Bossa Studios, the developers behind the popular Surgeon Simulator 2013, unveiled today their latest project that they’ve been cooking up: I Am Bread.
The game is, for all intents and purposes, a bread simulator. I Am Bread appears to be heavily inspired by both the Goat Simulator and Katamari Damacy, with you flopping around through a heavily physics based environment as a piece of bread, collecting all sorts of grossness throughout your adventure.
In the video we can see the bread ride a skateboard, pickup a knife, drag itself along the bowl of a toilet and even cook on a stove. It’s all quite bizarre, even seemingly pointless, but for some reason when I watch the video know I’ve always wanted a game where I could play as a skateboarding slice of bread.
You can checkout the whole minute of zany action below. No release date or platforms are known as of yet, but my bet is that you can safely assume it will be coming to PC first, much like Surgeon Simulator.