Post: scammed by styler_ua
09-20-2010, 08:37 PM #1
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When did this happen: about 3-4 weeks ago. I gave him a psn card and he claims it doesn’t work n he keeps commanding me to refund him. And I just bought it right before I gave it to him. And he speaks bad English so I don’t know if he has an eu acc or if he wrote the code wronge. Iam not sure what he ngu usename is. I just want to open this because I am innocent and he scammed me. I don’t even care or want the guy banned I just want EVERYONE to know im not guilty and to watch out for this guy

How did you purchase: psn card

How much: 20$

Did you;
- Buy:<- I bought
- Sell?
- Trade?

Have you contacted the scammer:-yes
If yes, What did they say:- said that I’m lying to him n I deceived him

Other comments- says he would report me to Sony
09-20-2010, 10:30 PM #2
Well we can't do anything unless we know his username.....Was this guy from NGU or was the dealings made outside of NGU if not then you should have a thread or PM's with him talking to you and that will have his username. So unless the dealings were done on NGU or proof on NGU we can't do anything sorry.
09-20-2010, 10:37 PM #3
Originally posted by Calfreezy View Post
Well we can't do anything unless we know his username.....Was this guy from NGU or was the dealings made outside of NGU if not then you should have a thread or PM's with him talking to you and that will have his username. So unless the dealings were done on NGU or proof on NGU we can't do anything sorry.

this deal was made outside of ngu. but i will try to find his username
09-20-2010, 10:42 PM #4
Originally posted by wildhare View Post
this deal was made outside of ngu. but i will try to find his username

Ok well if there is no proof of a thread or a post then unfortunatly we have no evidence or anything against him. But if you could find the seller/scammer then I would happily contact him.
09-20-2010, 10:45 PM #5
Originally posted by Calfreezy View Post
Ok well if there is no proof of a thread or a post then unfortunatly we have no evidence or anything against him. But if you could find the seller/scammer then I would happily contact him.

ok. there's really nothing to prove. well i can take pics of me sending im the code and him saying it doesnt work. is that good
09-20-2010, 10:46 PM #6
Originally posted by wildhare View Post
ok. there's really nothing to prove. well i can take pics of me sending im the code and him saying it doesnt work. is that good

It would be but not much point if there is no username to claim it on. But thanks for the heads up and maybe the next person to be scammed can shed light on who it is on NGU
09-20-2010, 10:50 PM #7
Originally posted by Calfreezy View Post
It would be but not much point if there is no username to claim it on. But thanks for the heads up and maybe the next person to be scammed can shed light on who it is on NGU

i am still trying to find his user name. well anyways the point was to tell ppl that i not a scammer. and to watch out for this guy
09-20-2010, 10:56 PM #8
Originally posted by wildhare View Post
i am still trying to find his user name. well anyways the point was to tell ppl that i not a scammer. and to watch out for this guy

Sweet thanks anyways. Closed Until further notice

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