Post: Finishing BFBC2 Plat
09-11-2011, 06:43 PM #1
Cloud 9
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); All I Need for BFBC2 Plat is destroy 22 Satalite links, Knife 5 friends ,and 20 demolish kills.
So Just offer me a price. BTW i also have the save data cloud for PS+ i think i may have more thn 10 satellite links found.
09-14-2011, 01:55 PM #2
Little One
Originally posted by iMoReNo View Post
All I Need for BFBC2 Plat is destroy 22 Satalite links, Knife 5 friends ,and 20 demolish kills.
So Just offer me a price. BTW i also have the save data cloud for PS+ i think i may have more thn 10 satellite links found.

i can do it if you wish psn card ok? Pm me

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