Post: [READ] Before posting a new thread
06-06-2018, 10:09 PM #1
[move]mov eax, 69[/move]
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Before posting a new thread be sure you have read this thread carefully and know what is expected from you when posting in this section.

Posting a thread in regards to a question

You need to be explicit otherwise people get perplexed about your question. It also needs to be related to this section, if it isn't and you have made a mistake and need the thread moved, contact a member of staff to rectify the problem.

Please provide code samples relating to your question. It's not a must have but it helps other developers or people in the community answer your question more efficiently. Sometimes they can understand your code better than your question.

Releasing Source

When releasing a thread for your open sourced project please ensure that you have a valid link. DO NOT share links redirecting to another forum!. Provide a detailed description about your project and what it is and what it can be used for. If possible provide some pictures.

Do not create threads that are promising a release of a source. I've seen a few threads that have been released and all they consist of is pictures and some text. That is irrelevant and your thread will be closed.
Last edited by Algebra ; 06-07-2018 at 10:43 PM.

The following user thanked Algebra for this useful post:

06-07-2018, 01:19 AM #2
Originally posted by Algebra View Post
Before posting a new thread be sure you have read this thread carefully and know what is expected from you when posting in this section.

Posting a thread in regards to a question

You need to be explicit otherwise people get perplexed about your question. It also needs to be related to this section, if it isn't and you have made a mistake and need the thread moved, contact a member of staff to rectify the problem.

Please provide code samples relating to your question. It's not a must have but it helps other developers or people in the community answer your question more efficiently. Sometimes they can understand your code better than your question.

Releasing Source

When releasing a thread for your open sourced project please ensure that you have a valid link. DO NOT share links redirecting to another forum!. Provide a detailed description about your project and what it is and what it can be used for. If possible provide some pictures.

Do not create threads that are promising a release of a source. I've seen a few threads that have been released and all they consist of is pictures and some text. That is irrelevant and your thread will be closed.

Should just make this a sticky in the general programming section or see if someone can make this an announcement for this section. It's really important because both things your describe are issues.

The following user thanked 1UP for this useful post:

06-07-2018, 03:29 PM #3
[move]mov eax, 69[/move]
Originally posted by 1UP View Post
Should just make this a sticky in the general programming section or see if someone can make this an announcement for this section. It's really important because both things your describe are issues.

I will move this to the Computer Programming section once I am finished the edit. Thanks.

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