Post: Resident evil 2 remake save file leon "B" ending S rank [CUSA12497]
02-01-2019, 11:32 AM #1
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(Yay wallpapers!)

As per the title Resident evil 2 remake Leon "B" thanks to save wizard for making this easier also original system save from the link below I'd put his name in but it's all underscores

minimalist (Don't use the box next to you)
frugalist (Don't use the healing items in inventory)
small carbon footprint
a whole bunch of infinite ammo weapons. (mini-gun and rocket launcher equipped)
(just in case infinite ammo weapons get deleted, included system save)
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Last edited by aeneax ; 02-01-2019 at 03:39 PM.

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02-03-2019, 12:23 AM #2
02-03-2019, 04:02 AM #3
thanks for the info, hope to see more of it.
02-03-2019, 05:47 AM #4
Thanks so much
02-03-2019, 07:20 AM #5
02-04-2019, 01:55 AM #6
thank you
02-04-2019, 04:18 AM #7
Thank you
02-04-2019, 05:37 AM #8
thank u
02-04-2019, 07:51 AM #9
02-04-2019, 06:14 PM #10
thanks very much Protection Status This content is certified and protected under DMCA guidelines and any attempt to copy or redistribute this content will be met with a DMCA takedown notice.

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