.
jeu vigueur scr_forcerankedmatch script en ligne et classés
script scr_game_allowkillcam permettre killcam
équipe de script scr_team_fftype type «tir ami»
Temps g_mantleBlockTimeBuffer que le client pense est retardée après démantèlement
g_earthquakeEnable appareil Activer shake
g_radiusDamageMax Le rayon maximal rayon de destruction pour les non-clients et des entités non-acteur
Que g_redCrosshairs croix rouge sont permis
Temps g_useholdspawndelay en millisecondes que le joueur est incapable de « l'utilisation »après le frai
g_useholdtime temps de tenir la " utiliser le bouton 'pour activer l'utilisation
g_minGrenadeDamageSpeed ??vitesse minimale à laquelle se faire frapper une grenade fera des dégâts (pas les dommages explosion d'une grenade)
player_MGUseRadius Le rayon dans lequel un joueur peut monter une mitrailleuse
player_useRadius Le rayon dans lequel un joueur peut utiliser les choses
player_throwbackOuterRadius The radius player is allow to throwback a grenade once the player has been in the inner radius
player_throwbackInnerRadius The radius to a live grenade player must be within initially to do a throwback
g_friendlyNameDist Maximum range for seeing a friendly's name
g_friendlyfireDist Maximum range for disabling fire at a friendly
g_debugLocHitTime Time duration of g_debugLocHit lines
g_debugLocHit Display locational damage info for an entity when the entity is hit
g_debugLocDamage Display locational damage debug information for an entity
g_no_script_spam Turn off script debugging info
g_voteAbstainWeight How much an abstained vote counts as a 'no' vote
g_oldVoting Use old voting method
g_smoothClients Enable extrapolation between client states
g_TeamTitleColor_Spectator Spectator team color for titles
g_TeamTitleColor_EnemyTeam Enemy team color for titles
g_TeamTitleColor_MyTeam Player team color for titles
g_TeamColor_Free Free Team color
g_TeamColor_Spectator Spectator team color
g_TeamColor_MyParty Player team color when in the same party
g_TeamColor_Axis Axis team color
g_TeamColor_Allies Allies team color
GAME_AXIS Axis team name
GAME_ALLIES Allied team name
g_ScoresColor_Axis Axis team color on scoreboard
g_ScoresColor_Allies Allies team color on scoreboard
g_ScoresColor_Free Free Team color on scoreboard
g_ScoresColor_Spectator Spectator team color on scoreboard
g_ScoresColor_EnemyTeam Enemy team color on scoreboard
g_ScoresColor_MyParty Player team color on scoreboard when in the same party
g_ScoresColor_MyTeam Player team color on scoreboard
faction_128_arab_red Icon name for the axis scores banner when you're on allies.
faction_128_usmc_red Icon name for the allied scores banner when you're on axis.
faction_128_arab_blue Icon name for the axis scores banner when you're on axis.
faction_128_usmc_blue Icon name for the allied scores banner when you're on allies.
faction_128_arab Icon name for the axis scores banner
faction_128_usmc Icon name for the allied scores banner
g_voiceChatTalkingDuration Time after the last talk packet was received that the player is considered by the
server to still be talking in milliseconds
g_deadChat Allow dead players to chat with living players
g_listEntity List the entities
g_allowVote Enable voting on this server
g_clonePlayerMaxVelocity Maximum velocity in each axis of a cloned player (for death animations)
g_dropHorzSpeedRand Random component of the initial horizontal speed of a dropped item
g_dropUpSpeedRand Random component of the initial vertical speed of a dropped item
g_dropUpSpeedBase Base component of the initial vertical speed of a dropped item
g_dropForwardSpeed Forward speed of a dropped item
g_playerCollisionEjectSpeed Speed at which to push intersecting players away from each other
g_motd The message of the day
ufoHitsTriggers ufo/noclip will hit triggers when enabled
g_inactivity Time delay before player is kicked for inactivity
g_maxDroppedWeapons Maximum number of dropped weapons
g_knockback Maximum knockback
g_speed Player speed
dedicated Dedicated server
g_banIPs IP addresses to ban from playing
g_password Password
g_sunFogScaleReadOnly Distance scale in the sun fog direction that was set in the most recent call to "setexpfog"
g_sunFogEndFadeAngleReadOnly Angle from the sun direction to end fade away from the sun fog color that was set in the most recent call to "setexpfog"
g_sunFogBeginFadeAngleReadOnly Angle from the sun direction to start fade away from the sun fog color that was set in the most recent call to "setexpfog"
g_sunFogDirReadOnly Sun fog direction that was set in the most recent call to "setexpfog"
g_sunFogColorReadOnly Sun fog color that was set in the most recent call to "setexpfog"
g_sunFogEnabledReadOnly Sun fog was enabled in the most recent call to "setexpfog"
g_fogMaxOpacityReadOnly Fog max opacity that was set in the most recent call to "setexpfog"
g_fogStartDistReadOnly Fog start distance that was set in the most recent call to "setexpfog"
g_fogColorReadOnly Fog color that was set in the most recent call to "setexpfog"
g_dobjdump DObj debugging info for the given character number
g_dumpAnims Animation debugging info for the given character number
pickupPrints Print a message to the game window when picking up ammo, etc.
