Post: The Evil Within + DLC's Save Set [CUSA00375]
08-16-2017, 12:28 PM #1
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My first post, I thought I might share my Evil Within trophy sets, these will earn you the most difficult trophies with very little cleanup trophies you can earn with these saves using New Game + and Chapter Select. I've added instructions to each save, if they don't work let me know. Enjoy !

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Load the AUTOSAVE first! it is saved at the finale.
Shoot Ruvik in the chest then proceed through the game and after the credits you will earn:
One Of Many (Defeat Ruvik)
It Is What It Is (Complete game with no upgrades)
First Step Into Darkness (complete game on casual difficulty)

Load up the chapter 2 save next.
Once loaded, turn around and grab the missing poster which is the final collectible and will earn you the Every Nook and Cranny trophy.
After that, continue on with the game until you reach the next savepoint where you can upgrade the remaining skills to unlock 5 trophies:
Hardbody (Upgrade all sebastians attributes)
My Best Friend (Fully upgraded one weapon)
The Power Of Three (Fully upgraded 3 weapons)
Unstoppable Arsenal (Fully upgraded all weapons)
Why Can't I Hold All This Ammo? (Fully upgraded stock ammos)

After all that just head around the back of the office and open the final remaining locker to earn the trophy:
Master of Unlocking (Open all the lockers)

Also note:
400 kill count for One Man Army shouldn't be that far off either, so kill some enemies to get kill count trophies as they stack.
Use the rocket launcher on chapter 6 in the burning house and kill 10 enemies to earn Blow Up The Playing Field trophy.
This save is also best to do the clean up & chapter specific trophies so use the New Game + and Chapter Select feature to clean up the rest of the trophies.

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Auto-Saved at the finale.
Quickly shoot Ruvik in the chest (The timing window you get to shoot him is very short in Aukumu)
Proceed to the credits and you will earn 3 trophies:*

Another Day On The Job (Complete the game on Survival difficulty)
Master Of Horror (Complete the game on Nightmare difficulty)
You Asked For It (Complete the game on Akumu difficulty)

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Auto-Saved at finale.
Just shoot Ruvik and finish the game to earn the speedrun trophy:
The Quick and The Dead (Complete the game in under 5 hours)

That's it for the Main Game trophies Smile

The Assignment DLC

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Load up the autosave, pause the game and go onto archives, put the last piece of the letter together and you will earn thr trophy:
A Warning (complete the torn letter)

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Load up the autosave and simply stealth Joseph 3 times with the axe only without using anything else to distract him. You will earn
All You Need Is Axe (defeat Joseph without any electronics/noise makers)

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Load up the autosave, there will be traps on the floor outside the door a haunted will shortly burst through, there will also be 2 more haunteds and another trap floor inside that door, simply lure 2 or more enemies onto the trap floor and kill them with it to earn the trophy:
Clutch (Kill 2 or more enemies with a single trap)

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Load up the save and pick up the item from the rocking chair. You will earn the trophy:
A Piece Of My Path (collect all Personnel Documents)

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Once loaded proceed down the stairs untill you reach the double doors that automatically open. Right in front of the door, to your left is the last research document on top of the cabinet. Picking it up will earn you the trophy:
Doctor's Notes (collect all Research Documents)
Proceed a little bit further and you'll get to the end of chapter 1. Simply activate the elevator then hide. Play a little game of hide and seek while the power restores. If you're having trouble then use this guide:
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A Different Beggining (complete chapter 1)

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Load up the autosave, run away from shadow man and avoide the claws, once complete you will earn the trophy:
Not As It Seems (complete chapter 2)

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Same as above. You will earn the trophy:
Not Afraid Of The Dark (complete the game in Kurayami Mode)

The only trophy you will need left for this dlc is the Prank Call which is early on chapter one and is easy to get.
Last edited by Vicodin10 ; 02-13-2022 at 05:14 PM.

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11-26-2017, 11:37 AM #92
Modding Passion
Anyone have save with Double Barrel Shotgun???
11-27-2017, 11:39 PM #93
Gym leader
Originally posted by markl1989 View Post
Here I Re-regioned the Akuma Mode save I didn't need the Profile it worked without it

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This is the speed Run trophy

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It Is What It Is an All Collectibles an Upgrades
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Nevermind, problem solved. Thanks fo re-regioning! A pity, that all the other saves are EU-only because I can´t re-region them to US for some strange reason. The Import function in SW just doesn´t work for me.
Last edited by frez0r ; 11-27-2017 at 11:46 PM.
11-28-2017, 01:03 AM #94
Little One
Cant reregion too to CUSA 1082, still EU but a different version :/ got unhandled error when i import the file and the save crash on load
11-28-2017, 03:54 PM #95
No one have CUSA 1082

I need akumu trophy on t5his version!! Anyone?? please
12-08-2017, 10:11 PM #96
Last edited by michmaster ; 02-19-2020 at 06:04 PM.
12-08-2017, 11:04 PM #97
Dawn Of The Legion
I just cant understand it why I need to re-region if my version of game is same as the uploader one except the numbers ? also how to hanlde the numbers part in this re-region
12-24-2017, 05:43 PM #98
Do a barrel roll!
Originally posted by RageSoul51 View Post
Quoting myself to help others out. Load the speedrun save, NG+ Chapter select Chapter 6 and get a Freeze and a Shock kill.

Did you copy the Profile Data File??
12-24-2017, 11:07 PM #99
Originally posted by abulnoor View Post
Did you copy the Profile Data File??

I re region it without the profile that and got it.
12-25-2017, 06:26 AM #100
Do a barrel roll!
Originally posted by bensora View Post
I re region it without the profile that and got it.

And got the Full House trophy?? Protection Status This content is certified and protected under DMCA guidelines and any attempt to copy or redistribute this content will be met with a DMCA takedown notice.

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