Post: What's the most ridiculous thing someone has threatened you with?
02-16-2015, 04:20 PM #1
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); All in the title....

This is mine:
I was playing with my mate whilst I was modding last week. When I started an argument where some lady was like 'my cousins works for R* & I'm going to tell him to ban you.' So since I know what you need in order to report & get someone banned so I said to her how does he ban people & who has he banned?
She replied saying 'He banned me on BLACK OPS2 for getting my account modded'
I was like wtf I didn't know R* made BO2 loooooooool
(Everyone in the lobby started laughing)

What's someone said to you?

-Skype: pr3stigious gamer

Set up:
Rogero 4.55 CEX with PSNpatch & PSninja
DARKNET 4.66 CEX with PSNpatch & PSninja
Habib 4.66 CEX with PSNpatch & PSninja
Ferrox 4.70 CEX with PSNpatch & PSninja
Last edited by PR3ST1G1OUSGAMA ; 02-28-2015 at 10:10 AM.

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dawoodk786, Gemi, sven34649845
01-08-2016, 03:35 AM #83
Do a barrel roll!
The worst threat that happened to me was when I was modding with a friend in a lobby and he private messages me to trickshot with him so I did just for fun...
Then I realize he grabbed my IP and told me it and threatened to swat me unless I gave him mods which weren't mine, they were a friends so I sort of said no and he said
he was going to but I never did.. cause I had a IP Cloak on seb5594
01-15-2016, 07:43 PM #84
I was modding Black Ops 2 using RTM and I was on a private session and this Kid joins because he is my friends friend or some shit. And then I leave and he messages me. I'll get my dad to shoot you and drown you in lard.... I just laughed it off and said come at me :P
01-21-2016, 05:59 AM #85
Pokemon Trainer
Hmm ok so here we go.. I was modding GTA V the usual giving out money from robbing stores the old mods then some kid sends me a message saying "Give money or banned" I laughed and ignored th message couple minutes later he sends another message saying "GIVE ME MONEY OR I'M HACKING YOUR ACCOUNT" So i replied "please no don't Gasp" He continued to follow me around GTA for about an hour when i say follow i mean follow my car was full so hes running after me lol i didn't give him a penny lol. He then sends me another message saying "THATS IT I'M HACKING YOUR ACCOUNT AT 12:00" 12:00 passed and i was still online...

There was another time i was on GTA V modding i came across another modder he was hating on me for some reason lol I had the mod menu when ECB menu 1st got leaked or released not sure anyway he didn't have it he only had godmode. He then continued to send me hateful messages "NOOB" "I Bet your on CEX" lol So i replied saying.. " I hope the tool your using steals your console id" He then looses it and sends me a IP address. "BOOTING YOU OFFLINE" I checked the IP and it was in Russia. lmao I was in the UK

There was another time.. hahaha
I was on my legit account and some kid sends me a message stating hes from NGU and he can "Jailbreak my PS3 account so it has modmenu on MW3" <-- IKR like WTF further down the message it has a YT link " PROOF" "SUB ME" i looked at the link and it was CUSTOM PATCHERS YT LMFAO
Last edited by PS3lTA ; 01-22-2016 at 01:01 AM. Reason: :)
01-22-2016, 05:04 AM #86
Tell their dad that worked for Sony to ban me if I didn't give him money on GTA 5
01-25-2016, 09:41 AM #87
Do a barrel roll!
A guy threatened me over Skype that he would ban me offline forever? Ddos my internet continually until his computer breaks 😂. Just because I wasn't co-hosting him my menu on BO2. He ever pretended to get his 'modder friend' off kik to say they were both going to ban me forever and I'll regret I ever replied back to him (looolllllll) still haven't been banned since and Internet hasn't been down once!

Damn 12 year olds today😂😂😂
01-25-2016, 01:35 PM #88
You talkin to me?
"I will come to your country and beat you" ROFL
01-26-2016, 06:28 AM #89
"I know where you live (gave me my address) .. I'll see you around" lol
02-02-2016, 03:43 PM #90
Guy called me out for hacking and sent me a pic of his asshole... Sal

The following user thanked Fixed Username for this useful post:

02-04-2016, 02:47 AM #91
Originally posted by HMTTKB View Post
I was playing MW2 using single aimbot and one random guy message me that he just reported me to sony for hacking. He told me that his dad work for sony and he will tell his dad to have me banned. I message him telling him that i am so scare right now and if he can tell his dad to take back the report and i will give him cfg. He message me that he have told his dad to not banned me anymore. He added me and i invited him into my pre-game lobby with the de rank cfg. After he did that, he message me F*uck that F*ck this and he will tell his dad to have me banned for sure. I dont really give a shit since its MW2. I kinda feel bad for him cuz he was kinda stupid.

I was playing bo2 in a random lobby one day, and some kid yelled out "I WILL RAPE YOUR ASS" just cuz i kept killing him. It was kinda funny, but still pretty rude to say

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