g_spawnDebug Turn on debug lines for spawning traces
radius_damage_debug Turn on debug lines for radius damage traces
melee_debug Turn on debug lines for melee traces
g_entinfo_maxdist Maximum distance of an entity from the camera at which to show entity information
g_entinfo Display entity information
g_vehicleDebug Turn on debug information for vehicles
g_vehicleDrawPath Turn on debug information for vehicle paths
shieldDebug Show debug info for riot shields
g_debugBullets Show debug information for bullets
g_debugDamage Show debug information for damage
g_logSync Enable synchronous logging
g_log Log file name
scr_%s_roundlimit script round limit
scr_%s_scorelimit script score limit
grenadeBounceRestitutionMax Cap to keep code from increasing bounce restitution too high.
grenadeCurveMax Largest rolling curvature (will be random between +/- this value)
grenadeWobbleSideDamp The rate at which the amount of side-to-side wobbling decreases as overall grenade speed increases
grenadeWobbleSideMag The distance to wobble left and right
grenadeWobbleFwdMag The forward rolling speed will oscillate +/- this amount
grenadeWobbleFreq Wobble cycles per inch of rolling distance (approx)
grenadeBumpMax Maximum upward speed of a bump (inches/sec)
grenadeBumpMag Size of bumps (as a fraction of the grenade's current speed)
grenadeBumpFreq How likely (per server frame) a bump will occur
grenadeFrictionMaxThresh The speed threshold that determines whether to use grenadeFrictionLow/High
grenadeFrictionHigh The amount of friction (0 to 1) for fast-moving grenades
grenadeFrictionLow The amount of friction (0 to 1) for slower/rolling grenades
grenadeRollingEnabled Enables the new "rolling" grenade behavior
grenadeRestThreshold The speed threshold below which grenades will come to rest
missileMacross Swarmy goodness.
missileExplosionLiftDistance Distance to lift the explosion off the surface for "big explosion" weapons
missileRemoteSpeedDown Remote-controlled missile slowdown-factor.
missileRemoteSpeedUp Remote-controlled missile speedup-factor.
missileRemoteSpeedTargetRange Remote-controlled missile speeds.
missileWaterMaxDepth If a missile explodes deeper under water than this, they explosion effect/sound will not play.
missileJavDuds If true, javelins that impact before their booster ignites will not explode, they will play their dud effects instead.
missileJavSpeedLimitDescend Rocket's speed limit when descending towards target.
missileJavSpeedLimitClimb Rocket's speed limit when climbing.
missileJavAccelDescend Rocket acceleration when descending towards target.
missileJavAccelClimb Rocket acceleration when climbing.
missileJavTurnRateTop In top-fire mode, how sharp the rocket can turn, in angles/sec.
missileJavTurnRateDirect In direct-fire mode, how sharp the rocket can turn, in angles/sec.
missileJavClimbCeilingTop In top-fire mode, how high the missile needs to reach before it descends.
missileJavClimbCeilingDirect In direct-fire mode, how high the missile needs to reach before it descends.
missileJavClimbAngleTop In top-fire mode, the minimum angle between the rocket and target until the rocket stops climbing. Smaller angles make for higher climbs.
missileJavClimbAngleDirect In direct-fire mode, the minimum angle between the rocket and target until the rocket stops climbing. Smaller angles make for higher climbs.
missileJavClimbHeightTop In top-fire mode, how far above the target the rocket will aim for when climbing.
missileJavClimbHeightDirect In direct-fire mode, how far above the target the rocket will aim for when climbing.
missileHellfireUpAccel The rate at which the hellfire missile curves upward
missileHellfireMaxSlope This limits how steeply the hellfire missile can turn upward when climbing
missileGlassShatterVel Velocity needed by a grenade or missile to shatter glass instead of bouncing off.
missileDebugAttractors Draw the attractors and repulsors. Attractors are green, and repulsors are yellow.
missileDebugText Print debug missile info to console.
missileDebugDraw Draw guided missile trajectories.
band_18players 18 player bandwidth req'd
band_12players 12 player bandwidth req'd
band_8players 8 player bandwidth req'd
band_4players 4 player bandwidth req'd
band_2players 2 player bandwidth req'd
ezpatch Enable ez patch
playlistFilename Playlist filename
popupText Menu popup text
widePopupText Menu popup uses wide text
com_errorResolveCommand Command to run when they close the error box
com_cinematicEndInWhite Set by script. True if cinematic ends with a white screen.
wideScreen True if the game video is running in 16x9 aspect, false if 4x3.
hiDef True if the game video is running in high-def.
com_animCheck Check anim tree
intro Intro movie should play
com_filter_output Use console filters for filtering output.
