Post: new PSP GO
06-03-2009, 03:30 PM #1
Little One
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); The PSP Go may have been the worst-kept secret of this year's E3 show, but Sony's press conference has now supplied the official details. For the most part, there's little that wasn't already revealed or correctly assumed: the PSP Go is smaller, has a slide-up screen, no UMD drive--and no game-changing upgrades, such as a touch screen or second analog stick. But the big news is that the new PSP will be available in North America on October 1 for $249.

PS3 integration: Again, it appears the existing interoperability between the PS3 and the PSP line will be carried over to the PSP Go. That includes the ability to cross-load some games and media, as well as the Remote Play option (access PS3-based content from the PSP over the Internet).

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06-03-2009, 04:03 PM #2
PS3 Guru
Moved: Wrong section

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