Post: Trophy account question - would this work?
05-17-2011, 06:29 PM #1
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Ok so go easy on me Smile

I have CFW PS3 on which I have been doing many of the various trophy hacks on a brand new account. This account isn't tied to any email address as its never been online. Eventually I'll sync it, but I was wondering as his account isn't tied to any particular email address, could one in theory ftp the data off the PS3 and onto another CFW device so smeone else could sync as well?

05-17-2011, 09:29 PM #2
Do or Do Not, There is No Try
Originally posted by tronski View Post
Ok so go easy on me Smile

I have CFW PS3 on which I have been doing many of the various trophy hacks on a brand new account. This account isn't tied to any email address as its never been online. Eventually I'll sync it, but I was wondering as his account isn't tied to any particular email address, could one in theory ftp the data off the PS3 and onto another CFW device so smeone else could sync as well?


I don't think so. My understanding (and I could be wrong as I never used cfw) is that if an account isn't tied to an email then it will tie itself to the console until it is linked to an email. I could be wrong of course. It might be possible though by using the data transfer utility. I've read a few threads and webpages on the net that say that all the info can be transferred, except trophy information (but again, I could be wrong).
05-18-2011, 12:04 AM #3
Former super mod
Moved to the PS3 Trophy Exploits Questions and Requests.

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