sv_running Server is running
useSvMapPreloading Whether to start loading the map before starting the server
useMapPreloading Whether to start loading the map before connecting to server
sv_paused Pause the client/server
com_maxFrameTime Time slows down if a frame takes longer than this many milliseconds
fixedtime Use a fixed time rate for each frame
com_timescale Scale time of each frame
com_statmon Draw stats monitor
logfile Write to log file - 0 = disabled, 1 = async file write, 2 = Sync every write
developer_script Enable developer script comments
xenonGame True if running on XBox 360
consoleGame True if running on a console
com_maxfps Cap frames per second
migration_dvarErrors Whether to check for illegal script dvar changes.
shortversion Short game version
version Game version
com_attractmodeduration Time when controller is unused before attract mode is enabled
com_attractmode Run attract mode
msg_hudelemspew Debug hudelem fields changing
msg_dumpEnts Print snapshot entity info
msg_printEntityNums Print entity numbers
net_lanauthorize Authorise CD keys when using a LAN
net_showprofile Show network profiling display
net_profile Profile network performance
packetDebug Enable packet debugging information
showdrop Show dropped packets
showpackets Show packets
g_serverHunkUser Maximum amount of clients on the server
sv_hugeSnapshotDelay How long to wait before building a new snapshot after a 'huge' snapshot is sent
sv_hugeSnapshotSize Size of a snapshot to be considered 'huge'
sv_clientArchive Have the clients archive data to save bandwidth on the server
sv_network_fps Number of times per second the server checks for net messages
sv_debugReliableCmds Enable debugging information for 'reliable' commands
sv_debugRate Enable snapshot rate debugging info
sv_mapRotationCurrent Current map in the map rotation
sv_mapRotation List of maps for the server to play
sv_kickBanTime Time in seconds for a player to be banned from the server after being kicked
sv_showAverageBPS Show average bytes per second for net debugging
sv_packet_info Enable packet info debugging information
sv_allowedClan1 Allow this clan to join the server
sv_padPackets add nop bytes to messages
sv_reconnectlimit minimum seconds between connect messages
sv_zombietime seconds to sync messages after disconnect
sv_connectTimeout seconds without any message when a client is loading
sv_timeout seconds without any message
sv_floodProtect Prevent malicious lagging by flooding the server with commands
sv_maxPing Maximum ping allowed on the server
sv_minPing Minimum ping allowed on the server
sv_maxRate Maximum bit rate
sv_clientSideBullets If true, clients will synthesize tracers and bullet impacts
CoD4Host Host name of the server
badhost_debug Bad host debugging
badhost_minPercentClientsUnhappyToSuck What percentage of clients need to have a ping higher than sv_maxHappyPingTime before it aborts
badhost_minTotalClientsForHappyTest Minimum number of clients before it does the 'suck as host' test
badhost_maxDoISuckFrames Max lagged frames need to end match
badhost_endGameIfISuck End the match if most of the players are lagged out
badhost_maxHappyPingTime Max ping that a player can have that we consider acceptable when calculating if the server is swamped
sv_privateClients Maximum number of private clients allowed on the server
testClients_watchKillcam Testclients will not press buttons during killcam.
testClients_doCrouch Testclients will use the crouch button.
testClients_doReload Testclients will use the reload button.
testClients_doMove Testclients will use the movement.
testClients_doAttack Testclients will use the attack button.
migration_verboseBroadcastTime time in milliseconds between verbose migration state broadcasts
migration_timeBetween milliseconds between migration_limit dvar's value of migrations.
migration_limit maximum number of migrations within migration_timeBetween dvar's value in milliseconds.
migration_msgtimeout timeout time in ms of migration messages
migration_blocksperframe Number of blocks to send out each server frame. A value of 0 means base it off our tested bandwidth.
loc_warningsAsErrors Throw an error for any unlocalized string
loc_warningsUI Enable localization warnings for UI
loc_warnings Enable localization warnings
loc_translate Enable translations
loc_forceEnglish Force english localized strings
loc_language Language
ui_sliderSteps The number of steps for a slider itemdef
ui_textScrollFadeTime Text scrolling takes this long (seconds) to fade out at the end before restarting
ui_textScrollPauseEnd Text scrolling waits this long (seconds) at the end before restarting
ui_textScrollPauseStart Text scrolling waits this long (seconds) before starting
ui_textScrollSpeed Speed at which text scrolls vertically
ui_allow_teamchange Whether the UI should allow changing team
ui_allow_classchange Whether the UI should allow changing class
ui_hud_hardcore Whether the HUD should be suppressed for hardcore mode
ui_debugMode Draw ui debug info on the screen.
ui_drawCrosshair Whether to draw crosshairs.
ui_connectScreenTextGlowColor Glow color applied to the mode and map name strings on the connect screen.
ui_cinematicsTimestamp Shows cinematics timestamp on subtitle UI elements.
