As I promised, I have made a Playstation 4 update bypasser. This little utility will allow you to bypass the 3.55 update making your system stay on a lower firmware.
Currently this has only been tested on a US console on a 3.50 firmware. To make this work for EU users all you have to do is edit the ps4-updatelist.xml included inside the .rar file from "us" to "eu". Also don't mind the PSP/PS3 Mode as those haven't been tested yet.
- Press start on the utility.
- Add IP and Port to the PS4.
- Sign-In to PSN
- Profit?
How to download game updates, games, anything from the store etc. while using PSProxy:
1.) Get off the proxy
2.) Download your updates, and games or whatever you wanted.
3.) Once its downloaded, go back on the proxy and play your game.
Please let me know any bugs you encounter, I would gladly fix the problem for you.
Changes in v4.1.0.0 update:
- Added Brazil support.
- Minimize to system tray
- Check for updates button.
- New 'Options' dialog and few minor UI changes.
Changes in v4.0.0.0 update:
- Fixed additional bugs regarding PS Vita support. (Thanks Tustin <3)
Changes in v3.1.0.0 update:
- Fixed some few bugs regarding PS Vita support.
Changes in v3.0.0.0 update:
- Added PSVita and PS3 bypass update support.
Changes in v2.0.0.0 update:
- Added "Copy" to Log List by right clicking the list.
- You can now export the log by right clicking.
- Few bug bixes. (Adding PS3 support next update)
Download Link: You must login or register to view this content.
Virus Scan: You must login or register to view this content.
As I promised, I have made a Playstation 4 update bypasser. This little utility will allow you to bypass the 3.55 update making your system stay on a lower firmware.
Currently this has only been tested on a US console on a 3.50 firmware. To make this work for EU users all you have to do is edit the ps4-updatelist.xml included inside the .rar file from "us" to "eu". Also don't mind the PSP/PS3 Mode as those haven't been tested yet.
As I promised, I have made a Playstation 4 update bypasser. This little utility will allow you to bypass the 3.55 update making your system stay on a lower firmware.
Currently this has only been tested on a US console on a 3.50 firmware. To make this work for EU users all you have to do is edit the ps4-updatelist.xml included inside the .rar file from "us" to "eu". Also don't mind the PSP/PS3 Mode as those haven't been tested yet.