// Open our PHP script
// Here we can write our code. Notice the "//" without the quotation marks We could also use "/* Comment */".
// We use /* Comment */ when commenting multiple lines instead of manually typing "//" on each individual line.
// Comment's can only be used inside our PHP script. In HTML5 you would need to use "<!-- These tags to display a comment -->"
// We can use comment's various of way's. Below is a few ways we can put comments into use.
// The users name that wins the race.
$winner = "Derek";
* Below we check if the winner of the race is Derek.
* If the winner of the race is Derek we display Yay!.
* If it is not Derek we echo Nay!.
if ($winner === "Derek") {
echo "Yay!";
}else {
echo "Nay!";
// Closing our PHP script
// We can use both single and double quotation marks when displaying comments.
// Example 1
echo "Some random text.";
// Example 2
echo 'More random text.';
// Both examples above give off the same results, however we can use double quotation marks to work with data.
// The next example will display our string variable. I show 2 ways of displaying our string.
// Example 3
$name = "Derek";
echo "My name is $name";
// This way we concatenate our string to our current text being displayed.
echo 'My name is ' . $name;
* Below is the correct way to name your variables although right now my naming convention isn't that great.
* We are not allowed specify variables with a numerical value after the $ sign. See below.
* $711 = "value";
* The above demonstration would give an error. Test this out for yourself and play around with it.
$value = 711;
$_value = 117;
// We can create multiple data types with a variable see below.
// A String
$username = "Algebra";
// An Integer
$age = 18;
// A Float / Double Value
$height = 5.12;
// A Boolean
$truth = true;
// An Array
$friends = array("Josh", "John", "David");
// Another way of declaring an array of values: $friends = ["Josh", "John", "David"];
// Example 1
echo "Displaying this text to the screen!";
// Example 2
echo("Displaying text to the screen");
// Example 3
print "This way of outputting is the same as echo except this has a return value (of 1) and echo has not.";
// Example 4
print("Echo is slightly faster than me!");
* We can also use single quotation marks when displaying text to the screen.
* I explained the differences between both in the PHP Quotation Marks section.
echo 'Single Quote output';
// You can not use single quotes inside single quotes or double quotes inside double quotes.
// We can use double quotes inside single quotes and single quotes inside double quotes.
// However you can use them by adding a backslash, see below.
echo 'on\'t mess with me!';
echo "\"Don't mess with me\"";
// Below we set an array of values. Then we access these values inside our array, and then we output them.
// Arrays start from 0 and iterate each time you add a value. Arrays can hold multiple data types.
// Remember our "Quotation Marks" section, well the same is expected inside an array when working with strings.
// I would suggest always using double quotation marks when working with an array of data.
$team = array("Derek", "Age" => 34, "John");
// We want to select the first string from our array of data.
echo "$team[0] scored a goal!";
// Now we want to select the last string from our array of data.
echo $team[1] . ' scored an own goal and is now suffering from severe depression, his career is ruined.';
// We now want to use our Key / Value pair to display Josh's age.
echo "Josh is $team['Age'] years old!";
* You might be confused about the arrays count. Since Age is before John, but since we are specifying a key => value pair
* We must access that key's value using the name of our key, which is Age. So we would access this by typing $team['Age'].
* This would then give us that keys value which is 34.
// In this example we will compare two values a numerous of ways to display different results, using if statements.
$dereks_age = 21;
$johns_age = 18;
// Comparing different types of results that may happen.
// I use if, elseif, else in the example shown below.
// If one of our checks is equal to true then it will only execute our code inside that block. The other conditions being checked will be skipped.
if ($dereks_age > $johns_age) {
echo "Derek is older than John";
} elseif ($dereks_age != $johns_age) {
echo "Derek is not the same age as John.";
} elseif ($dereks_age == $johns_age) {
echo "Derek is the same age as John.";
} elseif ($dereks_age < $johns_age) {
echo "Derek is younger than John.";
} elseif ($johns_age <= $dereks_age) {
echo "John is younger or the same age as Derek.";
} elseif ($johns_age >= $dereks_age) {
echo "John is the same age as Derek or older.";
} else {
echo "John is older than Derek.";
* In the above example we compared multiple results that could happen.
* Some are the same results but others are not. We are basically asking if it's true or false.
* The operators we used are listed below. We will go over some more of these in the future sections.
* [color=blue]==, <=, >=, >, <, !=[/color]
* Other logical operators we could have used. I would recommend searching up more about these.
*[color=red] ||, &&, ![/color]
// Below is an example usage of a switch statement.
// There is 3 parts of a switch statement. There is the case, break, and default.
// We discussed what case was in the above synopsis.
// The break happens when we want to jump to the next case.
// Finally we have our default. Default is used if we didn't receive the result we were expecting. So we set a default result.