ui_borderLowLightScale Scales the border color for the lowlight color on certain UI borders
lobby_animationTilesHigh How many animation tiles high is the searching_for_player texture
lobby_animationTilesWide How many animation tiles wide is the searching_for_player texture
lobby_animationSpeed How long each frame of the animation should draw, in milliseconds
lobby_numAnimationFrames How many animation tiles are in the searching_for_player texture
ui_partyFull True if the current party is full.
lobby_searchingPartyColor The color to show that we're searching for that slot when shown in lobbies
ui_playerPartyColor The local player's font color when shown in lobbies and parties
ui_showMenuOnly If set, only menus using this name will draw.
ui_showList Show onscreen list of currently visible menus
ui_buildSize Font size to use for the build number
ui_buildLocation Where to draw the build number
ui_serverStatusTimeOut Time in milliseconds before a server status request times out
ui_currentFeederMapIndex Currently selected map
ui_currentMap Current map index
ui_extraBigFont Extra big font scale
ui_bigFont Big font scale
ui_smallFont Small font scale
ui_netSource The network source where: 0:Local 1:Internet 2:Favourites
ui_customClassName Custom Class name
ui_customModeEditName Name to give the currently edited custom game mode when editing is complete
ui_customModeName Custom game mode name
xblive_playEvenIfDown Allow people to play online even if Live is down
xblive_ec_lastupdatems MS since last update required to early out qos
xblive_ec_firstupdatems MS to wait before deciding to early out qos
xblive_ec_minpercent Minimum percentage of probe results required before early outing qos
xblive_ec_minprobes Minimum probe results required before early outing qos
party_simulateLongQoS simulate a real QoS which takes around 30 seconds
xblive_mappacks 0 = original maps only, 1 = new maps only, 2 = both original and new
xblive_privatepartyclient true only if we're in a party and not the host
xblive_hostingprivateparty true only if we're hosting a party
xblive_privatematch Current game is a private match
partyChatDisconnectTimer Time to wait after user responds to Party Chat dialog before kicking (msec)
partyChatDisallowed Whether to disallow Xbox Live Party Chat
session_nonblocking Non-blocking Session code
disconnectOnSignOut If true, the player will be kicked back to the main menu if they sign out of their profile
xenon_maxVoicePacketsPerSecForServer Max voice packets per second the server will send
xenon_maxVoicePacketsPerSec Max voice packets per second a client will send
xenon_voiceDegrade Degrade voice quality
xenon_voiceDebug Debug voice communication
xblive_loggedin User is logged into xbox live
net_port Network port
net_ip Network IP address
physVeh_jump Set to 1 to make a vehicle jump.
physVeh_collideWithClipOnly Physics vehicles will only collide with vehicle clip when true
physVeh_pathConstraintCfm The constraint cfm for path-constrained vehicles
physVeh_explodeSpinScale The max (random) offset from the center of mass at which splash damage applies its force
physVeh_explodeForce The force applied to physics vehicles due to explosions
physVeh_slideReductionForHighSpeed A larger value makes it harder to slip when moving faster than the max speed
physVeh_minImpactMomentum The minimum collision momentum needed to register an impact
physVeh_StepsPerFrame The number of physics timesteps that the server frame will be divided into.
phys_jointPullThreshold If joints are farther apart than sqrt(this distance), they will be pulled together.
phys_narrowObjMaxLength If a geom has a dimension less than this, then extra work will be done to prevent it from falling into cracks (like between the wall and the floor)
phys_gravityChangeWakeupRadius The radius around the player within which objects get awakened when gravity changes
phys_jitterMaxMass Maximum mass to jitter - jitter will fall off up to this mass
phys_minImpactMomentum The minimum momentum required to trigger impact sounds
phys_dragAngular The amount of angular drag, applied globally
phys_dragLinear The amount of linear drag, applied globally
phys_frictionScale Scales the amount of physics friction globally.
phys_joint_stop_erp Physics error reduction magic parameter for joints at their limits.
phys_joint_stop_cfm Physics constraint force mixing magic parameter for joints at their limits.
phys_joint_cfm Physics constraint force mixing magic parameter for joints.
phys_contact_erp Physics error reduction magic parameter for contacts.
phys_contact_cfm Physics constraint force mixing magic parameter for contacts.
phys_autoDisableFastAngular Auto disable settings that make bodies go to sleep faster (i.e., they don't have to slow down as much first). (deg/sec)
phys_autoDisableFastLinear Auto disable settings that make bodies go to sleep faster (i.e., they don't have to slow down as much first).
phys_autoDisableTime The amount of time a body must be idle for it to go to sleep.
phys_autoDisableAngular A body must have angular velocity less than this to be considered idle. (deg/sec)
phys_autoDisableLinear A body must have linear velocity less than this to be considered idle.
phys_collUseEntities Disable to turn off testing for collision against entities
phys_noIslands Make all contacts joints between an object and the world: no object-object contacts
phys_reorderConst ODE solver reorder constraints
phys_drawDebugInfo Print info about the physics objects
phys_drawAwake Debug draw a box indicating which bodies are disabled
phys_drawCollisionObj Debug draw collision geometry for each physics object
phys_drawCollisionWorld Debug draw collision brushes and terrain triangles
phys_drawcontacts Debug draw contact points
phys_qsi Number of iterations that QuickStep performs per step.
