Post: Demon's Souls - Spells and Miracles Trophies
05-30-2011, 06:06 AM #1
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); I'm looking for Demon's Souls - Spells , Miracles Trophies.

The one thats on the forum does not work for some reason.

Thank you
05-30-2011, 01:32 PM #2
Ix Benere xI
At least I can fight
Originally posted by uaeonly View Post
I'm looking for Demon's Souls - Spells , Miracles Trophies.

The one thats on the forum does not work for some reason.

Thank you

The one already on here does work, just not great. For the spells trophy, your going to have to go and save Yuria The Witch on 1-3. As for the miracles trophy, first your going to have to save saint urbain in 4-1. To get the last miracle, you're going to have to kill a primevil demon by shifting the world tendancy to pure black on one of the worlds. I found it's easiest to do on 1-1, first go and kill Execution Mirilda. That should shift the world tendency almost to neutral. Once you've done that, start killing yourself in body form in 1-1. After killing yourself go back to the nexus and revive yourself with the Stone of Ephemeral Eyes. Now, go back into 1-1 and kill yourself again. Keep repeating untill the world tendency has shifted to pure black. Once it's shifted, go to 1-3 and the primevil demon should be on the platform just before you fight the The Penetrator (go up the stairs after the gate). Once it's dead it will most likely drop a colourless soul (you don't need it, but still). Now go back to Saint Urbain and there should be a new miracle for you to buy, Profit.
05-31-2011, 10:09 AM #3
which save are you talking about?
The Maxi Save Gave me the Miracles Trophie.
Now i'm only missing the spell trophy and i did save Yuria and talked to her where the list of spells showes but kept showing i don't have the soul.
Last edited by uaeonly ; 05-31-2011 at 10:11 AM.

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