Post: Rakion.
07-03-2009, 06:29 PM #1
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Hey guys.

I sometimes play this game. There's an event going on right now, and I'd like to ask you guys to register and download the game.

It's absolutely free. Unless you want to pay for better armor and shyt. This game isn't one of those MMO games, where you click on an enemy and wait till your guy kills it. This game is multiplayer only. You have to have "skill" to win. Like, you have left mouse button for basic attack, right mouse button for special, etc.

You can choose from 5 different classes. Here's a video of a pro ninja player.

Here's a basic video:
[ame=""]YouTube - Rakion Master Ninja[/ame]

If you decide to get it, when you create your account, and get into the game, please, it will ask you to name the referrer, so refer : FeresX

It's my character's name. Thanks alot ! Tell me if you'll get it.
07-04-2009, 12:43 AM #2
looks cool! might try it!

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