Post: Can you still unlock trophies?
03-07-2019, 03:30 PM #1
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); With cheats enabled etc?
03-08-2019, 04:46 PM #2
Member of the Month
It really depends on the cheat you are applying. Make an example on what you are currently looking to.

In general cheats applied from SW aren't affecting trophies in any way.

however it can mess up some requirements for unlocking some trophies. For example if there is a trophy for reaching a character level to 50, and SW has a cheat for applying max level and that level is 99, you virtually bypass the 50 check and can possibly not get the "reach level 50 character". And in topo of all it depends mostly on how the game does the check on trophies. Some will check when you get from level 49 to 50. Others will check every time you get some experience in the game so if you apply the 99 cheat and get some experience, you will unlock, for example, "reach level 15", "reach level 30", "reach level 50" and "reach level 99" all at once.

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