$age = 18;
switch ($age) {
case 15:
echo "You are 15 years old!";
case 16:
echo "You are 16 years old!";
case 17:
echo "You are 17 years old!";
case 18:
echo "You are 18 years old!";
echo "We could not determine your age!";
// Below I demonstrate how a for loop operates.
// I set a variable and iterate through it and increase the value of x on each iteration, see below.
$x = 0;
for ($i = 1; $i < 19; $i++) {
echo ++$x . " of 18" . "<br>";
// The above for loop will iterate until our variable $i has a value of 19. Which will also echo the line of text 18 times.
// The above code will echo a line like below 18 times.
// 1 of 18
// 2 of 18 etc
// We will make two foreach constructs. The first example will assign an array to a variable and echo it's value.
// Example 1:
$foods = array("Tuna", "Chicken", "Pork", "Beef");
foreach ($foods as $food) {
echo "I Love $food";
// The next example we will use a key => value pair and display our name and age.
// Example 2:
$aboutMe = array("Derek" => 18, "Josh" => 21, "John" => 37);
foreach ($aboutMe as $name => $age) {
echo "Hey my names $name and my age is $age! <br>";
// Below I set a numeric value, then use a while loop to iterate until our variable equals our expected value.
$population = 0;
while ($population <= 21) {
echo "Added ". ++$population ." <br>";
// The above while loop will execute & output our text 21 times.
// While loops are useful if we want to repeat our condition until our expected result is met.
// The usage is quite similar to the while loop.
// However a do while loop always executes our code before our condition is met.
// Unlike our while loops it first checks our condition then executes our code repeatedly until the condition is met.
// Example:
$population = 1;
do {
echo "Our population is " . $population++ . "<br>";
} while ($population <= 21);
// First we will show the correct way of assigning a constant value.
// Our constants must be all UPPERCASE and each word divided by an underscore.
define("AGE", 1;
define("NAME", "John Doe");
define("USERS_ADDRESS", "123 Hacker Way");
// Here we concatenate our constants to our output being displayed.
echo "My name is " . NAME . " I'm " . AGE . " years old. I live at " . USERS_ADDRESS;
// The incorrect way of defining constants would be defining them as shown below.
define("happy", "I'm not happy");
define("lil_depressed", "Favorite rapper");
define("50_cent", "2 fiddy");
// Remember all our constant defined values must all be uppercase and start with a letter followed by an underscore, letters and numbers.
// Below we create a function that will assign a new value to our $age variable.
$age = 18;
$name = "";
function oneYearLater() {
$age = 19;
// We can call this function now since we have created it above.
// We can not call this function yet as it has not being created yet.
// name();
// However now that we have created our function we can call it after it has been parsed.
function name() {
$name = "Derek";
// This will now change our variable $name to the assigned value.
// Next we will pass 2 parameters to a function.
// In our function we will use the parameters in our output.
function aboutMe($age, $name) {
echo "My name is " . $name . " I am " . $age . " years old.";
// Since we assigned a value inside the above functions for each of our variables, we wont get the originally assigned values.
// This will display My name is Derek I am 19 years old.
aboutMe($age, $name);
$info = "My names Derek and I'm 19 years old!";
// Okay so lets do some cool stuff with that very interesting string we declared.
// First we will see if it contains my name Derek, if it does or doesn't we will echo the result.
if (strpos($info, 'erek' === false) {
echo 'String does not contain Derek!';
} else {
echo 'String does contain Derek!';
// Okay so now we know how to check whether a string contains a specified string.
// How do we check the length of a string?
// Below we can count the length of a string. Lets store it in a new variable named $length.
// Then we will echo its length!
$length = strlen($info);
echo "<br>The length of our string is " . $length;
* You will probably wonder why I put a <br> tag. Well because earlier we echoed if the string contained the word Derek
* Which it did so we break on to a new line.
* Now we will search for Derek and replace it with Dylan. we can do this with a built in function.
$update_info = str_replace('erek', 'ylan', $info);
echo '<br>' . $update_info;
// The above should output My names Dylan and I'm 19 years old!
// Next we can repeat a string. We can define how many times we want to repeat it check below.
echo '<br>';
$random = "Crazy<br>";
echo str_repeat($random, 5);
// Next I'm going to show how we can get a sub string. I will declare a new string and extract my name from it.
// We give it a negative 5 because we are starting from the end of the string.
// I will give two examples see below.
$name = "My names Derek";
echo substr($name, -5);
echo '<br>';
// Here we start at the beginning of the string and only return 5 characters.
// Which will return Derek
$name = "Derek is my name";
echo substr($name, -16, 5);
// First we will convert our numeric value into a binary value and print it.
// Some great naming convention going on here folks. But remember this is just for demonstration purposes!
