Post: Increase GDI objects for 3D aplications
12-11-2017, 08:07 PM #1
Vault dweller
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); so i had a few problems with several 3d programs on certain computers and not on others
while the operating system would be the same
i had this problem for over 2 years and i final had enough
as the computer would actualy begin to shut down programs because of it

Why? it was thinking it was low on memory while there was always plenty left

turned out to be a registry key

so i made a batch file that wil update the registry key
i found out the hard way there that the fix dint work on 64bitX64 and it did on 32bitX86 Operating systems

32Bit X86

(title Running low on memory repair X64 )

set regkey="HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows"

set value="GDIProcessHandleQuota"

REG ADD %regkey% /v %value% /d "262144" /t REG_DWORD /f

echo msgbox Replace ("You succesfully Reset the registry key Regarding the low memory isue\nThank u for using this Batch file \nCompliments of ZUNDAPPCHEF Smile", "\n", vbLf) > %tmp%\tmp.vbs

cscript /nologo %tmp%\tmp.vbs

del %tmp%\tmp.vbs

64Bit X64

(title Running low on memory repair X64 )

set regkey="HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows"

set value="GDIProcessHandleQuota"

REG ADD %regkey% /v %value% /d "262144" /t REG_DWORD /f

set regkey="HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows"

set value="GDIProcessHandleQuota"

REG ADD %regkey% /v %value% /d "262144" /t REG_DWORD /f

echo msgbox Replace ("You succesfully Reset the registry key Regarding the low memory isue\nThank u for using this Batch file \nCompliments of ZUNDAPPCHEF Smile", "\n", vbLf) > %tmp%\tmp.vbs

cscript /nologo %tmp%\tmp.vbs

del %tmp%\tmp.vbs

Copy the code into notepad and save it with a .BAT extension
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if this does not fix your issue then try to increase the virtual memory ( this may be twice as much as the ram u have installed)

Dont know if this wil be usefull for someone here
But i hope this wil help some people who have had this problem

input on how to do batch coding better is apriciated

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