Post: MineCraft 1.6.4(Mod Pack)
12-23-2013, 07:15 AM #1
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Tracking 10 mods for this version
P.S please click that Thanks button ! it motivates me to do more helpful posts like these Drack

Advanced Genetics ObsiLP
Allows you to get the special abilities of a mob and to combine them with yourself. So it is possible to explode!
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AdvanceTime Neometron
A core mod that allows administrators to control the length of day for any dimension.
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Alice's Dolls (Touhou) iwa_yukinoshita
Adds craftable dolls from the Touhou game series, with Artificial Intelligence that help with a variety of tasks.
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AllSnow Mod Sopwith
Changes the properties of the non-snowy biomes in Minecraft, lowering their ambient temperatures and essentially cooling them down so that snow and ice will not melt when generated. It then switches on the biomes' toggles for snowfall. The result is all biomes have snow in them, and when precipitation falls it is always snow (except in ocean biomes).
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All-U-Want Inventory Editor mister_person
Allows you to not only give yourself any item in the game, but almost every possible kind of item.
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Ancient Warfare Shadowmage4513
This mod is dedicated to bringing all sorts of ancient-warfare related tools and machinery to the Minecraft world.
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AngryMobs TheKomputerKing
Adds Angry (hostile) variants of the friendly Overworld mobs at night that will attack you and other animals of the respective type.
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Animated Player Mod thehippomaster21
Completely replaces and reanimates the player model by adding more joints and better animations. Also, it's completely client-based, which means it works for servers too!
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AnimationAPI thehippomaster21
An API that allows mod makers to create animated entities more easily.
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Applied Energistics AlgorithmX2
A Mod About energy, matter, and getting stuff done! Probably.
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NOTE: For more mods go check out (You must login or register to view this content.) for 440 more !!mods
Last edited by bernerd ; 12-23-2013 at 07:18 AM. Reason: title error

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