Post: Lego Harry Potter (USA v3.0 Character Glitch)
07-09-2011, 10:02 PM #1
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); so... was reading around and found a character glitch... it's freaking awesome and I'd say most of you have already seen it... seems to have been discovered by some kids, or so they say, back a year ago...

I just got done testing this since I had the trophy glitch issue where I purchased stuff on player 2's controller... this should fix that hopefully...

either way all you do is this:

1: Start the game in free play mode only (so you have to beat the story portion and then go back in during free play)
2: player one MUST SELECT THE FIRST HARRY POTTER. This is the original HP when you start the game.
3: player two can then select any character in the black (ones not bought yet or able to be gotten. I used voldermort and already have 100% everything in year one w/o advancing to year 2 yet due to this)
4: while player two has the blacked out character selected they want then they must turn the controller off.
5: when you go back to the character select screen you'll notice that player two is now on say voldermort or whomever you chose and thus player one can hit x to start the free play mode. the character player two selected will now be in the free play with you. Reason I chose voldermort is due to him having EVERY SPELL already out the gate.
6: the key is to never switch the characters. This means you can use the triangle to switch back and forward between say voldermort and harry, but never change voldermort. Always switch back to harry to change the characters. If you change the player 2's character it will be done and you'll have to restart the free play by using same trick.

try this... i hope it helps w/ the trophy glitches that everyone's having...


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