$value = 19;
// We convert our Numeric value by passing 1 parameter to the decbin() function, we also want an 8 digit return value.
printf("%08d", decbin($value));
// Now we will convert the binary string value to a decimal value.
$bin_value = decbin($value);
printf("<br>%d", bindec($bin_value));
// Lets explain what we just did.
// First we declared our numeric value 19. Then we converted the numeric value to binary. We stored it in a variable named
// $bin_value, we then printed the numeric value using printf.
// What is %d? Think of this as a placeholder for our numerical digit. We then declare the value after our string.
// Note that your variables being declared in printf must be in the correct format. See below as an example.
$age = 19;
$name = "Derek";
printf("<br>My name is %s and my age is %d.", $age, $name);
// This is correct using %s as declaring a string format and then %d declaring an integer to format.
// We only pass 2 arguments our $name and our $age.
// If $age was before $name we would get: My name is 19 and my age is 0.
// Remember you need to format it correctly especially when passing our variables.
// Another example would be passing 2 integers but not in the correct order. See below
$games = 7;
$consoles = 2;
printf("<br>I have %d consoles but only %d games.", $games, $consoles);
// We want to display: I have 2 consoles but only 7 games.
// But we didn't declare our variables in the correct order so it will display: I have 7 consoles but only 2 games.
// See below for the correct order.
printf("<br>I have %d consoles but only %d games.", $consoles, $games);
// Now lets take a look at converting a decimal value to a hex value then from hex to decimal.
$age = 19;
$max = "FF";
echo "<br>My age in Hex is " . dechex($age);
echo "<br>Max hex value is: " . hexdec($max);
// Open our PHP script
// Here we can write our code. Notice the "//" without the quotation marks We could also use "/* Comment */".
// We use /* Comment */ when commenting multiple lines instead of manually typing "//" on each individual line.
// Comment's can only be used inside our PHP script. In HTML5 you would need to use "<!-- These tags to display a comment -->"
// We can use comment's various of way's. Below is a few ways we can put comments into use.
// The users name that wins the race.
$winner = "Derek";
* Below we check if the winner of the race is Derek.
* If the winner of the race is Derek we display Yay!.
* If it is not Derek we echo Nay!.
if ($winner === "Derek") {
echo "Yay!";
}else {
echo "Nay!";
// Closing our PHP script
// We can use both single and double quotation marks when displaying comments.
// Example 1
echo "Some random text.";
// Example 2
echo 'More random text.';
// Both examples above give off the same results, however we can use double quotation marks to work with data.
// The next example will display our string variable. I show 2 ways of displaying our string.
// Example 3
$name = "Derek";
echo "My name is $name";
// This way we concatenate our string to our current text being displayed.
echo 'My name is ' . $name;
* Below is the correct way to name your variables although right now my naming convention isn't that great.
* We are not allowed specify variables with a numerical value after the $ sign. See below.
* $711 = "value";
* The above demonstration would give an error. Test this out for yourself and play around with it.
$value = 711;
$_value = 117;
// We can create multiple data types with a variable see below.
// A String
$username = "Algebra";
// An Integer
$age = 18;
// A Float / Double Value
$height = 5.12;
// A Boolean
$truth = true;
// An Array
$friends = array("Josh", "John", "David");
// Another way of declaring an array of values: $friends = ["Josh", "John", "David"];
// Example 1
echo "Displaying this text to the screen!";
// Example 2
echo("Displaying text to the screen");
// Example 3
print "This way of outputting is the same as echo except this has a return value (of 1) and echo has not.";
// Example 4
print("Echo is slightly faster than me!");
* We can also use single quotation marks when displaying text to the screen.
* I explained the differences between both in the PHP Quotation Marks section.
echo 'Single Quote output';
// You can not use single quotes inside single quotes or double quotes inside double quotes.
// We can use double quotes inside single quotes and single quotes inside double quotes.
// However you can use them by adding a backslash, see below.
echo 'on\'t mess with me!';
echo "\"Don't mess with me\"";
// Below we set an array of values. Then we access these values inside our array, and then we output them.
// Arrays start from 0 and iterate each time you add a value. Arrays can hold multiple data types.
// Remember our "Quotation Marks" section, well the same is expected inside an array when working with strings.
// I would suggest always using double quotation marks when working with an array of data.
$team = array("Derek", "Age" => 34, "John");
// We want to select the first string from our array of data.
echo "$team[0] scored a goal!";
// Now we want to select the last string from our array of data.
echo $team[1] . ' scored an own goal and is now suffering from severe depression, his career is ruined.';
// We now want to use our Key / Value pair to display Josh's age.
echo "Josh is $team['Age'] years old!";
* You might be confused about the arrays count. Since Age is before John, but since we are specifying a key => value pair
* We must access that key's value using the name of our key, which is Age. So we would access this by typing $team['Age'].
