Originally posted by JamesDRobbins
still no trophies for no loose ends or new boss trophies i hate this game
Have you been trying all this time? I have some various posts on my own advice on at least one of those, but in general, I'd recommend examining what you've been doing with the profile save. Remember that this is where the progress for trophies like that save to. So if you see an attempt doesn't work, then resign and replace the saves on your PS4 including the profile save, then you're also replacing the progress you might have made towards No Loose Ends (I'm a bit less familiar with New Boss glitches). Since No Loose Ends carries across playthroughs, that's progress you don't want to lose. You might have also grabbed, at some point, a profile save that on your particular patch the trophy just won't pop no matter what and so if you keep that one, it could be a Cisyphian task to keep pumping progress into it.
If you have the endurance to keep trying for it, I'd recommend starting with a fresh playthrough and fresh profile save, and maybe also an added step to clear your PS4 of any potential glitch with the trophy file (back up everything you can first). If you want to do the latter, know that it will be annoying and time-consuming, but you would be deleting your account off your PS4, then adding it back again -- again, back up everything. Sync your trophies, back up your saves, back up screenshots, videos, anything else on there you want to except for games which you won't need to. There are guides on deleting your profile and what that does if you want to look into it, but if something is actually glitched in a file that should help although it could happen again.
Then, if you've put all your saves and everything back on your PS4, delete the Mafia III ones (have them backed up somewhere else though). You're just doing a speedrun. Make sure they're all gone. Then launch the game, speed through the intro, then do the bare minimum necessary for getting both trophies. There are specific things to watch for with No Loose Ends. I forget whether tapping the phones still has an effect on the trophy - either you needed to do it or needed to avoid it, and they reversed it at one point - but whichever you do, do that for ALL racket bosses. But more than that, get familiar with the "III" logo that indicates the game is saving. While the animation is playing when you're actually taking out a racket boss, it should save (on a Pro). At whatever point it does it on your system, which might be different depending on a few factors, look for that logo and make sure it saves at that point BEFORE you assign the district to someone. Because it saves again after you assign the district, that is your chance to ask yourself whether or not it saved. If you're sure you saw it save as Lincolon was doing his thing, then it's safe to assign the district. If you did not see that logo, exit the application. If you're not positive, it might still be safe to exit. Maybe twice a playthrough it glitches like this. Once if you're lucky. Even though you've done everything correctly. Then, your profile save won't register that you offed that racket boss until you do the exact same thing the exact same way on the next playthrough without even knowing you need to. Which is annoying. (But also why I was noting above that part of the problem could be if you're swapping around profile saves.)
Anyway, that's my 2 cents. The point at the game where you could have popped 2 trophies, it's a good day and a half of gaming if you're gaming around 5 or 6 hours per day. Obviously many people do much more than that. It's not too terrible, and it's a fun game. Until the trophies glitch.