phys_dumpcontacts Set to true to dump all constraints in next physics frame.
phys_bulletSpinScale Scale of the effective offset from the center of mass for the bullet impacts.
phys_bulletUpBias Up Bias for the direction of the bullet impact.
phys_gravity_ragdoll Physics gravity used by ragdolls in units/sec^2.
phys_gravity Physics gravity in units/sec^2.
phys_csl Physics contact surface level magic parameter.
phys_mcv_vehicle Physics maximum correcting velocity magic parameter (for vehicles).
phys_mcv_ragdoll Physics maximum correcting velocity magic parameter (for ragdoll).
phys_mcv Physics maximum correcting velocity magic parameter.
phys_erp Physics error reduction magic parameter.
phys_cfm Physics constraint force mixing magic parameter.
ragdoll_idle_min_velsq Minimum squared speed a ragdoll body needs to be moving before it will shut down due to time
ragdoll_stretch_iters Iterations to run the alternate limb solver
ragdoll_max_stretch_pct Force ragdoll limbs to not stretch more than this percentage in one frame
ragdoll_dump_anims Dump animation data when ragdoll fails
ragdoll_self_collision_scale Scale the size of the collision capsules used to prevent ragdoll limbs from interpenetrating
ragdoll_jitter_scale Scale up or down the effect of physics jitter on ragdolls
ragdoll_rotvel_scale Ragdoll rotational velocity estimate scale
ragdoll_jointlerp_time Default time taken to lerp down ragdoll joint friction
ragdoll_baselerp_time Default time ragdoll baselerp bones take to reach the base pose
ragdoll_bullet_upbias Upward bias applied to ragdoll bullet effects
ragdoll_bullet_force Bullet force applied to ragdolls
ragdoll_exploding_bullet_upbias Upwards bias applied to ragdoll from explosive bullets
ragdoll_exploding_bullet_force Force applied to ragdolls from explosive bullets
ragdoll_explode_upbias Upwards bias applied to ragdoll explosion effects
ragdoll_explode_force Explosive force applied to ragdolls
ragdoll_max_simulating Max number of simultaneous active ragdolls
ragdoll_max_life Max lifetime of a ragdoll system in msec
ragdoll_fps Ragdoll update frames per second
ragdoll_debug Draw ragdoll debug info (bitflags)
ragdoll_enable Turn on ragdoll death animations
vehHelicopterTiltMomentum The amount of rotational momentum the helicopter has with regards to tilting.
vehHelicopterHeadSwayDontSwayTheTurret If set, the turret will not fire through the crosshairs, but straight ahead of the vehicle, when the player is not freelooking.
vehHelicopterJitterJerkyness Specifies how jerky the tilt jitter should be
vehHelicopterTiltFromFwdAndYaw_VelAtMaxTilt The forward speed (as a fraction of top speed) at which the tilt due to yaw reaches is maximum value.
vehHelicopterTiltFromFwdAndYaw The amount of roll caused by yawing while moving forward.
vehHelicopterTiltFromControllerAxes The amount of tilt caused by the desired velocity (i.e., the amount of controller stick deflection)
vehHelicopterTiltFromVelocity The amount of tilt caused by the current velocity
vehHelicopterTiltFromDeceleration The amount of tilt caused by deceleration
vehHelicopterTiltFromAcceleration The amount of tilt caused by acceleration
vehHelicopterTiltSpeed The rate at which the player helicopter's tilt responds
vehHelicopterYawOnLeftStick The yaw speed created by the left stick when pushing the stick diagonally (e.g., moving forward and strafing slightly).
vehHelicopterInvertUpDown Invert the altitude control on the player helicopter.
vehHelicopterDecelerationSide Set the side-to-side deceleration of the player helicopter (as a fraction of acceleration). So 1.0 makes it equal to the acceleration.
vehHelicopterDecelerationFwd Set the deceleration of the player helicopter (as a fraction of acceleration) in the direction the chopper is facing. So 1.0 makes it equal to the acceleration.
vehHelicopterSoftCollisions Player helicopters have soft collisions (slow down before they collide).
vehHelicopterScaleMovement Scales down the smaller of the left stick axes.
vehHelicopterStrafeDeadzone Dead-zone so that you can fly straight forward easily without accidentally strafing (and thus rolling).
vehHelicopterRightStickDeadzone Dead-zone for the axes of the right thumbstick. This helps to better control the two axes separately.