* This would then give us that keys value which is 34.
// In this example we will compare two values a numerous of ways to display different results, using if statements.
$dereks_age = 21;
$johns_age = 18;
// Comparing different types of results that may happen.
// I use if, elseif, else in the example shown below.
// If one of our checks is equal to true then it will only execute our code inside that block. The other conditions being checked will be skipped.
if ($dereks_age > $johns_age) {
echo "Derek is older than John";
} elseif ($dereks_age != $johns_age) {
echo "Derek is not the same age as John.";
} elseif ($dereks_age == $johns_age) {
echo "Derek is the same age as John.";
} elseif ($dereks_age < $johns_age) {
echo "Derek is younger than John.";
} elseif ($johns_age <= $dereks_age) {
echo "John is younger or the same age as Derek.";
} elseif ($johns_age >= $dereks_age) {
echo "John is the same age as Derek or older.";
} else {
echo "John is older than Derek.";
* In the above example we compared multiple results that could happen.
* Some are the same results but others are not. We are basically asking if it's true or false.
* The operators we used are listed below. We will go over some more of these in the future sections.
* [color=blue]==, <=, >=, >, <, !=[/color]
* Other logical operators we could have used. I would recommend searching up more about these.
*[color=red] ||, &&, ![/color]
// Below is an example usage of a switch statement.
// There is 3 parts of a switch statement. There is the case, break, and default.
// We discussed what case was in the above synopsis.
// The break happens when we want to jump to the next case.
// Finally we have our default. Default is used if we didn't receive the result we were expecting. So we set a default result.
$age = 18;
switch ($age) {
case 15:
echo "You are 15 years old!";
case 16:
echo "You are 16 years old!";
case 17:
echo "You are 17 years old!";
case 18:
echo "You are 18 years old!";
echo "We could not determine your age!";
// Below I demonstrate how a for loop operates.
// I set a variable and iterate through it and increase the value of x on each iteration, see below.
$x = 0;
for ($i = 1; $i < 19; $i++) {
echo ++$x . " of 18" . "<br>";
// The above for loop will iterate until our variable $i has a value of 19. Which will also echo the line of text 18 times.
// The above code will echo a line like below 18 times.
// 1 of 18
// 2 of 18 etc
// We will make two foreach constructs. The first example will assign an array to a variable and echo it's value.
// Example 1:
$foods = array("Tuna", "Chicken", "Pork", "Beef");
foreach ($foods as $food) {
echo "I Love $food";
// The next example we will use a key => value pair and display our name and age.
// Example 2:
$aboutMe = array("Derek" => 18, "Josh" => 21, "John" => 37);
foreach ($aboutMe as $name => $age) {
echo "Hey my names $name and my age is $age! <br>";
// Below I set a numeric value, then use a while loop to iterate until our variable equals our expected value.
$population = 0;
while ($population <= 21) {
echo "Added ". ++$population ." <br>";
// The above while loop will execute & output our text 21 times.
// While loops are useful if we want to repeat our condition until our expected result is met.
// The usage is quite similar to the while loop.
// However a do while loop always executes our code before our condition is met.
// Unlike our while loops it first checks our condition then executes our code repeatedly until the condition is met.
// Example:
$population = 1;
do {
echo "Our population is " . $population++ . "<br>";
} while ($population <= 21);
// First we will show the correct way of assigning a constant value.
// Our constants must be all UPPERCASE and each word divided by an underscore.
define("AGE", 1;
define("NAME", "John Doe");
define("USERS_ADDRESS", "123 Hacker Way");
// Here we concatenate our constants to our output being displayed.
echo "My name is " . NAME . " I'm " . AGE . " years old. I live at " . USERS_ADDRESS;
// The incorrect way of defining constants would be defining them as shown below.
define("happy", "I'm not happy");
define("lil_depressed", "Favorite rapper");
define("50_cent", "2 fiddy");
// Remember all our constant defined values must all be uppercase and start with a letter followed by an underscore, letters and numbers.
// Below we create a function that will assign a new value to our $age variable.
$age = 18;
$name = "";
function oneYearLater() {
$age = 19;
// We can call this function now since we have created it above.
// We can not call this function yet as it has not being created yet.
// name();
// However now that we have created our function we can call it after it has been parsed.
function name() {
$name = "Derek";
// This will now change our variable $name to the assigned value.
// Next we will pass 2 parameters to a function.
// In our function we will use the parameters in our output.
function aboutMe($age, $name) {
echo "My name is " . $name . " I am " . $age . " years old.";
// Since we assigned a value inside the above functions for each of our variables, we wont get the originally assigned values.
// This will display My name is Derek I am 19 years old.
aboutMe($age, $name);
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