Post: Infamous 2: Platinum Save Set
06-24-2013, 10:54 PM #1
Won't be active..
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Closed, don't have the saves anymore and haven't used any myself in a long time so can't help.
Last edited by Richard. ; 07-16-2017 at 01:57 PM.

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04-05-2016, 03:25 AM #110
Do a barrel roll!
alright cool! i need to find a torrent anyway you could link me to one and link me to thread about modding it?
04-05-2016, 04:09 AM #111
NextGenUpdate Elite
Originally posted by RoughNeck420 View Post
alright cool! i need to find a torrent anyway you could link me to one and link me to thread about modding it?

Use Google next time


These are for BCES01143 with these in the PARAM.SFO file:
Version 01.00
App Ver 01.04
Target Version 01.03

Most Enemies Never Attack
0 001F4764 3C000000
SET OGP=4800135D600000003C00BF80
SET COP=4800135D600000003C000000
Enemies never know where I am making "Hit Clueless Enemy" very easy to do. Turrets always get you, and enemies sometimes attack during missions.

AI Movement Speed Modifier
0 001D99BC 3CC0????
SET OGP=C13E80243CC03F80
SET COP=C13E80243CC0????
If you set it to 0, any mission that requires you to pick something up by pressing R1 will be broken because Cole will never pick anything up.

Environmental Light Brightness Modifier
0 001B3D10 3CE0????
SET OGP= 392001503CE03F80
SET COP= 392001503CE0????
It's not very useful.

Jump Height Scale Modifier
0 0022A104 3C00????
SET OGP= 3C003F80EB010080
SET COP= 3C00????EB010080
Set it at 4080 or higher to jump very high.

Electrical Attacks Do Not Decrease Electricity
0 00154DAC 60000000
SET COP= 60000000

Zooming For A Sniper Shot Does Not Decrease Electricity
0 00155F18 60000000
SET OGP= D0031F68
SET COP= 60000000

Cole Never Dies
0 0017AC50 3C007F7F
0 0017AC54 900907EC
0 0017AC58 900907F0
SET OGP= C1A907F07B7A0020FF8D0000409D0008
SET COP= 3C007F7F900907EC900907F0409D0008
You'll never die, but the grey screen occurs once, then you get full health. Water can still kill you.

Cole Does Not React To Harm (NOTE)
0 0017AC7C 60000000
SET OGP=7C1958CE901C0000
SET COP=7C1958CE60000000
Don't use this without the code "Cole Never Dies" or the screen will go black right about where you would normally die.

Ionic Charges Never Decrease
0 001582F4 60000000
SET OGP=7C8407B4481CC70D
SET COP=7C8407B460000000
It's the one thing I really wanted the whole game that nobody found yet. I don't know why this works, I just know it hasn't failed me yet so I'm enjoying it.

Instant Karma Changes Version 1
0 0012FE34 EC210028
SET OGP=813E80ACEC21002A
SET COP=813E80ACEC210028
Very unstable and hard to control. Hit a civilian, you might instantly be infamous. Heal a person, you might instantly be a hero. Heavy emphasis on very unstable. I walked by a car and became infamous, got the evil video, exploded, became infamous again, and it's a bit of a problem. So change to whatever you want, quickly save, and then turn it off.

Instant Karma Changes Version 2
0 0012FE58 60000000
SET OGP=7F83E3784BFFD699
SET COP=7F83E37860000000
This is a lot more easier to use than the other 1, it's just a pain trying to find something good to do because any bad thing can make you lose karma faster than you'll gain it, but something as simple as restraining an enemy will boost you up 1 level. 6 Restrains or healing a few people could make you a hero fast.

Nothing Changes Karma
0 0012FE50 60000000
SET OGP=7F0507B44BFFF891
SET COP=7F0507B460000000
It's good if you are a hero, and don't want to worry about tip toeing around civilians hoping not to harm the wrong things to lose karma so you can still go all out and blast the hell out of everything without it affecting your karma.

Can Only Gain ? Karma
0 0012FE6C ????????
SET OGP=FF9E0000409D00C0
SET COP=FF9E0000????????
480000C0 = Can Only Gain Evil Karma & Instantly Become Infamous
60000000 = Can Only Gain Good Karma & Instantly Become A Hero
Combine with the either of the first 2 for instantly leveling to the highest of whichever karma you pick.
04-05-2016, 04:13 AM #112
Do a barrel roll!
not sure what to do with this
04-05-2016, 04:18 AM #113
NextGenUpdate Elite
Originally posted by RoughNeck420 View Post
not sure what to do with this

decrypt eboot, open eboot.elf in hex editor...ctrl+r..first slot use OGP second slot use COP..change search to hex string...or use net cheat/artemis (0 0012fe6c is net cheat code)
04-11-2016, 07:36 AM #114
Do a barrel roll!
there arent any modded eboots available? i could try but idk if i can figure that out
04-11-2016, 12:15 PM #115
NextGenUpdate Elite
Originally posted by RoughNeck420 View Post
there arent any modded eboots available? i could try but idk if i can figure that out

Not that I know of..I would rather do things myself then rely on cheat pkgs but that's just me..I can mod an eboot for you, or I can walk you through the process but through pm since this isn't a discussion thread
04-11-2016, 07:15 PM #116
Do a barrel roll!
i would appreciate the hell out of that.. I tried getting the torrent of the game but all the ones i found i kinda felt like they had viruses so i just bought the disk still have to wait for it to come in the mail though.. Do you have skype?
04-11-2016, 08:53 PM #117
NextGenUpdate Elite
Originally posted by RoughNeck420 View Post
i would appreciate the hell out of that.. I tried getting the torrent of the game but all the ones i found i kinda felt like they had viruses so i just bought the disk still have to wait for it to come in the mail though.. Do you have skype?

you should repy with Quote so people know you replied..yes i do, pm me so this thread dont turn into a discussion
04-12-2016, 01:07 AM #118
Devil's never cry.
Wish i still had the game, Nevertheless great save.

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