vehHelicopterHoverSpeedThreshold The speed below which the player helicopter begins to jitter the tilt, for hovering
vehHelicopterLookaheadTime How far ahead (in seconds) the player helicopter looks ahead, to avoid hard collisions. (Like driving down the highway, you should keep 2 seconds distance between you and the vehicle in front of you)
vehHelicopterMaxRoll Maximum roll of the player helicopter
vehHelicopterMaxPitch Maximum pitch of the player helicopter
vehHelicopterMaxYawAccel Maximum yaw acceleration of the player helicopter
vehHelicopterMaxYawRate Maximum yaw speed of the player helicopter
vehHelicopterMaxAccelVertical Maximum vertical acceleration of the player helicopter (in MPH per second)
vehHelicopterMaxAccel Maximum horizontal acceleration of the player helicopter (in MPH per second)
vehHelicopterMaxSpeedVertical Maximum vertical speed of the player helicopter (in MPH)
vehHelicopterMaxSpeed Maximum horizontal speed of the player helicopter (in MPH)
veh_aiOverSteerScale Scaler used to cause ai vehicles to over steer
veh_thirdPersonCam Enable 3rd person switching
vehAudio_spawnVolumeTime Seconds it takes for spawned vehicles to reach full volume.
vehAudio_inAirPitchDownLerp Rate at which the pitch lerps down
vehAudio_inAirPitchUpLerp Rate at which the pitch lerps up
vehCam_zOffsetMode Camera offset mode for Z axis
vehCam_yawClamp Yaw clamp for user adjustment
vehCam_yawTurnRate Yaw turn rate for user adjustment
vehCam_pitchClamp Pitch clamp for user adjustment
vehCam_pitchTurnRate Pitch turn rate for user adjustment
vehCam_speedInfluence Controls how much the vehicle's speed effects the camera.
vehCam_radius Camera radius from vehicle
vehCam_offset Focus offset from vehicle origin
vehCam_angles Camera angles from vehicle
vehCam_editMode Enables camera edit mode via dvars
vehCam_freeLook Enables free look mode
veh_boneControllerLodDist Distance at which bone controllers are not updated.
lb_maxrows Maximum number of rows to fetch
lb_filter Filter applied to the leaderboard display: ('none','friends'Winky Winky
lb_minrefresh Minimum time (in seconds) between leaderboard fetches
session_advertiseFailedSearchCount Failed search count at which we list ourselves with matchmaking
ping_default_min Minimum ping for the initial set of searches
ping_increment Number of milliseconds to increase min ping after each set of searches
ping_searches_per Number of searches at each min ping value
session_immediateDeleteTinySessions Whether to immediately delete sessions with 1 user
iwnet_sessionHeartbeat How often to send a heartbeat msg
matchmaking_debug Enable matchmaking debugging information
sentry_placement_trace_min_normal Minimum normal to accept a sentry position
sentry_placement_trace_pitch Pitch used for the trace axis
sentry_placement_trace_dist Distance along the trace axis where the sentry will attempt to position itself
sentry_placement_trace_radius_canon_safety Extra radius used in the forward direction to compensate for the canon length
sentry_placement_trace_radius Radius of the bound used for the placement trace
sentry_placement_feet_trace_dist_z Max distance for a foot to be considered touching the ground
sentry_placement_feet_offset Position of the feet from the center axis.
sentry_placement_debug Enables sentry placement debug lines
iwnet_debug turn on iwnet debugging
iwnet_maxResendTime maximum resend time for iwnet commands
iwnet_minResendTime minimum resend time for iwnet commands
iwnet_allclientsauthed True if all local clients are authed and playable
lsp_debug Whether to print lsp debug info
snd_cinematicVolumeScale Scales the volume of Bink videos.
snd_levelFadeTime The amout of time in milliseconds for all audio to fade in at the start of a level
snd_draw3D Draw the position and info of world sounds
snd_enableEq Enable equalization filter
snd_enableReverb Enable sound reverberation
snd_enableStream Enable streamed sounds
snd_enable3D Enable 3D sounds
snd_enable2D Enable 2D sounds
snd_slaveFadeTime The amount of time in milliseconds for a 'slave' sound
to fade its volumes when a master sound starts or stops
snd_volume Game sound master volume
snd_errorOnMissing Cause a Com_Error if a sound file is missing.
r_atlasAnimFPS Speed to animate atlased 2d materials
r_sun_from_dvars Set sun flare values from dvars rather than the level
r_outdoorFeather Outdoor z-feathering value
r_pixelShaderGPRReallocation Number of general purpose registers to the pixel shader
r_dof_bias Depth of field bias as a power function (like gamma); less than 1 is sharper
r_dof_farEnd Depth of field far end distance, in inches
r_dof_farStart Depth of field far start distance, in inches
r_dof_nearEnd Depth of field near end distance, in inches
r_dof_nearStart Depth of field near start distance, in inches
r_dof_viewModelEnd Depth of field viewmodel end distance, in inches
r_dof_viewModelStart Depth of field viewmodel start distance, in inches
r_dof_tweak Use dvars to set the depth of field effect; overrides r_dof_enable
r_dof_enable Enable the depth of field effect
r_desaturation Desaturation adjustment
r_brightness Brightness adjustment
r_contrast Contrast adjustment
r_filmAltShader Use alternate shader (with middle tint and dark desat) for film color.
r_filmUseTweaks Overide film effects with tweak dvar values.
