Post: Get Pokemon Go! (NEW TUTORIAL!) 100% WORKS!
07-13-2016, 05:28 PM #1
Do a barrel roll!
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So a friend told me how to get Pokémon Go even when you don't live in the countries that it's available in. This new method works 100% as I've done it myself & it doesn't require you to make any new iOS Accounts. This is so much easier, faster and well.. less stressful if you want to be apart of this new trend.

I don't exactly know how to do the Android tutorial as I've not done it myself since I don't own an Android phone but following this tutorial will surely help as it can't be much different.


  1. Go to You must login or register to view this content. (Or You must login or register to view this content. if you are an Android phone user)
  2. Search for 'Pokemon Go'
  3. When it comes up, choose 'Jailbreak' or 'Non Jailbreak' depending on which one you have
  4. Once downloaded which takes a while, head over to your 'Settings' in your phone.
  5. Head into 'General' and go into 'Awesome faceevice Management'
  6. You'll see 'Yestech' and you'll need to TRUST the app.
  7. Once done, open up Pokémon Go and have fun!

If you experience any issues, just try re-downloading. As I said this tutorial is mainly for iOS users & for those who are Android - the tutorial can't be much different so just follow along.

Some may say that this link is considered as Warez but I got confirmation from SQUID-EYE and it should be okay.
Proof: You must login or register to view this content.

Any questions? feel free to reply to this thread.

~ Clarkey ~

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