Post: Xploder Guide on how to use same region/different region saves
12-23-2011, 04:29 AM #1
Do a barrel roll!
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this direction was posted by a chap from xploder(nobby69)

i copied/pasted this guide coz so far, this method works 100%


Using same region save :
1. download the save you get from xploder database. Or if you get your friend save on usb, copy it to your pc using the xploder program.
2. plug in usb and let xploder program format so that it will work on xploder.
3. plug in the usb that is formated by xploder program into your ps3.
4. Start the game you want to transfer the save to and make a save. (skip this step if you already have a existing save of the game) (make sure that the save slot that the save is saved into is different to the save that is downloaded or for transfer ie download save is BCESXXXXX_01 and your own save is BCESXXXXX_02, it cannot be both BCESXXXXX_01 or _02)
5. copy the save from your ps3 to the usb
6. plug in the usb to your pc and make sure you see it in the xploder program (it is best to have only 1 save in the usb
as the description of the save doesnot show if its on the usb)
7. Assuming your own save on the usb is BCESXXXXX_01 and the downloaded save is BCESXXXXX_02. Drag BCESXXXXX_02 on the left window of the xploder program "Media files on my PC" directly onto your own save on the right window "Media files on my memory card"
8. After the copy is completed you should see the save that you have downloaded is now listed under the save id as your own save on the right window ""Media files on my memory card".
9. Now copy the "resign" save to your ps3 and load it up.

Using saves of different region:
1. plug in usb and let xploder program format so that it will work on xploder.
2. download the save you get from xploder database and copy it to the xploder formated usb using the xploder program. Or if you get your friend save on usb, copy it to the PS3/SAVADATA folder of the xploder formated usb. eg BLUSXXXXX_09
3. plug in the usb that is formated by xploder program into your ps3.
4. Start the game you want to transfer the save to and make 2 saves eg BCESXXXXX_01 and BCESXXXXX_02. (skip this step if you already have 2 existing saves of the game)
5. copy the save eg BCESXXXXX_02 from your ps3 to the usb
6. Go to file manager or window explorer and go to PS3/SAVEDATA directory on the usb, you should see 2 saves eg BLUSXXXXX_09 (save you downloaded or from friend) and BCESXXXXX_02 (your own save copy from your ps3)
7. copy 2 files PARAM.PFD and SYS-DATA (some save file is USR-DATA or APP.BIN instead of SYS-DATA, just not the PARAM.SFO and ICON0.png file) from BLUSXXXXX_09 folder over to BCESXXXXX_02 folder and overwrite.
8. Delete BLUSXXXXX_09 folder folder from PS3/SAVEDATA
9. Go to xploder program and click refresh memory stick for the save to show on the right window "Media files on my memory card" and copy the save to pc. Delete the save from memory card after copy it to pc.
10. Now copy save BCESXXXXX_01 your ps3 to the xploder formated usb
11. Drag save BCESXXXXX_02 on the left window of the xploder program "Media files on my PC" directly onto save BCESXXXXX_01 on the right window "Media files on my memory card"
12. There will be a pop-up windows during the copy saying it didn't pass intergity check, just click ok and it will continue copying.
13. After the copy is completed you should see the 2 saves BCESXXXXX_01 and BCESXXXXX_02 listed under the same id.
14. Now copy the BCESXXXXX_02 save to your ps3 and load it up.

- for saves you can use the ones on gamefaqs or here at ngu. however, let me clarify that SOME trophies will pop automatically, SOME will not - either you have to do the specific task to earn the trophy or you have to finish a level.
still, for OFW Users like me, this is the closest that you can get if you want to get the trophies easily

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