r_glow_allowed_script_forced Force 'allow glow' to be treated as true, by script.
r_glow_allowed Allow glow.
r_distortion Enable distortion
r_blur Dev tweak to blur the screen
r_halfParticles 0 force off, 1 force on, 2 use script controlled.
r_screenFilterQuads If non-zero, uses this many quads instead of two triangles for full screen effects
sm_qualitySpotShadow Fast spot shadow
sm_fastSunShadow Fast sun shadow
sm_spotDistCull Distance cull spot shadows
sm_strictCull Strict shadow map cull
sm_sunShadowScale Sun shadow scale optimization
sm_sunShadowCenter Sun shadow center, 0 0 0 means don't override
sm_sunSampleSizeNear Shadow sample size
sm_polygonOffsetBias Shadow map offset bias
sm_polygonOffsetScale Shadow map offset scale
sm_lightScore_spotProjectFrac When picking shadows for primary lights, measure distance to a point this fraction of the light's radius along it's shadow direction.
sm_lightScore_eyeProjectDist When picking shadows for primary lights, measure distance from a point this far in front of the camera.
sm_spotShadowFadeTime How many seconds it takes for a primary light shadow map to fade in or out
sm_minSpotLightScore Minimum score (based on intensity, radius, and position relative to the camera) for a spot light to have shadow maps.
sm_maxLights Limits how many primary lights can have shadow maps
sm_spotLimit Limit number of spot shadows from script
sm_spotEnable Enable spot shadow mapping from script
sm_sunEnable Enable sun shadow mapping from script
sm_enable Enable shadow mapping
r_forceLod Force all level of detail to this level
r_lowestLodDist Distance for lowest level of detail
r_lowLodDist Distance for low level of detail
r_mediumLodDist Distance for medium level of detail
r_highLodDist Distance for high level of detail
r_showFloatZDebug Show float z buffer used to eliminate hard edges on particles near geometry
r_showFbColorDebug Show front buffer color debugging information
r_portalMinRecurseDepth Ignore r_portalMinClipArea for portals with fewer than this many parent portals.
r_portalMinClipArea Don't clip child portals by a parent portal smaller than this fraction of the screen area.
r_portalWalkLimit Stop portal recursion after this many iterations. Useful for debugging portal errors.
r_singleCell Only draw things in the same cell as the camera. Most useful for seeing how big the current cell is.
r_portalBevelsOnly Use screen-space bounding box of portals rather than the actual shape of the portal projected onto the screen
r_portalBevels Helps cull geometry by angles of portals that are acute when projected onto the screen, value is the cosine of the angle
r_skipPvs Skipt the determination of what is in the potentially visible set (disables most drawing)
r_lockPvs Lock the viewpoint used for determining what is visible to the current position and direction
r_drawWater Enable water animation
r_spotLightExponent Exponent for spot light to control falloff away from the center
r_spotLightMaxLength Maximum length of the spot light used to light geo. The will limit the length set in the effect.
r_spotLightBrightness Brightness scale for spot light to get overbrightness from the 0-1 particle color range.
r_spotLightEntityShadows Enable entity shadows for spot lights.
r_spotLightSModelShadows Enable static model shadows for spot lights.
r_spotLightShadows Enable shadows for spot lights.
r_spotLightEndRadius Radius of the circle at the end of the spot light in inches.
r_spotLightStartRadius Radius of the circle at the start of the spot light in inches.
r_spotLightFovInnerFraction Relative Inner FOV angle for the dynamic spot light. 0 is full fade 0.99 is almost no fade.
r_dlightLimit Maximum number of dynamic lights drawn simultaneously
r_dpvsFilterDebug Filter all entities to all cells (debug)
r_clearColor2 Color to clear every second frame to (for use during development)
r_clearColor Color to clear the screen to when clearing the frame buffer
r_clear Controls how the color buffer is cleared
r_vsync Enable v-sync before drawing the next frame to avoid 'tearing' artifacts.
r_cmdbuf_worker Process command buffer in a separate thread
r_smp_worker Process renderer front end in a separate thread
r_smp_backend Process renderer back end in a separate thread
r_scaleViewport Scale 3D viewports by this fraction. Use this to see if framerate is pixel shader bound.
r_envMapSunIntensity Max sun specular intensity intensity with env map materials.
r_envMapExponent Reflection exponent.
r_envMapMaxIntensity Max reflection intensity based on glancing angle.
r_envMapMinIntensity Min reflection intensity based on glancing angle.
