Post: Red Dead Redemption 2 - Save Set [CUSA03041]
11-01-2018, 11:58 AM #1
Flap Jack
A Pirate Boy
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I just changed the game region, to make it easier for people who have the US version.

Lending a Hand - Go to camp and talk to LS (Confront Leopard Strauss)(See his thread You must login or register to view this content.). Credits to You must login or register to view this content.

Paying Respect - Go to the localition in the map (See his thread You must login or register to view this content.). Credits to You must login or register to view this content.

Grin and Bear it - Load save then search around you for bear until he spawn and let the bear attack you then tap CIRCLE quickly until you can shot the bear and kill him then the trophy will pop. (See his thread You must login or register to view this content.). Credits to You must login or register to view this content.

Collector's Item - Just talk to Deborah MacGuiness. (See his thread You must login or register to view this content.). Credits to You must login or register to view this content.

Bountiful - Just sleep at camp one more time till afternoon and the trophy will pop. (See his thread You must login or register to view this content.). Credits to You must login or register to view this content.

Breaking and Entering - Rob Catfish Jacksons house, and it will pop. (Guide Location You must login or register to view this content.). Credits to You must login or register to view this content.

Take From the Rich - Start the Dutch mission, you will be going to Bronte's house, loot the guards, when you get to Bronte, before picking him up, Loot him and the trophy will pop. It's an easy and short mission. Credits to You must login or register to view this content.

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- Go to the trapper and buy all remaining equipments. (See his thread You must login or register to view this content.). Credits to the LEGEND You must login or register to view this content.

You must login or register to view this content. - 69 gold medals already. One more to go. (See his thread You must login or register to view this content.). Credits to the LEGEND You must login or register to view this content.

You must login or register to view this content. - Load save then go to the red marker on the map which is in top of white mountain and collect the squirrel statue. (See his thread You must login or register to view this content.). Credits to You must login or register to view this content.

You must login or register to view this content. - Go to any river or lake closer to you, and go fishing, use cheese bait (it attracts smaller fish, therefore easier) and fish for 1 or 2 times more. MAKE SURE to drop them back to water, do not keep them. Credits to You must login or register to view this content.

You must login or register to view this content. - Sleep two days and then talk to Javier, complete the property theft mission and then go back to the camp and deliver the item to Javier. Credits to You must login or register to view this content.

You must login or register to view this content. - Go to the camp and talk to Uncle (in the evening), he will give you a mission on animal theft. Credits to You must login or register to view this content.

You must login or register to view this content. - Load the game, you should start in a camp near the red marker, tear down the camp (circle button) travel to the red marker on the map which is close to the camp, go in the building around the back and the trophies will pop. (See his thread You must login or register to view this content.). Credits to You must login or register to view this content.
Last edited by Flap Jack ; 11-08-2018 at 01:27 PM.

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The following user groaned Flap Jack for this awful post:

11-11-2018, 11:38 AM #56
Originally posted by Fesh View Post
With "Artificial Intelligence & Western Stranger" there are multiple saves in the file (3 to be precise). Tried all of them and none of them seems to be working properly, in terms of location and progress. I thought I should be spawning on the top right of the map, where the lap is, but I didn't.

Can you see if that issue can be fixed please.

I'm dealing with the same problem as you. Hope someone can help
Last edited by anuaria ; 11-11-2018 at 11:39 AM.
11-11-2018, 11:52 AM #57
Originally posted by anuaria View Post
Originally posted by Fesh View Post
With "Artificial Intelligence & Western Stranger" there are multiple saves in the file (3 to be precise). Tried all of them and none of them seems to be working properly, in terms of location and progress. I thought I should be spawning on the top right of the map, where the lap is, but I didn't.

Can you see if that issue can be fixed please.

I'm dealing with the same problem as you. Hope someone can help

Just try to resign the huge save file (it's around 100MB). the only save you need to resign for the trophy. then delete all the save you already have on the PS4 then load the game. you will be spawn in camp fire, get up destroy the camp then turn 180, go to the marked location then 2 trophies will pop.
Last edited by carmania ; 11-11-2018 at 11:53 AM.
11-11-2018, 03:03 PM #58
i update save errand boy, no need do the mission with Javier,or search 'Oleander' plant. save US and EU. Only give item to Javier

The following 4 users say thank you to danilo_BR for this useful post:

raidensmith, t-bagwell, ThatEpicSomeone, tylerthegr8
11-11-2018, 11:01 PM #59
Do a barrel roll!
Everything looks good except the "Artificial Intelligence & Western Stranger"
Need that cleaned up/fixed and we will have a complete set.
11-11-2018, 11:07 PM #60
I am error
yup, Artificial Intelligence & Western Stranger dont work for me either once there fixed ill have 100% single player.
11-12-2018, 03:58 AM #61
Originally posted by Flap Jack View Post

Thank you, that was a fantastic work. Sadly, none of these trophies popped. No matter how many times I reload and do exactly what's in the description. Not complaining, just letting you know.

Update: Trophies unlocked when I did them offline. I don't know if that was a bug or by design. One more time, thank you very much.
Last edited by XboxOffender ; 11-12-2018 at 06:25 AM.
11-12-2018, 06:34 AM #62
Save Point
thanks bro!!!
11-12-2018, 11:54 AM #63
Hi, could you change the region to EU for It's Art, that would be really kind, i downloaded it from the EU savegames but my pc says it's a virus, thanks
11-12-2018, 06:27 PM #64
Originally posted by awesomw1 View Post
yup, Artificial Intelligence & Western Stranger dont work for me either once there fixed ill have 100% single player.

You need to delete all the save data you have on your PS4, then it will work. Just completed this trophy a couple of mins ago. Protection Status This content is certified and protected under DMCA guidelines and any attempt to copy or redistribute this content will be met with a DMCA takedown notice.

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