Post: TMAPI fails to connect, times out.
07-05-2017, 11:55 PM #1
Pokemon Trainer
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); I just finished getting my VPN hooked up to my PS3. The only way I got it to work was using manual DNS settings. Everything went fine in the test connection settings but now when I try and connect Target Manager, it just says connecting for 30 seconds and then times out and says "command timed out." My debug settings are all set to single settings, development mode, system software mode, and np environment. My Lv2 Kernel is already set to DEX in Rebug Toolbox so nothing is wrong there. I'm connected wired via ethernet to my VPN. As stated everything works fine in terms of internet, PSN, IP, etc. except for connecting TMAPI which I am now stuck on.

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