r_lightCacheLessFrequentMaxDistance Adjust the distance fx models (and models tagged as less-frequently-lit by script) move before immediately being relit
r_lightCacheLessFrequentPeriod Adjust how frequently fx models (and models tagged as less-frequently-lit by script) get relit on average (1 is every frame, 8 is every 8th frame)
r_heroLighting Enable hero-only lighting
r_lightGridContrast Adjust the contrast of light color from the light grid
r_lightGridIntensity Adjust the intensity of light color from the light grid
r_lightGridUseTweakedValues Use tweaked values instead of default
r_lightGridEnableTweaks Enable tweaks of the light color from the light grid
r_cacheModelLighting Speed up model lighting by caching previous results
r_cacheSModelLighting Speed up static model lighting by caching previous results
r_showMissingLightGrid Use rainbow colors for entities that are outside the light grid
r_showLightGrid Show light grid debugging information (2: detailed, 3: detailed for this box only)
r_vc_showlog Show this many rows of light grid points for the vis cache
r_vc_makelog Enable logging of light grid points for the vis cache. 1 starts from scratch, 2 appends.
r_debugLineWidth Width of server side debug lines
r_resampleScene Upscale the frame buffer with sharpen filter and color correction.
r_diffuseColorScale Globally scale the diffuse color of all point lights
r_specularColorScale Set greater than 1 to brighten specular highlights
r_specularMap Replace all specular maps with pure black (off) or pure white (super shiny)
r_normalMap Replace all normal maps with a flat normal map
r_detailMap Replace all detail maps with an image that effectively disables them
r_colorMap Replace all color maps with pure black or pure white
r_lightMap Replace all lightmaps with pure black or pure white
r_polygonOffsetBias Offset bias for decal polygons; bigger values z-fight less but poke through walls more
r_polygonOffsetScale Offset scale for decal polygons; bigger values z-fight less but poke through walls more
r_fog Set to 0 to disable fog
r_zfar Change the distance at which culling fog reaches 100% opacity; 0 is off
r_znear_depthhack Viewmodel near clip plane
r_znear Things closer than this aren't drawn. Reducing this increases z-fighting in the distance.
r_subwindow subwindow to draw: left, right, top, bottom
r_debugShader Enable shader debugging information
r_fullbright Toggles rendering without lighting
r_texFilterMipBias Change the mipmap bias
r_texFilterMipMode Forces all mipmaps to use a particular blend between levels (or disables mipping.)
r_texFilterAnisoMin Minimum anisotropy

The following user thanked OPIUM.64 for this useful post:


The following user groaned OPIUM.64 for this awful post:

05-18-2011, 10:23 PM #2
I'm a neat monster...
Was This Copy And Pasted off Like S7's..... Just Asking Cause if Not GREAT job :y:
05-18-2011, 10:26 PM #3
Former Staff
Sticky this :y:.
05-18-2011, 10:53 PM #4
┌∩┐ (◣◢Winky Winky┌∩┐
Use a spoiler. :O
05-19-2011, 07:07 AM #5
most ov these r 4 xbox but a gd job 4 sharein m8
05-19-2011, 09:20 AM #6
Yeezus Christ
Cool how you added what the dvars do:y:
05-19-2011, 11:52 AM #7
Save Point
tracer_stoppingPowerWidth The width of a tracer bullet when using bullets StoppingPower
tracer_stoppingPowerColor6 The color-sixth of a tracer bullet when using bullets StoppingPower
tracer_stoppingPowerColor5 The 5th color of a tracer bullet when using bullets StoppingPower
tracer_stoppingPowerColor4 The color of a fourth bullet tracer when using bullets StoppingPower
tracer_stoppingPowerColor3 The third color of a tracer bullet when using bullets StoppingPower
tracer_stoppingPowerColor2The color of a second tracer bullet when using bullets StoppingPower
tracer_stoppingPowerColor1 The color of a tracer first ball when using bullets StoppingPower
tracer_stoppingPowerOverride When lit, a surcharge will apply to the parameters of the tracer when the braking advantage is active.
tracer_debugDraw Draw debug lines where the tracers should be visible.
tracer_explosiveWidthThe width of a tracer bullet when using explosive bullets
tracer_explosiveColor6 The color-sixth of a tracer bullet when using explosive bullets
tracer_explosiveColor5 The 5th color of a tracer bullet when using explosive bullets
tracer_explosiveColor4 The color of a fourth bullet tracer when using explosive bullets
tracer_explosiveColor3The third color of a tracer bullet when using explosive bullets
tracer_explosiveColor2 The color of a second ball tracer when using explosive bullets
tracer_explosiveColor1 The color of a tracer first ball when using explosive bullets
tracer_explosiveOverride When lit, a surcharge will apply to the parameters of the tracer when shooting explosive bullets.
tracer_firstPersonMaxWidth The maximum width of our own tracers may be looking through our ADS
tracer_thermalWidthMultThe multiplier applied to the base width seen in thermal vision

hello can you change the color with that if say the bullets to draw in blue or green if so how please

sorry for my bad English
05-19-2011, 03:19 PM #8
The Best OS By Far
i posted this ages ago, wouldnt be surprised if its the same file, plus mine was cleaned by myself to make it more user friendly for xbox and ps3.
05-19-2011, 03:54 PM #9
Save Point
sorry I just wanted to share what I find on a French site with ngu
05-19-2011, 04:09 PM #10
Previously uG~ Wounded
Small example? /facepalm

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