Post: Pokemon Go Botting Community!
09-08-2016, 01:28 AM #1
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We are a one-stop shop for all your PokémonGO needs. We are a relatively new community who are focusing on the long run as we know this is just the beginning,
and giving time/care to our users. We are constantly working with our users and the development community in general; to ensure user safety and that they are
getting the best out of their bots - without getting banned, or disadvantaged. We cover everything from rare pokemon coordinates to bot builds, botmanagers and sniping tools.*
We don't only offer you the most used paid bots for free, we inspect and even optimize them to give you the best botting experience as possible. (A few of our staff have a highly known botting history)
Do we do events? You bet we do! We do random VIP giveaways and also, Google Play card giveaways, ranging between 10-30$ - Most of these events are not VIP exclusive so even if your brand new, you can join in!
If that isn't enough to entice you, we also have an active general chat on Discord so that you casually hang out with other players, alongside a help channel with friendly live-chat support, a FAQ to answer those common, but sometimes missed questions.. and a lot of helpful guides to get it started as smooth as possible all the way from a novice. We have a VIP/ranking system which is obtainable through activity(being social) - and music/misc bots so that you can share your musical tastes with others!
Join our Discord today to benefit from all of that and even more, always up to date and always for free.
Our website will be publically released within a week most likely, as we are nearly done with the forums instead of just a landing page with some of the latest bots from our #bot_builds channel on Discord.
We are looking forward to welcoming you and hopefully your friends too, botting and pokemongo is alive and strong, don't forget that the game is basically still a BETA!

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