Post: Xbox Live Coming to Nokia Phones
02-11-2011, 05:16 PM #1
One Man Army
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Nokia CEO Stephen Elop has announced Microsoft and Nokia are forming a 'strategic alliance', whereby the Windows Phone will become Nokia's 'principal smartphone strategy'.

The partnership will also allow all Nokia users to make use of Microsoft's Bing and adCentre, Ovi Maps, Office and even Xbox Live, which is coming soon to all Windows' phones.

The key features of the 'alliance' include: (as found on Nokia's official website)

Originally posted by another user
• Nokia will adopt Windows Phone as its primary smartphone strategy, innovating on top of the platform in areas such as imaging, where Nokia is a market leader.

• Nokia will help drive and define the future of Windows Phone. Nokia will contribute its expertise on hardware design, language support, and help bring Windows Phone to a larger range of price points, market segments and geographies.

• Nokia and Microsoft will closely collaborate on development, joint marketing initiatives and a shared development roadmap to align on the future evolution of mobile products.

• Bing will power Nokia’s search services across Nokia devices and services, giving customers access to Bing’s next generation search capabilities. Microsoft adCenter will provide search advertising services on Nokia’s line of devices and services.

• Nokia Maps will be a core part of Microsoft’s mapping services. For example, Maps would be integrated with Microsoft’s Bing search engine and adCenter advertising platform to form a unique local search and advertising experience.

• Nokia’s extensive operator billing agreements will make it easier for consumers to purchase Nokia Windows Phone services in countries where credit-card use is low.

• Microsoft development tools will be used to create applications to run on Nokia Windows Phones, allowing developers to easily leverage the ecosystem’s global reach.

• Microsoft will continue to invest in the development of Windows Phone and cloud services so customers can do more with their phone, across their work and personal lives.

• Nokia’s content and application store will be integrated with Microsoft Marketplace for a more compelling consumer experience.

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02-11-2011, 05:22 PM #2
Hopefully Elop can fix mistakes they made before
02-11-2011, 05:46 PM #3
I think this is because nokia is pretty fail at the moment, they're trying to revive themselves :p
02-11-2011, 06:01 PM #4
Frank The Tank
The tank has arrived
nokia?? really? is that honestly the best they can do?
02-11-2011, 06:14 PM #5
I’m too L33T
LOL a week ago i changed from nokia 6710 navigator to iphone 4

nokia sucks 500 ampere for battery (gets drained to zero with phone on sleep in 10 hours)
02-11-2011, 06:14 PM #6
Dark Knight
Nokia sucks lmao. T mobile ftw. :carling:
02-11-2011, 07:31 PM #7
Balls of Steel
It'd be better if it came to a more popular OS/Phone...
iPhone? Android?
02-11-2011, 08:01 PM #8
Mr. Goodbye
o_O You Looking at meh ?
Out of all phones they pick nokia ? /facepalm Nokia phones dont even last long in battery life i bought a nokia n97 and it died in less than 7hours of sleep mode .

Why cant they go to Iphones ?
02-11-2011, 08:13 PM #9
Red Wing's For Life!!!
Nokia Sucks!!!
02-11-2011, 08:31 PM #10
Why all hate Nokia?
The cell phones began to spread becouse of Nokia though I agree that Nokia's smartphones sucks

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